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LEONARDO AND MONA....Listen to them speak..!!

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VINNY100_2 | 13:25 Sun 21st May 2006 | Site Suggestions
499 Answers

Is this what they sounded like...spooky or what...(:-)


lisa gherardini(mona lisa)um.. nice voice.



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gooood morning - what a berry
beautiful one it is too, why can't every day be like this.....maybe it's the 'fluence of the huge full moon last night. Have to say it made me a bit twitchy but some of this sunshine will be a tonic.....the birds are obviously happy , I haven't seen so many in my garden for weeks.

oh I say jno ballooning! thats a very dairying thing for a biddy.......

sorry, I'll go now & get some much needed fresh air.....better look for this new man I'm supposed to be meeting (according to the soothsayers).....gonna shock my friends apparently....

peeps over fence at elderly neighbour
mmm, noooo I don't think it's him......

wow... lovely blue sky... hope it lasts till I get to the garden. <whispers: Tell Dolly it's always like this> I spose Vinny's already out there hanging ten and shooting the tubes
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Morning Dudes....
Turned out nice again.Enjoy your ride jno...
every little Helps.!
Erm see robinia's wasting no time..
hehe (:o)
Here is Dolly enjoying a picnic
hello Dolly
yo neti - are ya sweaty?? it's almost sweaty here in the sun but cool in the shade....

jno prepares to empty sandbag over neti's

well, you gotta test George somehow
btw Vincent - that will never happen!! :o)

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When people call me Vincent...I know Ive been scolded.....goes and sits in garden shed ...and counts the cobwebs....(:o) ░░░ /\oo/\ ░ ░░
I've been wondering where shaney was - seems she's been spotted round the back having a crafty smoke

hey, how did that post of Vinny's sneak in there? mmm, must have been age before beauty.....
I see you guys down there, so behave! pg
oooh heck - one of those menacing greenies full of hot air!
fear not, .......I'm on to it
I have given up smoking anyway after a long hard struggle so I don't need any hot air .My butler has enough hot air to warm Siberia .
Thought I would just pop in to see how you all are.I do hope Dolly is enjoying our lovely indian summer .I still have a hole in my bucket ....the builders have a hole in the head from my countless telephone calls and I can see us having to invest in golf umbrellas before long.
Tomorrow my brother and I are going to an open day at our old Infants and Junior school.I do hope I come across the horrible boy who bullied me and pulled my hair !!
Sunday we have the Maritime Festival here.We have two tall ships in the harbour already ,The Grand Turk and another one.They have a display from the Newfoundland dogs whch do sea rescue and all those lovely hunky lifeboatmen .I shall be at the front !!
Take care all ...xxxx
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Morning.....did you hear that owl...all through the blooming night....twit twoo!!" ...twit twoo!!" ...twit a bloody twoo!!" ...has fer them blooming sheep...Baaaaaaaaaa.!..dirty stop outs the lot of them....Talking of which....wonder how are jude is...hehe...right im of to work..catch you biddy folk laters ....(:o)

a'noon tout - oh shaney still looking at the stars through your roof? have a good time today, I've never been to a school reunion - not that there have been many & the odd one there has been were organised by the jolly hockey sticks brigade....I was sorely tempted to go along in me lurex frock & fishnets tho'......

lol jno think that might put the wind up one or two people if you spotted it in the distance....

speaking of wind perhaps your owl was complaining about the wind up your chimney Vinny, bet it was spooky with that bright moon ....there often used to be one over the road but they had their tree taken down.....

they're still running! - that pic's so funny!
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Good morning..
lovely morning,Sat in the garden last night with the chiminea and a bit of spanish music...erm...and a few bottles...lovely....Hope you've all got good weather.
(Ive put a music post in B&S last night.hopefully not many will post on it,then we can bank it for later.)Right got to go and get me leaving in ten minutes....anybody want anything.....chocolates....werfers...(thats how we say it down hear....haha) catch you later dudes.>>>>
good dahlia - hope you've all got yer teeth in, it's the only way I'll be able to see you this morn, tis fik wi' fog.....well, it's clearing now but it was very bad.....
lots of interwebs

some good music on your post Vinny my mum would have loved the Bowie - it's 5yrs since she died today, just before midnight so it was more like the 11th Sept....mmmm, only my mum would have chosen a day like that to go out on. I think me & my sis were the only ones who had no idea until tea-time what had happened, although I distinctly remember saying there was a funny atmosphere....she said it was just us - little did we know. Anyway I'm not bein maudling - I was really down yesterday but I'm better today & it's going to be a hot one!

too late for an order I expect - looks like I'll have to go myself & mingle with the great unwashed & hung-over ......
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Blimey, its really warm in the peacefull....I spotted a seagull and a rook,having a go at each other..miles up...and then I heard the distant sound of the rescue Helicopter....getting nearer and flew right over the top of my garden...towards the sea....just doing the rounds I know when somebodys in trouble ...they always fire of a couple of them flares that make the sound of thunder..!..if you hear them late at night,you feel so helpless...laying in bed when somebodys in trouble...just a mile or to away..!
I always remember the beatle lyrics when i think about relatives that have past away..............."Though i know i'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know i'll often stop and think about them"
now dont go and get sunburn robinia....!there's a film on tonight the enigma must be a new version...its directed by mr jagger no less...
ps is that berry(piccy)a Cotoneaster..?Ive got a similar looking one around my front door(it once grew to about 12 ft)but I only get red berrys nearer xmas time...(:-)
a'noon Vinny hope you've had your knotted hanky on - don't want you going do-lally after too much sun. Turned out nice didn't it?
yep, that's a cotoneaster - it's horizontalis....bit like you when you've been on the bottla beerium, hehe.....robin's been hiding in today, he's not daft is he? I've got two different varieties which have their berries later.

heard a great song on the wireless I'd not heard for ages - Murray Head, Say it Ain't so, & I came in to look for a video on youtube but only found the Who's version which is just as good.....

see that film's got Kate Windswept in it.... :o(.... so I might have to watch with one eye when she's on....

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