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netibiza | 14:32 Thu 04th Jan 2007 | Site Suggestions
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Where has the Biddybank gone?


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hahaha - lol neti....have you looked at that site? it's got some hilarious pics on but when I tried to pinch 'em it threatened me with community service, cleaning roofs in Woolacombe.
(is it roofs or rooves?)
Evening pilgrims,
just ignore the miserable blighters.Just think ourselfs lucky..!!.some poor blighter probably lives with em...hehe..!
still no fire..whats that pile of ashes doing by the grate with a wooly hat on top..?..(:O)
evenin' Vinny.....<cough ...splutter>....somebody put the bloomin' Riverdance on the jukebox & I went up like a tinderbox.....
Hi Vinny - I wouldn't fancy being married to some of the plonkers on here either! I'll stick my one & only!

BTW, d'ya know anyone who sells large soap-boxes, only I've been advertising for one in shopping, he, he! -x-
Hi everybody just got in after a Rocking Good night at my usual haunt. Just made a simple little comment on that thread, the first time for ages, Nothing much really.
I wasn't driving so have had a few spritzers! Feel a bit tiddly lol and making loads of errors it's taking me ages to type this LOL. Looking forward to my blackcurrent cream from Birds tomorrow. See you then Goodnight All
Morning all...
its sunny here at the mo...if not a bit chilly...
"Inspector Prospector" might have a soap box to spare smudgewhy is this person so worked up,about one biddy thread...hidden the back alleys..jeez..! And whats wrong with a bit of light-hearted banter in B&S about music...its one thread and they have stuck to one thread.He/She should be aiming at the nasty threads that kick off.And if I was this person,I wouldnt keep preaching to the ED,about Site Rules...!or his/her prospects wont be to good methinks....(:O)
WAKE UP JUDE.....!!!!! oooh sorry...passes over the aspirins..hehe..!(:O)
lol at robinia...
Morning It was paracaetamols actually and there's no need to shout Vinny. Still feel a bit rough round the edges but not too bad now. Think I might have a night in with the telly but must get on with some cleaning now so see you all later. Hoping all of my biddy friends are ok today.
Morning Vinny - just made the bed & washed up the bacon sarnie plates - a rare Saturday morning treat!

Glad you understood my sentiments in that thread Vinny, although I feel saddened that they might have been misconstrued! Ne'er mind, I tried!

Also, you're quite right, I aksed for a bigger soap box so that prospector & zimzam could share it between them - miserable tykes!

Morning Jude - I've read your post on that thread & it's precisely what I was trying to get over to the 'sticklers'.

Have a nice week-end!
Blimey Vinny - it's quite amusing really - this bloke moans about chatting, must I think he must suffer from verbal diarrhea, he, he!: Question352322.html
*but I think!
Hopefully he will disappear up his own funnel soon .
If we were offensive I could understand it but why he moans because I chat about chs and blue bags is beyond me ..must have had a sense of humour lobotomy ....I'll get the butler to send him a bottle of Brasso.

Lovely day here folks ....bright and breezy ....perfect bloomer drying weather !!
Can you believe it....the Blighters got multiple user names..
now the ED can track down the rest he/her is using...good job you spotted that shaney...he/her would have no doubt tried to ban it,before it was spotted....surely he/her cant be the other one's who was in the supporting roll in the other thread...oct-zim---em...? makes you think,doesent that threads gone this evening...hehe..!oops..there be a gunning fer us now...(:O)
thanks for pointing that one out Smudge.
I know exactly who he is Vinny and he knows that I know !!
Back home again - it's been lovely & sunny, but still quite windy & cold out there, not doing me earache much good!

You're welcome Vinny - yes, it looks lke his past has caught up with him - what a silly billy!

P'raps he is stuck up his own funnel shaney & still trying to wriggle out of it!!!
At the risk of sound boring and changing the subject THE RAMS are now Top of their League Yeeeehhhhh.
Oh, well done RAMS - I've been watching the snooker Jude!
Blimey jude,your be getting the top teams there next season.....get yer season ticket now..!Welldone Derby
shaney,is that the one you had trouble with inQ&P..
I can hear the sound of someone knitting furiously . is that robinia knitting woolie hats to sell outside derbys ground next year.......hehe..(:O)
<peeps through keyhole> looks all quiet on the biddyfront, must all be plastered again.....

bonsoir me old lavender's life been in the AB paradise aujourd'hui? bloomin draughty was is not?....made my eyes water & this old spit 'n flick mascara just ain't waterproof. Some kid was staring so I just asked him whether he'd never seen a Goth granny before....tut!
I think they let all the 'bewildered' loose today....

....and there was a pantomime camel running around the town (not Derby Jude)

oy, gerroff!!!..... there was....really there, I'm not going back.....
oi..! whats going on....Im drinking Becks and I cant see no camels....supps faster...! bloomin heck..I must try that morrocan tea....hehe..! my Bars bin taking over by hoards of teenage girls drinking funny drink...and Ive bin confined to the corridors of the Wooly mansion,with a crate of becks,blimey..their playing that shed musac now...turns me youtube up...but no contest.. oh bumfluff...left me bottle opener in the bar......trys to open bottle with me teeth......teeth fall to floor.....Help.. (:O)!
Here you are Vinny ..borrow mine .... jpg

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