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Desktop Access Again!!!

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netibiza | 19:40 Tue 17th Oct 2006 | Site Suggestions
506 Answers
Please can someone (anyone) please tell me how I can put the current page onto my desktop using Firefox. When I had IE all I had to do was right click the mouse, but don't have that option now. PLEASE PLEASE!! Thank you.


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No..I was ...and you could have made chs instead of srdns Robinia .
It's no fun when you get the bones and the oily bits !

Hope you are all well ...more muddle ...more ruddy insurance assessors and more men with ladders .Couldn't have the nice man repair it until the powers that be and the shylocks I pay my premiums to came and had another look .
On the bright side it's a lovely day here.I had a tramp along the beach this morning with Shaney .Well..I tramped.. he acted the fool and went in the water ! He lays around here and gives me all this I'm a poor old boy business and then swims for England in the North Sea !
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Miserable day here, daughter arrived home at 12 noon after going out Sat night at 11pm - I give up!!!! Getting really quite chilly now, will have to light a fire soon.
Make no mistake, you're a secret all over the place... Just saying hi. Won't crash your party on a permanent basis. If I had internet access at home I might apply for a membership in your biddie club, but as I don't, I won't... Is it ok if I drop by now and then and say hi, though?
Evening...biddyittes...Shucks...where will I start...oh the begining be a gud place...
had a job in barnstaple this morning,and me brake's were playing dropped the C.machine off,and then drove to at garage says car will be ready 1:30..walked back to garage.(after cleaning carpet and having nice cuppa and slice of cake from nice lady) needed were late...wouldnt be ready till I had no choice but to go look at all of the shops.♪.its looking a bit like xmas♪now Its getting a bit nippy,I thought I would get a nice warmish hat...but could I find a Davy crockett hat....nope...!The only warmish hat I could see was one of them russian hats,and Im not wearing one of those...owing to the fact,I dont want to look like a tit...! so robinia.....get knitting me duck..pleeeeease..!..
ps dont ask about sat night coz I dont remember...hehe...(:o)
Cause its okay DaSwede and if your very good,jude will let you trim her george.she's into gardening..haha.Oh and dont forget to bring the odd cake or two....they like their custard Tarts...and I just like Tarts...! jam one's (:o)
Ready! Forgot about the jam, but as you can see everything is otherwise perfect.
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Oh DaSwede how very delicious, and you're very welcome.
And here I was all worried about rejection when all it took was a cookie or two! Should have just taken a lesson from the burglars who get inside by bringing a steak for the dog... Thanks Vinny and Neti/Netti?, I feel all better now! So unless somebody else throws me out I'll by saying hello now and again, then. Signing off for tonight (I'm at would you believe a McDonald's computer...) Sleep tight!
evening all.....oooh it's like Victorian London out there....all swirling smog & hazy lights....

hi & welcome to DaSwede! I nearly advertised in B&S for new Biddy members as I'd been deserted by this lot but I see they're all creeping out of the woodwork now. Please note though - if you're one of those young & fabulous blonde Swede's we may have to give you a balaclava & a frumpy overall to wear....

paranoia sets in....rushes off to slap on face pack....

speaking of balaclavas, what's wrong with
the one I knitted you last winter Vinny?.....and come here while I shine this light in your eyes....
so what about saturday! you still sound drunk to me....

hehe...what the bloomin hecks that on me head....shouldnt that be in a zoo....! nighty
hahahaha - couldn't stop laughing when I'd done that....

quick morning to all - got me bloomers in soak & all the colour will run if I don't get them rinsed.
Don't bruises take a long time to go as you age? I've had one for 2 weeks where I reeled into the cupboard.....NO, I hadn't been on the wincarnis, I just tend to sway to the left now & then.

better go shopping too, going to rain tomorrow & my blue rinse will wash down over me spit-in mascara....
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Robinia "reeled into the cupboard" is that an euphenism for "Closet Queen"!!!!!!
Finally back in the land of the living ! so it's getting a little chilly now ,eh. Glad I'm back home although not looking forward to the Summer (ever the whinging Pom LOL ) Still in the middle of this Drought ,Level 5 restrictions next ,no watering of gardens at all ,it will soon be down to one Bath a week ! as well that reminds of the War years .Yes I admit it I am a couple of years older than some of you or perhaps I'm just remembering what my Mother told me !
Had a bet on the Melbourne Cup race today ,my horse came in 3rd just beaten by 2 Japanese horses ! got my money back though .
What was Vinny up to then at the weekend ? Loved the hat you made for him Robinia ,hi to neti ,shaney,jude etc ,nice to be back .See you all later .Watch out for the Mercury in those sardines Robinia Lol xx
well, here's some holiday snaps at last



Wadi Rum:

Golly, we've had a distinguished foreign visitor... Robinia, I hope you had some fresh reindeer carpaccio and aquavit on the table for him... Well, I suppose Becks would do's no good Daswede expecting any Frukost or K�ttbullar around here ..he/she will have to put up with chs on tst like the rest of us .
Lovely pictures Jno ...very professional ..I expect to see them in National Geographic at some stage !

Damp cold and misty here.... definitely no dry stays or gussets today.
Ooh I didn't see you there Dolly ...Yoohoo !
Don't ask what Vinny was up to ! His usual naughty behaviour . We're having a whip round to buy him a Davy Crocket hat..... pg
lol neti no, I'm more a trunk trollop.....

lovely to see you Dolly! you can waft some warm air this way once xmas is over....I have to say this cold crisp sunny weather is suiting me quite well, it's the wet & windy that gets to me.
Don't put ideas into Vinny's head about having a bath....he'll be dragging out his tin one when we go to the grotto (hoping it works out that we move after 1st week in Dec but we'll need another home in between folks.....?)

great pics jno looks like just the place for the DaSwede a he?!
oooh, where's my lurex frock...? whips curlers out

oops, forgot....skinless, boneless sardines on wholemeal toast soldiers with the crusts off for to keep her joints oiled.....
Well Hi everybody Hope you are all ok. At last I am getting back to normal after a rather traumatic bout of stress. The Bitchqueen at work would you believe. In 16 years I have never had stress about work until now. Have been off for 2 weeks - on holiday next week and going back the week after all being well. Anyway that's enough self pity.
You have kept me laughing with all your chat and funny piccies so I haven't gone totally insane lol. I am still rocking and had a good week end at my usual haunt. Friday went to see Andy Walker (Neti - remember) And on Saturday I went to see a group called Deezal with my friends partner - got the tongues wagging but it was quite innocent. My son and his fiancee came later on and I felt quite pleased cos he kept introducing me to all these people he knew there. Still Tia Chiing as usual and really enjoying it now. Hello Dolly good to hear from you you lucky thing with all that sunshine and welcome DaSwede. Still waiting for my gardener to come and do my wall papering. I think he's found himself a girlfriend now so I'm down the list LOL. Going to the quiz tonight see you later. :o)

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