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Vinny in the Dungeon

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Robinia | 16:01 Thu 06th Jul 2006 | Site Suggestions
507 Answers
Are you there Ed? Can you put down your Pimms & strawberries a minute please & tell us why Vinny 100_2 has been sent to the dungeon. I think he's going stir crazy & is sending bizarre notes via the dumbwaiter. (Did you know he's tunnelled his way into your office, has got himself blotto on the Buckfast & is serenading his Rita Hayworth poster with Gregorian chants?) Please help!


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just popped in while I eat my chs on tst to share a funny....
been chatting with my neighbour as we gardened & he informed me his friend gets about with a zither on wheels...hahaha - good thing the hedge is too high for us to see each other, I was in very stifled fits.....
that'd be like one of these then:

in musical circles
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haha lol jno I'll pop round & convert Jude's car while she's on her hols...
ok I think we should all return our zimmers & have zithers on wheels instead, just think of all the busking outside the cake shop. I've booked us in for a course with Shirley Abicair, lessons 7s 6d for the bewildered.
oooh better dash, having storms & already been cut off once.......

yo biddies... a suggestion here. Under P&P is an ill-advised question asking the whereabouts of Maxine Carr. I've given an answer explaining that any answer could be contempt of court and get the Ed in deep trouble; and I've reported the post (under 'Other'). Perhaps if one or two other people did likewise it might be suspended from the site pronto before the Old Bill come knocking... Sorry if this sounds officious, but that's me all over...
Morning chappette's,tis a bit grey and damp this morning.Somebody was moving the old furniture about upstairs (thats wat me dad use to say when it thundered) throughout the night.hang on a sec,be back in a mo...I can hear horses passing me gate.....whoosh>>>yummy,one bucketfull of horse manure>>>>>Well,that takes care of brekkies then.Anyone fancy a manure omelette?NO....!! its full of nutrients..hehe..!..the biddys qiuckly make there own brekkies...haha
nettis just spent a fortune,when she comes to the last shop..!!
yo no (((*_*)))
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morning - tis very wet here, had to prise charlie off his chair......had to disappear quickly yesterday thanks to very bad storms & power cuts. I think there are more on the way, hope you've got that leak fixed shaney

jno deed is done but hasn't had any effect, the old magic wand isn't working....have they upped the req'd amount of complaints I wonder?

we don't see many horses around here anymore Vinny
- plenty of old nags tho'

oh look
AB biddy t-shirts
Hi biddyettes one and all.
Had some friends here from London for the day yesterday and the weather held ,thank goodness,so lunch in the garden and a swift paddle on the beach before they had to depart.It was nice to see them though and we had a good old chat and a laugh.
A man is coming to assess our building work today. The mills of God and builders grind exceedingly slow.
Hope you are all aches pains or toothaches and I will see you all later ..Toodlepip for now.
After-noon...that sun in arf-Hot..!!
just came back from croyde....loverly..
Hi shaney...does that mean there just checking the work thats been done?bet your glad its finished...(:o).
jude will be back tomorrow with all her holiday snaps.!

THERE WAS this guy who really took care of his body. He lifted weights and jogged 6 miles every day. One morning he looked in the mirror and was admiring his body and noticed that he was suntanned all over, with the exception of his PENIS which he readily decided to do something about.

He went to the beach, completely undressed and buried himself in the sand, except for his penis, which he left sticking out!

Two little old ladies were strolling along the beach, one using a cane. Upon seeing the thing sticking out of the sand, she began to move it around with her cane, remarking to the other little old lady.

"There really is no justice in this world."

The other little old lady said, "what do you mean?"

The first old lady said, "Look at that. . . When I was 20 I was curious about it; when I was 30 I enjoyed it; when I was 40 I asked for it; when I was 50 I paid for it; when I was 60 I prayed for it; when I was 70 I forgot about it, and now that I'm 80 the damn things are growing wild--..hehe..!!(((*_*)))
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faints.....spooky moment Vinny I just popped in here to say I'd seen a question about CROYDE in P&P !!!!!

lol@ joke - back in a while.......
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here I is....been a lovely day here but now, as we say, it's as black as yer 'at :o)
you were lucky with the weather yesterday shaney - it'll have given you chance to air your plastic mac I must be getting a bit clammy.

I forgot to say which Q Vinny but I see you found it. He'd better say thanks or I'll be over to hit him with me surf board....mmm, make that ironing board.
What were you getting up to in Croyde then....not having a secret meeting with Jude
Ooooh I say Vinny....finished ..the builders haven't even started yet..all they have done is look,make tutting noises,suck their teeth and go away again.And...after the butler had made them tea and plyed them with Bath Olivers..
The man didn't turn up so it's all on hold now until next Tuesday.Iam praying we don't get any heavy downpours.I may get it done by Christmas never know.Or I shall have to buy a new pacamac.
It's been a lovely hot sunny day all my bloomers washed and dried !!
Look out! Look out! Jude's about. Speak to you tomorrow........
Morning Biddys,...has a quick look cowboys escaped in here then, phew...!!they all need lasssoing and chucked in jail..!
Oooh,somebody up in B&S has been attacked with iron board,ooh heck...hehe..! wellcome back any saucy piccys..?is the Warner holiday camp still in seaton,I was a breakfast chef there many moons ago,2000 pieces of bacon and eggs I cooked every blooming morning(1980)no wonder I became a veggie..!got some family coming from london and Bideford today(not on my side)one of them Darren Kail was in the judo paralympic team(came forth in the world,not bad ey)
hope it doesent rain shaney,blimey,seems to have been months now sigh..!
must be orf to superdrug now,got to keep there floor nice and polished,its nice being there by me self,I turn the "superdrug on air radio on(very loud)haha..catch you later dudes..(*_*)>>>>>>>whoosh>>>>>>>.
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morning....plays air guitar.....woke up to my favourite Queen song (Breakthru) & now I can't get it out of my head....I'll play it very loudly when my neighbour's gone down the bookies.....

