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netibiza | 19:40 Tue 17th Oct 2006 | Site Suggestions
506 Answers
Please can someone (anyone) please tell me how I can put the current page onto my desktop using Firefox. When I had IE all I had to do was right click the mouse, but don't have that option now. PLEASE PLEASE!! Thank you.


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bonsoir, guten abend, aye up me ducks.....sounds like the eurovision song contest. I say, get a load of mrs multi-lingo shaney (& Vinny thinks I talk funny)....I bet she knows how to ask for a dolly blue bag & micro-fibre dusters in a dozen countries!

ah, I see Daswede, a voluptuous lady....well I could certainly do with a little more 'volupt' if anyone has any to shed. It's lovely to have you here....hope you can take plenty of mickey taking, especially from Windy of Woolacombe (Vinny). Word of Warning - I'm not sure how popular fishnet stockings are in Sweden, suppose it's a bit draughty, but if you wear them in here while he's around you might need a big'll find one in the brolly stand next to jno's parasol.

c'mon out neti we want to see you in all your beige glory.... stop crying, think of all that space.... & so much leopardskin to buy.....

Yes Robinia ..I'm a dab hand at asking for Putzlappen and blaubeutel in several languages !!!
It's Swedish mattress turning that I can't pronounce !

For gawds sake don't mention fishnets ...he may be listening.
On the other hand his hat may have fallen over his eyes again !!

Well I am off to bed with me Bournvita ...have to take poor shaney to the vet first thing ....he's got a funny eye.

So it's Goodnight from me .Bon Nuit,Gute Nacht , Goedenacht .. and especially for our lovely swedish friend God natt xxxx
ooh, sorry if I've accidentally regendered you, Swede... happens to me all the time. Actually, that Botero looks a bit like me too, though I am not quite as anorexic as that. I am assured that I still have toes, but it's been decades since I saw them so I can't be sure.
Tip toes in.....bless...there all it just me,or did anybody else have a dream about loads of swedes with headphone's sitting in librarys.Mind you,I suppose sprouts would look weird to...hehe..!catch you later >>>>>>>(:o)
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....a very frail and wan neti wanders through the empty laboratory, kicking petri dishes out of the way.... By heck that was the best night�s sleep I've had in a long time.

shaney what do you mean less washing - I love washing, I really do, but my bloomers have gone up one size so that should compensate

Hi DaSwede, I live on a Spanish island, I am a premium member of AB so don't have to suffer the English weather (sticks nose snobbily in air)

Oh well now shall have to clean the house from end to end, we don't have a top to bottom. "Come out George, wherever you are.............

P:S: I'll be OK if no one mentions offspring!!
I think Vinny forgot about me Daswede,I live in sunny Queensland (Down Under ) beautiful one day perfect the next !!! Where abouts are you located ?
Just back fer a quick breaky,suns shining,but a bit chilly earlier....its almost Spring like..must be OFF!!Later dudes......>>>>>oi...who threw that sangria bottle..whooosh..!(:o)
oooops..yeh..our dollys(hiya) a Sheila...DaSwede..(:i)
Just beamed down from planet patti (I'll have him for that) for a quick good morning....back to sunny & cold today which is lovely....

morning Dolly hope you're doing's funny to think of you so far away & yet only a few inches away on this page....strewth, I do talk rubbish don't I? Vinny might be right, I must be an alien....

some dramatic colours today....

autumn leaves

this has appeared from nowhere, almost overnight

romantic stranger

right I'm orf to move some dust around in my may take a while....

bah, am still being phoned by this pesky stockbroker who wants to invest my money for me... thought I'd got rid of him it.jpg
Hi all You all sound chipper today hope you are ok. X specially for Neti Keep your chin up you may find you get on better than ever now. I did when my youngest left home.
Had to cheer myself up today so I bought Paul Weller's latest Album and Led Zeppelin double album of their early days and latter days. Stairway to Heaven has to be my all time favourite song and instrumental. Do you like them Vinny ? The reason I had to cheer myself up -I had to go to the DRI with a thingie on my hand and have to have it cut out a week on Monday. I'm a bit nervous of that but I'm trying not to worry.
Not going out tonight so goin to watch my new telly! Like your photos Robinia The last rose of summer eh! I have geraniums still coming out. Hope you all have a goodnight keep warm(except Dolly of course), it threatens to be frosty tonight.
oh jno I've recently discovered a dollop of assertiveness & a good squirt of Flit works wonders....

hi Jude back to the DRI again eh? oh dear, hope it's not too harrowing...think they'll be giving me a badge for long term customer soon. Have you got tonight's property supplement?....I love the apartment on page 2 (it's on t'inter too, looks lovely)....mmmm, & only �275,000 - fancy sharing? :o)

in fact there's room for all of us.....

start packing
Evening all....were have to lose one of the bedrooms...ribena....well,ive gotta put me Bar somewhere tut tut....Im sure you can all top and tail...hehe..!
Led were Talking. one of the greatest groups ever....
pure magic
your be okay jude,try not to worry ..oooh... if you've got a plasma can put your bed in me bar...its a deal....!..(:o)
Hi Robinia That apartment looks lovely. Didn't it used to be a Nursing Home?
My telly Vinny is a Panasonic LCD HD ready what ever all that means but it's lovely. I've ordered a unit for it in Teak (veneer) but have to wait 9 weeks or so for it to come so it wont be in for Christmas. Pleased to here you like Zepp as well.
Off to watch the P.LCD.HD. now so I'll Goodnight All till tomorrow x
Ooh I say Jude how very posh ! And here's me still struglling along with the one I watched the Coronation on !
Hope all goes OK for you at the hospital to have these things seen to asap.IU'm sure it will be fine ..try not to worry ....turn up the volume and have a jig about !!

I feel a bit fed up today acksherlly ..I had to take my old Shaney to the vets this morning and the vet tells me he is going blind.I had a feeling he couldn't see properly .He's fine otherwise and they can't do anything .I've got some drops to keep his eyes clean and we shall have to see how he goes on. He is pushing 13 now so I have to face the inevitable soon or later I suppose .Shall try to keep him happy for as long as possible .

Other than that it's a been a lovely crisp autumn day here.
Hope you all well otherwise ,teeth.shoulders ,oligies and woolly hats permitting !!
Oh poor doggy, but unless it distresses him I'm sure he'll be fine. I don't know if charlie's hearing's not so good or whether it's convenience deafness. He's 10 in Dec so he's no youngster either....he still acts daft but he sleeps a lot more than he used to.....Don't we all!
Very tasty least you got a TV shaney...! we have to sit in next doors back garden,peeping through their window and lip reading...hehe..!
yo here's some whiskey for you shaney
yo 2::::::(*_*):::::::
oooh I like the whiskey one.....
btw - I didn't know until a few days ago that Oliver (good morning starshine) died in 2000 at 54 of cancer.... :o(

I just LOVE this song
Ooh I say Vinny ..Thin Lizzie of my faves
Thank you !

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