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AB quiz today

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netibiza | 14:32 Thu 04th Jan 2007 | Site Suggestions
505 Answers
Where has the Biddybank gone?


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I tried to put a BMW on top....but it squashed me wheels....(:O)
oops missed you there Jude.... did you see on the news that horrible muddy flood they had at Stoney Middleton?

ugh, poor things!
ok , so who's staying up all night to see if the 'spectre' appears...?

hahahahaha - made myself laugh now - think I've O.D'd
in"spectre"who..! (:O)
It's already appeared under another alter ego in the Q Banning in Suggs ...I have a raging earache and have spent most of the afternoon and evening asleep on da sofa in de big room drugged up to dee ahballs on ibroproofen...I am now in de kitshen on da laaaptop ..just gawn to do ma sons packup and den ahm gawn ta bed .
Tomorrows headlines ....
Still cold ..snow on the way.
Adolf Hitler is alive and well and living in never never land .
Empty shelves in Somerfields .
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Mornin Landlubbers..."Arr, me Heartys," tis a beaut day to be gettin sum booty and grog ta"boot.Tis true i be a son of a bisquit eater...but you wenches should be outta bid be now..Aye sees that scallywag be up in that thar suggs agin...!methinks he need Keelhauling: tie the scurvy dog by a rope and drag im along the bottom of the ship,and his tainty parts be a rubbin along the barnacles...oh Aye...!. he not be survivin' this. (:O)
bloomin chilly agin init....and sunny....!
Vinny excitedly rips open his findings.....

sorry, you are not an instant winner this time

morning blue be freezin' me bits arf 'ere.....

have a break...have a chit-chat....

ok, so who mentioned spring cleaning?
<thwacks Vinny>
....bumped head....broken nails...& that's just from doing the cake tin.

looks like I'd better go & scrub my mouth out...(see Ed's new blog)....not been too bad have I?

hands out corks to the Devon hawks,
better take flight, cos we can't say.......

♫♪ musical interlude... ♫♪

I've been humming this for the last hour & it just came on the radio...!!!

(blackbird is your added bonus track) :o)

Afternoon each have you noticed it's getting lighter earlier nowadays even if it's getting colder brrrr!! Learnt some new moves in Tai Chi today and then went for lunch, well it was a full Sunday Dinner to me, at the Blue Peter, ( Robiniawill Know it). Biddy's rates lol. Off to the quiz tonight hoping to win a free Sunday Lunch again. :o)
Anybody fancy the quiz tonight my friend's just rang up to say she's ill and can't go?
Evening pilgrims....oooh thats one of me bestest songs fer the chitehawks...dont fink they post on hear..mainly on me roofhehe..!
get the beer in on me way....looks at map......blimey its nearer than I thought.....8 and a half inches it measures.(:O).
heigh ho, tis evening and I hope Comet McNaught will be out again tonight - it's putting on a great show aught_page15.htm
I seem to have disappeared ! This morning (Oz time) I was here and now I have gone up in a puff of smoke .Can anyone tell me what's going on ? Not been on for a while as not been very well lately.
It's steaming hot over here ,thank goodness for air-conditioning. Mind you I don't envy you those storms and gales you've been having .Hope you are all well .Dolly
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Ah bless - what have you been up to Dolly? A bit chillier here in Spain today, but only t-shirt and sweater - no coats necessary as yet, in fact I went out with a long-sleeved vest under my sweater and I was boiling so had to come home and change, still got knee-high boots on, for fashion reasons.
that's it, I can't do any marigolds have sprung a leak & I'm saving my new pink ones for the weekend..... ahem!

Morning jno (& all).....are you having a good time?
great pics! I've been reading about that comet for a while now on an astrology site, but couldn't see anything from where I am when it was visible in the n. hemisphere.

..... mmm, I see my horoscope says I'm about to take off.......excuse me? I think not..... I'm about to put ON - about 3 more layers to be exact - we've had a covering of snow today. Looked lovely but it's melting in the sun.

sorry about the quiz Jude - not sure my brain works when there's an r in the month tho'...I could be your phone a friend if you give me time to Google. :o)

oh Dolly have you been causing a riot?
hope you feel you are....wafts cold air

tis sunny here

thats Wales over yonder
blimey bin eating my sprouts again...(:O)
nope, it's toooo cold to stand back over the road today.....

puts Vinny's pic through the wash....

oops, too hot
Hi All I t was lovely here this a.m. but really wet and drab now. Went to the quiz on my own would you believe and sat on my own but one or two people had a chat with me. Didn't win anything though.Couldn't stop in and watch the box. First day back at work today after my holiday, not so bad. Hiya Dolly hope you are ok and Vinny What a lovely picture even though I can only just fit it onto my screen. :o)

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