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biddy singalong (no goat herds)

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woofgang | 11:49 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
511 Answers

(accordion intro)

Watch me now,

Here I go,

All I need's a little snow



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Yep please kip.Ive run out of tibetan gobi berrys.not to be confused with them there chinese wolfberrys..tut. Lovely just to choo or bung some on the ole porridge.(:O)
Goji Berries i mean..(:O)
You're going to buy one feather Kit? should have plucked one out of neti's fan, seems like she's got less to cover....are you a sisterstik yet neti? Better blame all those tourists for bringing the lurgy out there.

Speaking of tourists...yes Vinny, we can write and read too, 'specially maps. You never know, I just might make it to Devon this year, I could do with a bit of beach lolling while I learn how to smoke a pipe....<turns map upside down> which way is it?
Oh, and don't think you can go out for a skinful & expect a handfull of gobby berries on ya porrige to make it right....tut.

you need one of these, Robinia, Aussies use it all the time .gif
erm, yes thanks jno, I never know if I'm on my head or my ar........

oh no , put em off Vinny...I'm not coming if there are other tourists there....
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good morning all I did a big long post yesterday then the net fell over and I lost the will to go on so I went and had a kip instead.
Dragging myself outdoors today as the local scented candle shop starts its sale. I am a bit of a Yankee candle fan you see.
How is everyone? getting over the various lurgies and viruses I hope (?hangovers Vinny? always wait till the match is over before going to sleep on the pool table)
How is Charlie's paw?
Shaney if you are reading this I hope you and Mr Shaney are okay too?
We are all fine apaprt from a moderate attack of canine digestive disfunction due we think to too much turkey. Rab has a somach like a concrete mixer but Shugh id a little more refined and hence delicate which doesn't stop him eating horse manure (frozen is favourite)
Later dudes
Hi All. Hope you are all coping with ailments and disappointments etc, I've not been out at night since Boxing Day, Getting withdrawal symptoms. Mind you it is bit on the cold side innit. Never mind eh. Will get back into the swing when it warms up a bit. Me and Tbag don't see much of each other now, He is very busy with all his teaching and playing piano committments, (;m not sorry really)
Getting ready to listen to Derby play Forest Green in the FA Cup. They are a non~league team and I may just give up if they lose today. Not really!!!!

A holiday in the West Country would suit me fine. I'm all for it if you want to join me Robi That's if Vinny will have us :o) !!

Evening dudes, don't know what happened there, I think I must have fallen asleep on an ironing board last night? Bought you some goji berries Vinny and then I ate'em on my way home, they're so yummilicious. Force Majeure situation don't you know, can't hold a person responsible for what they knock down their gullet can you now. Don't worry, I'll get you some new, they sell'em at the deli down my street. Their customer service is incredible. In all the years I've lived here I've never once asked them what something tastes like without them offering to open the container and let me judge for myself. They just say it's no bother and no waste, they will make use of the rest of it in their own kitchen.

Pluck a feather from Neti's fan, yes I just may have to do that Robi - they were all sold out at the feather shop :-) but as I was walking down one of the main streets a particularly lovely feather in another shop window caught my eye; I stood there as if spellbound, imagining what it would look like for the gift I am making. And then, slowly but surely, I became aware of the-the-the... objects that surrounded that feather in the display window. Guess what, it was a sex shop and there I'd been, daydreaming away for what in retrospect seems like minutes...! Completely focused on the feather and the thought of the fairytalish gift I am making, but did the passers by know that - nope. I swear I must have had a wistful smile on my lips as I stood there and that's what gets to me now, thinking back on what I must have looked like, ha ha ha... ha. (Tell yous more about the gift eventually.)

Poor Neti, that's a lot of weight to lose in such a short time, you must have been really ill.
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ah but did you buy the feather???
Nooooooooooo! I didn't go inside, did I!

Many a biddy have been asking "How's Charlie's paw", Woofy, and many a biddy have not been receiving a reply... (TUT!) But he seems to be out and about judging from this paparazzi shot...
Good morning tout le monde....anyone know what day it is? Is it actually daytime? So cold 'n gloomy here it's hard to tell.

re Charlie's's just about healed now but I'm still keeping it covered & dry. We've come this far so a couple more days caution will hopefully see him well. If it happens again (I hope not!) hopefully it won't be at a holiday/flu time & I can get him seen to quickly , maybe something can be done to heal it at a faster rate.
Thanks for asking....will that be all?
<ignores Kit's last question & loads up the kitapult with out of date meatballs....>
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good morning all, its taters today in monitoring my tort hibernating in the garage in case it gets too a heater on standby.
Silly dogs....Rab loves the cold and would stay outdoors all day, chasing flying birds and sqirrels in trees...the day he learns to fly or climb nothing will be safe lol. poor Shughy gets cold and wants to come in but Rab won't so Shughy stays outdside and freezes.
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PS Kit...why didn't you go in??
....because the last time she did woofy she had to be surgically removed from some bondage gear. Fancy trying it on over her her liberty bodice, tut.

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those little rubbery buttons are the devil for catching aren't they?
Evening, possums. It's cold and dark here too, I need to get more lamps, this is depressing. I've posted a question about miracle lightbulbs... very much looking forward to their removing my dust.

Don't listen to Robinia, Woofy. The real reason I didn't go in is 'cos I was on my way to the botanical gardens wasn't I.
oh yes, I tried fluff removing lamp. Charlie was bald down one side for months. I spent all afternoon removing dust yesterday, it's hard work when you haven't done it since last year.
Actually I thought about buying an ioniser thingy last winter but I think you need to spend a good amount to get one that's effective.
Aww, I'd buy that fluff removing lamp, there's something very comforting about it. (Until it catches fire.) / Yeah but see I'm not sure if the negative iones claims are legit even if you buy an expensive brand or if it's just one of those health nut fads...?

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