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Hen or chicken

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netibiza | 00:23 Thu 09th Mar 2006 | Site Suggestions
503 Answers
Not a q or suggestion, but would just like to say how proud I am that one of my q's has ended up on the current question list for all to see. Thanks Ed. No replies needed.


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cheers Jude - that's cheered me up no end. An old lady told me that the weather won't change until the next new moon - so we've got to wait to the end of the month. Have a good time.

Bleachy!!!.....hahahaha....bloomin' heck Vinny you're gonna regret telling us that....

Can't say I've ever had a desire to see live groups....just preferred to dance round my handbag in discos. BUT I have seen someone live & near enough to almost touch........... takes cover behind sack of chicken feed.......

Cliff >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>runs for the hills>>>>>>>>

ps bleachy - has it been a grey day down there then?
keep your hands off my tweezers - use neti's ....wonder where she is?

Pre-emtive strike against robinia...hehe....

Gessoo!!...robinia's been worshipping cliff richard...


Doh...!! to late...(:)

a bit grey..robinia..but your always wellcome to pull the little bug***s out...hahaha.

You aren't a Cliff groupie are you Robinia? I never really took to him -. I liked Tommy Steele better and yes I did see him live......oops!
Jude ...!! have a great's a tenner towards the buffet...�10..00...(:)We were gonna have a whip round...but robinia's lost the whip....hehe...(:)
Cheers Vinny Wont be eating so I'll buy a drink with it instead. Apparently there's oysters ughI Never tried them but just the look puts me off!! See you all tomorrow.:o)

Hey Jude...sounds familiar....can you dance like this 3rd guy...I walk like this saturday morning when I get out of bed..


gessoo and jno...when I was at school one of our teachers asked who liked the strolling bones and who liked the was half and half...but I put both hands up.... the old stones records were better than the later stuff..!drifts away singing...Have you seen your mother, baby, standing in the shadow..( :-)...O�O�

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Here I am - well knock me down with a feather, you lot reminising. I was good and pious as a teenager and have nothing to reminise about. This is you lot

teen biddies

and this, of course, is moi!!!


a likely story - the real neti

Question Author

Me tell porkies???????

thruthful neti

Morning Biddies,is it me but up in B&S...(dogging)is that the real loosehead or is that an imposter??must stop drinking that Becks...(:)right got to make some coffee..catch yer later dudes.( :)
imposter I think Vinny as there's a space between L and o. I have reported it as such. Should maybe have reported it as wrong category as obviously dogging should be under Animals & Nature.
lol...Thought so jno..(im off to report it now)..Talking of which where's the dog lovers this morning..not dogging I hope..(:)runs and hides >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>hehe...!
it's vanished but has reappeared under Travel... <sighs> ... this place goes to the, er, dogs at weekends ...

Hi All Hope you are all well this freezing cold morning. Vinny That man must be 'quadruple jointed'. Lol! I don't drink much because I do the driving but when I do have one or two my head goes and I'm all over the place but I never get legless. The last time was about 15 years ago and I fell over in my friends porch. That caused a stir cos' they'd never seen me like it before!! Was I bad!!

What's this all about a post in B & S? I can't find anything as usual.

Had great night last night. The �20 a head buffet was typical Irish menu, oyster dish, mussels, and that cabbage and potato dish they do, don't know what it's called. We only stayed half and hour then went on to see Three Wheel Drive the trio that we like. Same place again tonight to see another group we haven't seen before.

Listening to my Chicago CD at the mo while my jacket potato is cooking and reminiscing (not the potato, me) :o)

just pressed the report button and it zoomed off the page ...where's it going to appear next jno??A&N...!glad you enjoyed yourself jude...quite the little groupie hehe...( :-)

Robinia Are you ok? Not heard from you today!

Hi all, strewth it's freezing round my parts. I've been out all day with my sister....shattered. Didn't get the things I really wanted but spent loads a money on things I'll use but didn't set out for. Just waiting for my Sains luxury fish pie to cook!

Now Vinny control yerself....I know I smell fabulous - drowned myself in Canal No 5 on the perfume counter & I love it.
That dancing man looks like neti when she's put both legs down one bloomer leg.

Jude - you saw three wheel drive!!! - I love them & I know Andy the drummer well - his mum lived near me & I discovered I knew her daughter from when I lived at Chad.

Just noticed the oven was a bit too hot - oh well the top's gonna be crispy.

Hi Robinia good day eh!

We know the lads in Three Wheel Drive too. My son knows them all as well. He worked with Jeff the lead guitarist.

Do yer know Robinia we may even know each other!! :o)

well I don't know where you get your energy from Jude - it's gonna take me 3 days to get over this. :-) Even if you don't know me I'd put money on it that you know my ex husband.....

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