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LEONARDO AND MONA....Listen to them speak..!!

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VINNY100_2 | 13:25 Sun 21st May 2006 | Site Suggestions
499 Answers

Is this what they sounded like...spooky or what...(:-)


lisa gherardini(mona lisa)um.. nice voice.



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Morning lol...hehe...robinia's got a the ozone layer....erm....was buffing the floor this morning,when a securicor man was banging on the door,went downstairs and shouted to the .manageress.((((there's a man up here with a Helmut on.))))blimey ive never seen a woman move so fast in me life...the hussy...haha.
yep,looks like Dollys getting some nice weather.And jude will just be getting back from an allnighter....tut tut robinia....!! where did you get that new gardener from....methinks the only sound of guns going off jno is in B&S these days...(*_*)h netti...plate comes flying past whizzz..! hi shaney...hows yer rye bread?
well I took some yellow paint & made a little parking bay for me trolley outside the local.....policeman wasn't impressed tho' - claimed he'd never heard of the chatterbank arms....said he'd be round to sort you out Vinny for putting ideas into befuddled biddies heads & mumbled sommink about having been a quiet few days since the local troublemaker went away on holiday.....
listen, I will say this only once George is on his way, should be here next week yippee!!! (I know I should get a life, but I've had one!!)
sure enough, here's George doing a spot of cleaning in preparation... I'm sure he'd sooner be in Ibiza... /jpg/_41432023_georgesmile_ap_gall.jpg
Ah yes jno but would Ibiza rather have him?? I think we have had our fill of young George and also that Docherty fella. We even had Tony Blackburn here, but the island really rebelled at that one!!! I'm hanging on here by the skin of my teeth!!!!
you can't keep Barry Manilow to yourselves forever, you have to share him with the rest of the world and let some other crooners in
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Morning biddyfolk...lovely day here...
glad to know netti's getting george Hope Dollys okay..after that long flight...bit grey there today....but lots of nice weather fer the next few days.oh that reminds me jno...I took some pics of concorde on the very last flight from the states to london.Always use to sit in the garden and watch it fly over...not very clear im afraid..
I like boos piccy of robinia.....smoking a cigar.....must be after judes gardener popped over hehe..!(:o)
morning Vinny (great pic!) & all - lovely was so strange outside last night, incredibly still & warm as though you were indoors.
I bumped into Pickle yesterday in H&G & told him to pop in...I think we need some more celebrity gossip....
and speaking of celebs, I've found an icon for you neti

to be sure

mmmm, what's all this about a pic of me?.....I'll have to check that out....

Shaney had a donkey that everyone admired,
Temporarily lazy and permanently tired.....

mmm nice pic Vinny... I always wanted to go on Concorde, but I had the mortgage to consider... There's one now parked permanently at Barbados airport if you're passing by.

Hey, what happened to the FAQs? The reminder of how to format your post has vanished
My father-in-law went on the first Concord flight to (I think it was South America or Puerta Rice) somewhere like that as he was bodyguard to the Foreign Secretary at the time.

Would like to welcome Dolly and hope she's had a good flight. Try and get on here when you can Dolly

One of our local shops is looking into getting Primark goodies as Primark is Spanish!! There not many people know that!!!!
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There's me thinking it'was irish, and then bought up by Associated British Foods netti..(:-).
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Thats wat cows choo init.....hehe...!(:o)
morning peeps - fresh & breezy & grass is green & riz!

speaking of aeroplanes (couldn't be further fron concorde tho'!!) I dug
up in my garden not long after I first moved here. Obviously hand made as its so rough, been told they made them from spent cartridge cases - is that right? I think there may have been a blacksmith here at one time as I've found horseshoes & other ironmongery like heavy gate latches etc. I'll have to look further into it, I know that a couple of my neighbours are working on local history now that he's retired.

see neti's getting fed up of waiting for George
oh dozy old biddy I am....forgot the pic

I dug THIS up
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Morning biddyfolk...
me reckons yer neighbour was cleaning out his shed...and chucked them over yer fence robinia...hehe..! Id chuck them back over if I was you...hahaha....sorry cant stop laughing...!
no but seriously....your pad might be built on top of an ancient you know,the road I was brought up in was named after a new zealand pilot,who crashed there during the war.Id spend hours digging the garden up...trying to find his plane....Iv still got the marks on me bum where me dad whipped me with his belt...hehe..!(:o)
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I dont believe it robinia...i had one of those when i was a kid....but mine was gold coloured.....spoooooky...(:o)
behave! - laughing at me......tut

actually my sons were small when we moved here & the people before had left the garden in a right state with a load of junk at the bottom. One day the man from the bungalow at the bottom knocked on the door & presented me with a bag full of stuff my horrors had dropped over the fence into his. He was really nice about it luckily - he was a right character & sadly died last year.....time I started annoying the new people I think.....

now, here's the brasso - polish my spitfire please.... and seeing as you're good at digging off you go....I want to grow my own spuds next year I'm sick of the supermarket rubbish. why do they go black when you've left them to cool? grrrr.....
have done nothing of interest for several days... well, I watched the latest Pride and Prejudice and thought it was wonderful, but that's about all. Anyway, I am going ballooning in a couple of weeks, so that will make a change. I do hope none of my teeth fall out while I am up there, but I wouldn't put it past them.

that'll be moi
ooh, just seen the forecast, it's going to be quite nippy tonight, must get the duvets out

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