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Desktop Access Again!!!

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netibiza | 19:40 Tue 17th Oct 2006 | Site Suggestions
506 Answers
Please can someone (anyone) please tell me how I can put the current page onto my desktop using Firefox. When I had IE all I had to do was right click the mouse, but don't have that option now. PLEASE PLEASE!! Thank you.


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...and I'm back. Sorry to have ended my last message so brusquely, it seems that not only the young woman behind me but also the computer itself suddenly had the hiccups. A message on the screen informed me that I was going to be automatically logged off in sixty seconds, so I just hit the submit button in panic. I'm at another computer now, but going home soon to watch the Swedish version of American Idol - you know, the one with Simon Cowell. You have that in the UK too? We've only had it a couple of years, and so far the order has tended to be reversed between the winner and the runner-up. The first year of the competitions, this cute but also very talented boy, Darin, came in second, which was an outrage. I think what happened was that he was so completely superior (and I do mean talent-wise!) to everyone else that the entire population just assumed he'd win, no matter what, and so they didn't vote/for him. But he's done well for himself, I think he's even gotten rid of his braces by now...

Signing off now, have a nice weekend everyone.
Awww Robinia, he's cuter than Darin!

(PS. I am a vegetarian... I just usually wait to "come out" until people have decided that I'm ok anyway...

Bye now!
byeee DaSwede....don't mention coming out....neti's got more in her closet than I dare mention....
just tuning my webcam to Ibiza....
well you're a fine example to your daughter neti
Hi All including Da Swede. Hope you are all ok. Thanks for your kind words about my trip to the hospital but it hasn't stopped me going out, I'm off out tonight to see a bloke called Gabbo appearing at my usual haunt. It's not been too bad a day here fine this am but chilly then it drizzled later as it was getting dark. Cant wait to put the clocks forward LOL.
By the way my telly is only a 26" so just big enough for me and a couple of guests not the 5,000 but it's very nice. Enjoyed all your piccies today and Charlie is a darling Robinia
May leave a good night message depends how much I have to drink as I am not driving tonight good!!! If not Goodnight all Having re read this it sounds like I'm drunk already dunnit. x
tut!....I'm surrounded by dipsos.

have a good time Jude...I don't need alkyhole to sound ga-ga....
ooops thinking aloud again..hehe..! there's a dog next door,looks just like charlie...
its his devon cousin blimey johnnys on in a mo...catch you later dudes..!(:o)
good evening btw...
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hic, hic and again hic - have just been out for dinner - as we are surrounded by veggies I won't mention what I had - ***** rossini - it was lully

Yes DaSwedeI live on the isle of Ibiza which is now closed and very quiet.

Robi love that piccy - oh let me get at those clothes.

(p.s. to anyone else reading this I am a very straight-laced sober old pensioner, with knitted twinsetts and a string of pearls), liar liar pants on fire
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shaney give shaney a big kiss for me, I know you are feeling sad, but he'll be OK, he'll adapt.

jude hope you are OK too, keep on partying my girl!!!
Oh bless you you Neti and all for your kind thoughts.You can get so besotted with an animal and I have always had dogs and alas I know that Shaney will be my last one .I shall have to be more vigilant with him and I'm afraid his swimming in the sea is now curtailed .Funny ..but I took him on the beach the other day and he was bobbing around in the sea and I kept calling him but he seemed not to see where I was.He came back after a stern reprimand but I don't fancy stripping down to my libby and wading in after him in this weather so he will have to content himself with a paddle from now on.
Have had a nice day today though .We took my aunt to a garden centre near Norwich .She thoroughly enjoyed it.They had all the Christmas stuff .All these lovely animated polar bears and penguins and a super jazz band of diddy Father Christmasses all animated was terrific.
We had a laugh in the lavs though with her wheelchair .If you could have seen me and my sis in law trying to manouevre the chair ...well it was like something off Candid Camera !! Talk about shriek with laughter .....
You are all such a tonic and I love you all xxxx
Well Hi I've just got in. Had a real giggle tonight. This chap came to dance with me and I said I thought he would be dancing with his friend (man) and he asked why and I said I thought he was gay well from then on it was one bid laugh after another.... cant tell you what he said on here but I ended up apologising to them both. They took it all in good fun (I think) after I refused to let them prove it to me. I was sober too because I drove in the end. Anyway I am in tomorrow night so I will be on msn and on here so see you all then.
On a more sombre note I am thinking about you Shaney I know what it's like to have a pet with problems. Take care.
Goodnight all again!!
ooooh....these earlys are getting jude a breath test while she's asleep....umm...must be the water in derby....cause I know a swede's a vegetable...we aint all mazed in these parts.! ooops...a vegetarian...rubs sleepy dust from eyes....!anyone fancy a nice Stiff one....!!! okay,are put kettle cant beat a stiff coffee to wake you up...hehe..!(:o)
morning alcofrolics....HOW'S THE HEAD? that'll wake 'em up...

<<<smacks>>> Vinny with woman's weekly....& <<<again>>> ....

I watched Johnny K last night, hahaha, has everyone got some of those waders? the man is seriously barmy, I had to put subtitles on....I think the Beast of Bodmin is you crawling home after beer 'n skittles night...
Charlie says he'll be down to visit his country cousin when he's learnt a fooow phrases...

well I can't dither about on here I've got to fetch my description from boots....

crikey, it looks like they've upped my dosage again
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Birth Pills Robina? , by heck they'd stop an army!

It is so warm here again, summer's back and I want to wear all my winter clothes, but other folk are out in sleeveless summer dresses. Have decided to wash the loose covers on my chairs (and they are the only loose things in my house, before I get any remarks!!)We get an English shop once a week (Thomas Green) so am off to buy rubbish toeat. yumm
Morning all Up bright and early this am. Cold and sunny but bracing is the way I would describe it. Couldn't be bothered to go to Birds so ended up at the co-op for cherry bakewells! My electrician (Oh didn't I mention I had an electrician as well) has been and sorted my plug out. Listening to Jonothan Ross on Radio I with David Walliams, so funny, well I think so even though they may not be to everybody's taste. Been to my son's and sorted the cat and the birds out while they are away for the weekend. I am a busy bee today aren't I. See you all later have a good day.
birth pills??! what does a biddy want with those? thought they were for my BP....

Jude bird's queue was outside the door when I went past! must have heard we were on the way!
It's sooo cold, I hate windy weather....
A Question for you. Why do Neti's posts have questionsx author on them?
to remind her who she is.... lol!
everyone's reply to their own thread has the beige box now...even the old ones...check out old biddy threads for example.
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Ignore her jude it's cos I'm important!!!!
who said that?

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