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biddy singalong (no goat herds)

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woofgang | 11:49 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
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(accordion intro)

Watch me now,

Here I go,

All I need's a little snow



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something weird happened there...I wanted to post about screwing up beween alpaca and llama, the post box came up with my original post in I thought, I'll just I hit post and it posted both:-?
it's called multitasking, Woofgang. But if llama wool is so warm, explain this... b.jpg

Someone once told me llama ears pointed forwards and alpaca ears backwards, or maybe the other way round, but they look much the same in photos to me.
well neti & Vinny have got their alpaca suits on this morning...

hahahaha...I can't stop laughing, that's tickled me...but not half as much as it's tickled them I'll bet..... who's at the back? hahaha
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whoever it is had better hope the one in the front didn't have takeaway last night
....or sprouts!!

Bit draughty intit? Has this change made ayone else dizzy (& achey?)

<oh piddle, I mentioned the weather>
Hello Biddyfriends Hope you are all ok.
Neti Hope your sister gets well.
Robi Hope your mole proves benign.
and Shaney Hope you manage to sort things out alright. I'm sure you will.

It has been very windy here today in fact I put some washing out today but it didn't dry very well so it;s now in my spare bedroom on a rack. Don;t have the luxury of a dryer.
Having a very quiet day today. Have spoken only to 2 people on the phone, One was guess who!! and the other was a friend phoning me from Australia, who says she will never want to come back to England to live.

I'm not into Dancing on Ice so there's not much to watch on TV tonight. I have a new Stephen King book from Christmas so I may read that.

Anyway have a good night all of you and take care.
See yer later xx

Morning all possums - nice but chily day here. Had to l�augh at the llama (!) piccy, defo not me in htere with Vinny I so wanted to rub out the back and put in 2 sticks but just didn't have the knowledge or time.

Had a crytic message from my daughter on Thurs saying her phone was being mended and that I wouldn't be able to get in touch, so I just KNEW she was up to something - guess what, she flew to Oslo Norway to go partying!! Not that I mind but she scared I'll go off on one. As long as she can afford it and doesn't expect me to pay that fine. Honestly I ask you!!

Robi hope your mole is OK, I had one taken off in 1978 and it's just grown back now but I'm not bovvered, cos I know when I'm gonna die. Told Mr N yesterday he was qyite interested, one wonders is it cos he'll miss me dreadfully, or it's too far away for his liking hmmmm???
Gosh sorry about the typos, I think it's this new keyboard, must take more care!
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mornin all...golly the weather's changed here, all warm and sticky mud walk round the garden and gain an inch in height.
The carpet looks like Shrek's swamp again....I wonder if I can remember how to use the hoover.....
morning all...yes, milder but wild, wet 'n windy here too, kept me awake & the bloomin wheelies blew over...

(I'm laughing at neti knowing when she's gonna die)
I didn't realise so many of you had been through the mole thing, I assumed you were all flawless & fabulous. Worst part has been taking the plaster off yesterday...hecky thump, I should have shaved me chest. :o)

whoops, good thing I preview, I nearly made you all bald then.....sorry, bold
I know, let's go off on a skiing party, it should give us exercise and help us keep warm... if the worst comes to the worst we can just hang around together
oooooooooooooooh nooooooooo!
Dangled? Dangled and shrivelled I daresay!
Gosh if that happened to me my bottom would be keeping my ears warm, and the boobies would be suffocating me - What an image!!!!
ugh! that's put me off my (late) lunch now
<<Neti goes off in huff with her wonderful body!!!>>
Evening, possumistas. ROFL at all your alpacas and llamas and death dates, ha ha ha! Jno, same thing you were told about the difference between llamas and alpacas I was once told about the difference between "the Devil" and "a rabbit" - in sign language...

Cleaned the place up a bit today - yes it does get messy when you haven't done it since last year. *sits back and waits while the biddies faint and come to* Only household work I enjoy is cooking but even that I don't do a lot as I don't have a freezer. Bulgur is King in my kitchen, ain't nothing you can't do with it, it's quick and so good. (Behaves very well in veggie burgers, Vinny, have you tried.)

My friend who will be fifty? - we broke our old four-hour-record as we talked on the phone for five hours last night... *sits back and waits while the biddies faint and come to* Turns out she will be throwing a party after all, she and her twin sister in a joint venture. They live in the country now but they grew up here and several of their respective kids live here now so the party will be held just outside Stockholm, woohoo! No I'm not generally a party animal but on the other hand I haven't been invited to one for yonks so it'll be fun going to a 100th birthday party! (100th as they're twins.)

Not into Dancing on Ice, Jude, how come, I hear it can be quite rewarding: style points!
5 hours??!! And I thought I could talk.
I think I'd better pass this on to was a gift from my bro-in-law.....hmmmmm....well sisters have a lot to gobble about.

<rushes off to call telephone company about having a number removed from the directory>
Oh Gawd Jno no thanks ..I don't know if I'm on my arse or me elbows at the moment anyway ! Let alone bare bottoms .
As for telephones ...I suffer with telephonitis .I can ramble on for ages on the phone . But five hours would be a marathon .
Do you like Stephen King Jude ? The only books I have ever read of his were Christine and Misery ..oh and Dolores Claiborne . I couldn't get into a lot of the others .
Lark Rise is lovely isn't it ? And I am really interested in the new series with Neil Oliver .I don't take a lot of it in .I just like oogling him marching round Scotland :)
By the way Whispering Dan is conspicuous by his absence from our screens Jno ? I wonder if he is ill .On his last series I thought he didn't look too good . I hope he'll be back.
Why is AB so slow ? Is there a power shortage at AB towers?
They'll have get AOG to spout a bit more hot air :)
The best Stephen King book was "The Girl who loved Tom Gordon" such a sweet book, although nerve-wracking.
I've only read The Green Mile - wasn't bad.

Thank you Robinia's bro-in-law, what a lovely... whatever-it-is. Men! My friend's husband wasn't exactly ecstatic either last night ha ha... He went to bed, fell asleep, woke up again, came down the stairs in search of his wife... We weren't just talking though, we were YouTube surfing as well, showing each other funny clips sitting in front of our respective putas. We almost kill ourselves laughing at "Cat Massage", we watch it together at least once a year, IRL or on the phone, gasping for air. I've posted it before but

here it is again

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