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Hen or chicken

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netibiza | 00:23 Thu 09th Mar 2006 | Site Suggestions
503 Answers
Not a q or suggestion, but would just like to say how proud I am that one of my q's has ended up on the current question list for all to see. Thanks Ed. No replies needed.


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Hi Jno. I'm off to bed now. Have a rocking goodnight youall!! :o)(in my best American accent)
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gessoo's new hair style and colour


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don't you just hate that when it happens?

here's gessoo's new hair do


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Oh for heaven's sake.. goodnight all xxxx

tut, looks like all neti's photos have curled up in the Spanish sun.

Is this what you had in mind?

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yes jno that was it but without the dog.

This should be far enough down in suggestions before we need to move again

Thanks jno and neti!

morning all - oooooh can it get any colder I'm wondering?

You're telling me our next home will be a fit club??! ...bloomin heck we'll have that Eileen Fowler woman in here next.

locals reaction

Vinny ponders on his future with the biddies over lunch with the


Morning Folks...

nice and sunny here...biddybuddys...!

vinnys excercise....class..(:)


just having a, this isn't bread & jam you must be seeing things.

Been doing some more cupboard clearing - do all dogs enjoy helping with this job? My last dog loved it when I emptied a cupboard ....not sure what they're expecting to find....bless.

What I have found are hundreds of knitting patterns - many ripped out of magazines from 70s & 80s. The ads have made me giggle - we seem to have been obsessed with Atora suet in the 70s & anything from heinz. That reminds me I've got a few more tins to bring in.... I'll warm something up for you really, it's no trouble.

knitting patterns, ah yes, here's one from the bottom of my drawer, don't know why I never got around to it

I can definitely picture neti in that jno - I can't understand why my grand daughters won't wear theirs tho'

cute eh?

Don't throw them away Robinia ...I collect them ! Sad isn't it.
Cold and dull here..with that bitterly east wind which is getting to be a bit of a bore.
I thought about knitting this for Vinny. 01/A1916-300.jpg

planning something for Vinny but there may be a delay...

For jno...dont forget to feed the fish...hehe...!


Biddys waiting for there dinner....(hurry up with the dinner netti,we could play a tune on our ribs..)( :)



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Oye you cheeky whippersnapper - I'm not doing the cooking - I did it all in the biddyvilla - I think it's your turn Vinny

Okay Netti...!! yer grubs ready...enjoy...hehe...(:)


you cruising for a knuckle sandwich Vinny...

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Hen or chicken

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