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Robinia | 17:48 Tue 30th May 2006 | Site Suggestions
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I assume we'll be having a category for Wimbledon then? We'd like strawberries & cream at knockdown prices, umbrellas, free face painting & Come on Tim flags to be supplied. Thank you in anticipation.


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Robinia Hi My garden is looking lovely now with loads of plants. Just the grass to get right now. He's 'weeded and fed' it and he says he'll come back and sort it and edge it later on in the year I just have to keep it cut and watered so there may be a chance of him making another ~~Wednesday~~ He! He!

Well folks I'm off to bed now, one more morning to get up for work then another long weekend. Me and my friend are off out tomorrow night but we don't know where yet. Update tomorrow.
Goodnight and sleep tight! x
You would never believe what these monks get up to down here...They've only just had a stripper in..(there all out of there box on buckfast)..she was very good...they tried to book her fer next sunday...but she's booked up in poland over the weekend...sugar...!!hehe.
Thanks on the front page....I sent the blooming ED a E.mail...4 days ago...but I guess she's to busy to reply keeping all these monks in order..methinks its something to do with me bold text going wrong??.....right tea breaks, over back on the chains...Doh...!!..(*:*)

Morning you lot upstairs...Whats the weather like..oooooh..its Friday..its Birds day hehe...Hope robinia chucks some cakes down the hatch...BANG...!! ay up ..the EDS just arrived....I wish she wouldnt slam her door....oh no....the monks(looks like the blooming much buckfast methinks hahahaha) just arrived with me porridge....(:-)
Afternoon All and Vinny Just Testing - found something different to do.
Blinking eck! I've done it first time, must be getting better!

Hope everyone is ok today. I've finished for the weekend and now looking forward to the night out and the Beer Festival tomorrow. You'll never guess who I'm going with!!!!!
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morning - sorry, afternoon all......dull & showery but gardeners have mowed so thankfully all the dead leaves that heat had caused have been hoovered up.

It's a sad day isn't it?...I watched the tv for a while, there must be a sombre atmosphere in London today.

Been busy doing things that had piled up while I struggled with my throbbing head - thanks neti btw it's a lot better now, but don't think you're gonna start tapping & clicking on that ricketty old typewriter in here.

You're still in chains I see Vinny - I think you're enjoying it way too much. I've not been shopping yet so you'll have to make do with some bread & it comes
oooh yuk, looks like it's landed jam side down & that floor could stand a scrubbing
here's the vim & a brush...
ooooh ouch, sorry.......

frozen peas...???
Throws it back up....hehe...!(:-)hi he still tending your bush...(*;*)
You naughty boy Vinny!!
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I think I'll tell Ed to keep him another week Jude

Thanks Robinia actually I'm going with my brother and my sister (and my gardener)Ha! ha! Mind you Vinny still needs a bucket of water for his double entendre (I think that's how it's spelt).
.......... hehe...Ive got me hat on....hahaha....!jude double entree...blimey,how many gardeners you got.......hahaha..! um...that soup you sent down robinia...taste's a bit.....weird....
YUK...Looks like the EDs camped out at wombledon till the final....shucks....(:-)
Have you been to birds yet starving down here...(*;*)
Oooh Vinny you do make me laugh!! :o)
Well it looks like being a good final!! (Tennis I'm on about) Have a good weekend everybody
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Have a good night that gardener of yours...they plant them seeds everywhere...hehe...(:-)
Hi all and our prisoner !
Hope you have all had a good day.Still very warm but we had a shower of rain this afternoon..for all the good it's done ..still overcast so we may get some more.Have cut the grass and pruned me ceanothus today .
I hope you are OK down there Vinny..I wish they would let you out .I'm fed up with this crumply newspaper butler is on a go slow...I think too much buttling has given him bunions. Never mind here he is with some goodies for you. ion/butler.jpg

Have some of these for the weekend in case the chanting gets too much for you.
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evenin all.....just been out to do some watering, the black clouds have been passing us by all day but now I've done that I s'pose the heavens will open....wet me tartan slippers as well, tut.

oh no Vinny are you gonna be down there all weekend? I'll just rustle you something up
dum de dum

runs in kitchen & ferrets in freezer

there you go
a nice kwichy

pudding? you want pudding?

gasp, splutter, where's the tin opener?

pud on it's way

oh bngger, I've chucked the tin down.......
er, must go phone's ringing.......

the EDs just tossed a tin down on me head...
Thanks fer the food robinia....and thanks for the parcel shaney.....are you sure thats legal......oh bu**er it...puff puff..hehe
Dont think im not gratefull...but if you dont send me some beer down....yer bloomers get it...hahaha..

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