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Robinia | 17:48 Tue 30th May 2006 | Site Suggestions
559 Answers
I assume we'll be having a category for Wimbledon then? We'd like strawberries & cream at knockdown prices, umbrellas, free face painting & Come on Tim flags to be supplied. Thank you in anticipation.


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grrrr where'd me post go?/
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morning all - thought I'd pop in before the world's rumbling well in the distance - unless the monks have been feeding Vinny on beans & lentils.
I see the covers are on I thought you were all under there....

Lovely day you had Jude - we might have got you interested in gardening but there's no way I'm ever going to be into footy! :o)

have a good time jno 23C is much more my kinda weather it means I can keep my libby on. I feel so vulnerable without it.

my word it is sticky out there... hasn't rained since last night but the air is so saturated with water it might as well have. I thought I could hear parrakeets and monkeys chirping high in the treetops, but as I was in Tesco's carpark I may have been mistaken.

where's my car?

Bet this wont work(;(
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Hiya biddys...looks like Ive been banned.Could you sort it out ED pleeease..!!cant log in useing vinny100_2???Patricia...send me some soup down to the dungeon..thanks....xx(:-)
I've often wondered whatever became of Vinny 100_1?
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jno I think the Ed is stealing him from us bit by bit.....

Vinny don't worry 100_3 is fine all your extra bits can be shared amongst us....
hope they're treating you well down there, here come your emergency supplies....

hope you've got a tin opener down there

sprout butties & a custard tart (well most of it I was eating it when I got your message....)

in case it's a long sentence

to remind you of us case it's a VERY long sentence.
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oops forgot - sommink for you to read...
must be Dolly's
Thanks are stay down here....the foods brill....drop a few cans down the hatch fer the match tonight..he he...!!when the office lights go gonna nip along to the EDS office and nick her voddy hahaha.(I nicked the cell door key from the monk)oh is it raining up there...I can here some loud bangs...or is that the ED banging the table....thought we had got rid of that vinny...hehe...(:-)
and what about...



The last ones forbidden jno....oooh..I must be in the noddy...hehe...(:-)POKOJOWY:::MAN(*_*)
Hey....there's blooming mice down here.blimey .how olds that cheese robinia...hehe....!! now which ways the loo...☞::::::::☜....???...(:-)
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have you found it yet Vinny? might be needing this
neti's pinched the Izal

the business pages? Luxury!

hard labour
Well Vinny all I can say is that you were warned. !
Naughty ..naughty !
I feel really sorry for you but you will have to take your punishment like a man !
Would you like me to send my butler along with a few cans and a bag of greens ....

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