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Hen or chicken

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netibiza | 00:23 Thu 09th Mar 2006 | Site Suggestions
503 Answers
Not a q or suggestion, but would just like to say how proud I am that one of my q's has ended up on the current question list for all to see. Thanks Ed. No replies needed.


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great ad, Vinny... they must have been scratching for money in their early days... I saw them play in about 1965, but they were more of a blues band then. I think Little Red Rooster was their latest. Saw them at Twickenham a couple of years ago, but they were about a mile and a half away; I think I preferred them in '65, when I was 30ft away. The songs too.
eek, gessoo's been at the Bailey's again, she's running loose effing and blinding; tin hats everyone
haha gessoo I said worse than that when I saw the weather first thing! I would have made your swearing kitten take cover.

I just missed a ticket for that Twickenham gig, jno. My son went and said he could hardly see them. Yes, I preferred their 'rawness' in the early days, but even so they are a great band and have stood the test of time.

Beatles were OK, but never a favourite with me. I preferred the rougher groups - The Who, Yardbirds, etc. Loved the Kinks with Ray Davies!! Oh to be young again and party the whole night away!!!!!

Top of the morning to you, Robbie!!

top of the milk to you gesso - I seem to have an abundance....anyone fancy a rice pud?

can you remember when this happened ....??

ice cream

Oh frozen milk !! Morning all. I can remember the big snow of 1963 very well. it was piled up the sides of the roads for months.
Seem to remember it started in December and went on until March and we had to trudge to school in it. We lived in Chatham then and that it is where I saw the Rolling Stones at the Central Hall.

Oh great days. We lived in Bedfordshire during those wonderful (?) winters of 62/63. No school closures then. I can remember being out in our village waiting for the school bus for hours - we didn't go back until it became obvious that they hadn't made it through the snow. The girls in Bedford used to get so cross that they had to go to school regardless!!! Nowadays schools close when one snowflake comes down.

Back in the good old days, grumble, grumble, mutter.......... he, he

We used to get some fabulous gigs in those days in Bedford. Two or three top groups all performing at the same time. I can remember sitting there with the rest of them screaming away. I only screamed because everybody else did!!!!! The school put a ban on us going (it had boarders as well and they thought us day pupils ought to abide by the same rules). Did we care - no we didn't - we went anyway and created havoc!!!

lol you two - I just remember frozen milk being so funny. Our school closed during severe weather 'cos the toilets froze....the vision of yellow ice in the chipped old loo bowls still haunts me....

I'm afraid I can't say I was a wild child... I wish I had been. We thought wild was listening to pick of the pops on a tranny radio on the park. Still regret not running off with the sultry michael from the fair lol.

wild woman gessoo (with funky new hair!)

I was the epitome of good behaviour at school ! I don't think .
We had to wear those awful 60 denier stockings,with seams, so we made a banner and marched in protest from Fort Pitt down to the High Street after school.I got my mug on the front page of the Evening news and my Dad was not best pleased ! I won't tell you what my Mother said !

ooooh you've done it now shaney - mentioned stockings. Give it ten & Vinny'll come screaming in....

Oh no ! Muffins and stockings ....he~ll be all of a dither.!!
This blasted kez board is up the creek again !

Hello All. The weekend looms before me hooray - no work for 4 days.

I was born and bred in Derby and I spent my youth dancing. We used to go to Markeaton Park where they held openair dances with a live big band. We used to go and eye up the lads. Great times!! Always is looking back isn't it!!

My Great Grandparents were Irish. My Gandmothers maiden name was Molly McGrath and she was born in Waterford - Any Irish out there happy St. Partick's Day.

St. Patrick - even!!!!

At the school I went to,I Was always up at the Headmasters office for having long hair..He once gave me 2/6d out of school funds because I told him my dad couldnt afford to pay to get my haircut.I turned up the next day and was sent to his office,I swore i had it cut,(I didnt)so he gave me six off the use to stand out,cause I put some of my sisters bandbox on it..think it was some sort of bleach...from then on my nickname at school was Bleachy..this was before any pop star did it...and im still proud of that...hehe..!I saw and met loads of pop groups in the sixties and seventies..once had a drink with the original line up of fleetwood mac..they use to travel around in an old Bedford van.Went to a party with The Pretty Things.Met jimi Hendrix in the toilet before a concert at the winter gardens in Bournemouth...blimey I saw six groups including pink floyd,for 10/6..i once slept in a big van after a party with dave dee dozy beeky mick and titch and several girls..! bend it bend it just a little bit of ...and we certainly did that I better stop before I get in hotwater....(:)did somebody mention Stockings....!!

Oh what a wild party we could all have. Robinia, I bet you would turn out wilder than the rest of us!!!!

I must admit to being wild! I still am, but I have to keep in in check.

Robbie, that picture of me is spot on!!

This is my guilty secret. When I was sixteen or seventeen a group of us (being rather inebriated after a gig) drove to Bedford Rugby Club, broke in and had a party - helping ourselves from the bar!!! I think there must have been about 15 of us in the back of a Bedford Van - we were holding the back doors closed because there were so many of us. My mother would have been mortified. The blokes involved were much older - so I blame them for corrupting me!

I would be devastated if my son had behaved in such a way - but he is much more responsible and sensible than his mother.

I would point out that I am an upstanding pillar of society these days. A complete angel.


Didn't work!


buit still rocking eh gessoo?

On reading today's posts I really think I must be the oldest on here. I was in at the tail end of the big band sound, Ted Heath, Eric Delaney and the like and the beginning of Rock and Roll Bill Haley and Buddy Holly etc then along came Elvis and my world changed for a bit! Over the years I've developed into an alround music lover but basically I'm a Rocker (not heavy) but groups like Bon Jovi etc. I don't feel old because I work with young people and they keep me up to date.

Well that's enough of that. Hope you are all ok. I'm off out to a party tonight and have just been told it's a buffet at �20 a head, which I WILL NOT BE PAYING. Just going to call in for an hour then moving on to a place where one of our favourite groups is playing.

Just heard too Robinia that the weather is not going to get much warmer just yet round here. I'm p****d with it how about you?

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