welcome home Jude hope you had some good weather.....fancy not sending us a postcard.... we didn't get a wave from neti yesterday either, wonder whether she made tea with Pickle?....IAPickle that is, not Pan -Yan...

have a good day Vinny....& well done to Darren, you won't be giving him any of your cheek then?

tut, can't find a bl00dy thing in there

right, I'm off to whack a few people with me guitar.....
Just popping in before am dragged off to a family bar-b-q.Yes I did have tea with Pickle and partner and I really enjoyed seeing them. Pickle is an amazing font of knowledge and was enthralled listening to him. Apparently daughter is "kicking off" at home and poor hubby needs me, I offered to get an earlier flight but he said no just enjoy the hols, but it's such a worry. Have shopped and shopped and there's still loads more I want but without my handbaggage I am severely restricted as I usually carry all my heavy stuff in that!! Have decided to get a George back home as it works out roughly the same price and without all the hassle. Don't know when I'll get back online, so all enjoy yourselves and I'll be back home on Wed or Thursay next week. Love xxxx
Hello biddyfriends I'm back. I had a lovely time with my son and his family. Weather was fine. I took my umbrella but didn't use it once. It did rain but not on me!! My son took me all over he place. We had one good day in Totnes (among others I mean). We spent the day looking at antiques and in charity shops.He collects and sells books as a hobby, and I look for little pots with lids. I have yet to find anything of any real value but you never know one day!
I'm off out tonight to a pub up the road to a party then we're going on to our usual haunt for a bit of rock and roll!! Hasn't taken me long to get back in the swing. We were out last night too!!
Sorry I didn't get over to see you Vinny no matter what Robinia might say! No suacy pics either I'm afraid. It took me ages to read up all the back posts last night. I think there is still a holiday camp near Seaton as my grandson used to work there. My granddaughter got her results on Thursday and has got 5 A's to enable her to go to Oxford. So she was out celebrating on Thursday night.
Next Wed. my friend and me are going to find somewhere warm to go in Sept. we still haven't booked anything yet. I thinks that's about it for now (except to say my gardener doesn't smoke!!!) It has now just started to rain and my grass needs cutting. Things don't take long to get back to normal do they!! See you later.
oh ..i miss you dreunk...xxxxxxx
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morning.... s'orrible & soggy one........
trip..... oooh heck Vinny have you been down there all night? what were you on last night ya soft 'aporth?

yo neti, stop worrying about your daughter, easy for me to say I know, just enjoy yourself. I see Eastbourne was the sunniest place in uk yesterday, hope you've not been letting it all hang out, elegance at all times please.

hi Jude glad you enjoyed your break, you were lucky to escape the awful storms/rain we've your garden looks different, it always does when you've been away. Your gardener might not have been a smoker before, but he is now ;o)

right, I will not go into B&S (til they have a health category)....I will not go into B&S......I will not......ohmmmmm ......nearly did a 'parting speech' when I saw it last night - I'd have to leave if I said what I felt sometimes! but I'll be ok if I stay out & just waft around here & H&G and A&N, although that seems to have been taken over by cat q's......

>>>>>tin of kit-e-kat flies through the air .....hehe
(((Boing)))) oi...who through that kit-e-kat tin...hehe...!!
Had a brill day yesterday,They brought there 3 year old little girl with them..and I trained her to go behind me bar,and pour me a pint...erm...trouble is,she wanted to do it every 2 mins...hence me hangover...haha....oh no.(suggs got a bit heated last night...I tried to defuse it with a bit of bowie...but it got worse)..what's been going on in B&S then...?robinia....!more rubbish been thrown around methinks..! glad you enjoyed yer holiday jude...robinia's been tired all week,and theres' been lots of smoke coming up through me screen...hehe..!(:o)
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yoo hoo Vinny ....don't you get sick/have hangovers with this boozing? and shame on you, I'll be sending the nspcc round, slave labour indeed.......trying to get my granddaughters into gardening, I sit them in front of gardener's world videos instead of tweenies.....

just nipped to the shops, hardly a soul in there ....tut, & I do like to fiddle in my purse & hold up the queue.....
rummages in bag..... cheese, cakes, biscuits, not a veg or fruit in sight, lovely........hang on, tell a lie there's seedless raspberry jam - 33% extra free, hehe....what do you fancy?

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