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Robinia | 17:48 Tue 30th May 2006 | Site Suggestions
559 Answers
I assume we'll be having a category for Wimbledon then? We'd like strawberries & cream at knockdown prices, umbrellas, free face painting & Come on Tim flags to be supplied. Thank you in anticipation.


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hahahaha....yes robinia I followed me nose....haha..ooh...that paper takes me back to when I was a kid...print on yer Bum...and print on yer chips....hehe...!jno..your to kind.I insist you take it on your trip....!! cans sound nice...Ive got a throat like a vultures ar*****e...(:-)
Never mind Vinny only another week or so and you won't be green any more .Don't venture out of here though whilst you are will be attacked !!
Stay here and we will send food,drink and
PS Vinny, when you're out of the oubliette, there's someone in Travel asking about Devon campsites
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Blooming Heck...Them Monks start chanting early...!! and I was having a dream about having to eat ww1 rations fer breakys......oh sugar.....who's left me scottish oats and dried milk powder.....blimey...there's a load of girls dancing and singing...(there's a cell next door...somebody called madge..not quite yrs he's gotta serve...wonder what he did..wish he'd stop srceaming??hehe)
I met her in a dungeon. under the EDS office.
where you drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry cola
C-O-L-A Cola.

L-O-L-A Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola .
whats that big Bang....its only the bloody postman...!!...its gonna be a strange day......(:-)
Dear ED......
Please release me,ed, let me go
For I don't wanna stay in the dungeon anymore
To waste posts would be a sin
Release me and let me post again

I am all alone my dear
And I will always want the biddys near
robinia's soup is cold,and shaneys papers looking old .
Release me, my darling, let me go

Please release me, let me go
For I cant stand this cell anymore
To waste my life would be a sin
So release me and let me post again

Please release me, can't you see
You'd be a fool to cling to me
To live my life in a dungeon is a pain
So release me and let VINNY100_2 post again.

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morning all - is that Enge I can hear wailing?
....oh no it's you Vinny haha lovely lyrics, could be the start of something new for you. You might be better off staying down there - in fact I'm thinking of joining you (storm starting here) what do I need to do to be thrown in the slammer? ...... I watch all the police dramas.....I've got to do what? ....ooooh, not sure I've done that since 1977............
Get on with your Gregorian chanting can sing ..Enigma ...with a solo on the Mea Culpa !
Hot and stifling here still rain.

I am sending Dixon of Dock Green round to arrest you any minute now Robinia
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oh seems I'm just not wicked enough shaney I'll try harder.

pssst Vinny got something for you......


if you get out there's a box behind the third brick up, sixth from the left, in the cake shop wall - there's a custard tart in it......
Hic....! ...�angs ribena....Hic...!...Ife ...vound eddys ...Hic...! stashe...erf ...buckfast vino...Hic...!..�ort-he-fied wiv is init...Hic....!
Hic..!..Kyrie eleison
Christe eleison
Je ne dors plus ...Hic..!

Je te desire ...Hic...!

Prends moi
Je suis a toi
Mea culpa init...Hic..!
Je veux aller au bout de me fantasmes (kinky)
Je sais que c'est interdit
Je suis folle. Je m'abandonne ......i av been ...Hic..!
Mea culpa
Kyrie eleison
Christe eleison can say that again...Hic...!
Je suis la et ailleurs
Je n'ai plus rien
Je deviens folle spell it Devon...Hic..!
Je m'abandonne ..tell me about it..Hic...!
Mea culpa .....could do with a cuppa....Hic..!(:-)
Wat sort of songs that then chaney...Hic..!
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hahahahaha........sorry, I shouldn't laugh this is serious now, Vinny's losing the plot.....don't worry I've demanded an explanation, won't be long 'til we get you outta there 100_3

here, drink this black coffee I'm sending down.....oooh is it bovril? yuk....stupid vending machines here at wimbledon.....

Thanks for the coffee robinia..ermm...funny taste....?? could you tell the ED to turn down her TV..she's watching some kind of weird porn-movie...lots off screaming....and methinks there hitting each over with tennis doing it in front of a big crowd...lots of clapping.these americans...kinky lot..hehe..(:-)
Take these chains ABED away from me
You've grown cold and no longer care for me
All my faith in you is gone but the Biddies linger on
Take these chains ABED and set me free.

Take this Becks from my hand and give me tea
Just a nice drop of Pimms will do for me
If you really need the loo , Izal will have to do
Take these chains from poor Vinny and set him free .
Hello there you clever lyrical lot - don't expect me to join in, is way to hot for anything like using the brain. Have just made a bacon and egg flan ( I don't do quiche's), hope Robinia is feeling better, no headaches. Have just got the" da Vinci Code" dvd (ssshhhhh) so will watch it tonight, also the new "Poseiden". Spend most of the day with Mr N cooped up in the bedroom (down Vinny) it's the air con, so shall be in there tonight.
Evening All my Biddy Friends Have now found time to get back on. Had my gardener yesterday and he has finished all that needed doing so that's it no more Wednesday 'afternoons' for me, but I am going to the beer festival with him because my brother is playing and he wants to take his son and his brother to see him play - that's all.
Vinny what have you been up to? Is it all this streaking (which I missed incidentally)? And all of you waxing lyrical to get him out, I feel I must add my bit but I'm not poetical so I'll just say "Come on Ed lets have our Vinny 2 back please!!

actually, I am quite liking the new model Vinny3, better paintwork, more room in the boot, and satnav all over the place; and what with the massage seats...
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good heavens above! neti in the boudoir all day...Jude doing wednesday afternoons with the gardener & Vinny blotto & locked up with a dominatrix.....I'm beginning to wonder what Dolly can possibly be doing down under....

I'm off to join a convent & pray for you all.....btw where's the chs queen?......oh lordy don't tell me

tupperware party she said
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anything hair-raising you'd like to admit to jno?

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