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netibiza | 14:32 Thu 04th Jan 2007 | Site Suggestions
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Where has the Biddybank gone?


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hahahaha...thats me eyes in the mornin shaney..
bloomin henry...thought me skylight was coming in then.....its hailing somink terribubble ere..! hope them girls bu**er orf down the nightclub soon...Its nice and cosy in me bar....its cold out here....puts on robinia's cardy...she could have knitted me a matching pair of mittens doh..! (:O)
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morning each and every one - why can't that prospector leave us alone, What is his beef??
Good mornin folks
weve had the lot here this morning...rain sleet sun rainbows.......must go and get me paper....chocky anyone.....(:O)
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He's gone now.......................
morning...a'noon...whatever it is....
hope you've all kept your colanders on under your balaclavas.....

I've whizzed you up some mittens Vinny....they're multi - functional....well, it's cold in that outside lav & I don't want you to be fumbling with.... erm... things....

oh should have told hubby about george...did he bin him...hehe...!(:O) mean....thankgoodness..!
started spring cleaning me curtains down...see them blooming sheep on the hill...they snore all night....
nice and sunny now
oops sorry...I done a big one again....and the sheep ..bu**ered of.....hehe..!(:O)
thanks of them's a willy warmer......hahahaha..(:O)
wow...lovely view Vinny

spring cleaning?...but it's gonna be winter this week...

better get your windows cleaned while you're at it
Hi All What a magnificent view Vinny you are lucky.
I'm going to watch the snooker this afternoon. Anybody else interested? China versus England.
Been to my sister's for my rice pud and to show her my new camera and photo printer. My new toys!! They're into digital photography in a big way. Computer, DVDs the lot. I like my simple little printer best. Can't be doing with all that really technical stuff as you already know.
I'm being serenaded by next door at the mo. He's rehearsing with his backing tapes.
Have a good day everyone see you later :o)
Hiya busy at the mo,a shi**hawk attacked me window...
nice and clean now
think are have 40 winksZzzzzzzzz
yo (:O)
Good evening everyone. Winter is Icummen in where I live. We've had your storms too, several of 'em. I was outdoors as one of them started, saw a young woman hurriedly pushing a pram across the street. She was wearing costume antennae - in a storm...! (She was probably so anxious to get the baby indoors that she didn't want to waste any time taking them off.) Three people died in that one, one of them a nine year old boy.

Talk to me about alpacas, Vinny. And while you're at it, what is 'zuperbug', please, and why do you hate Thursdays? (This is just assuming that you're not under some flagellant compulsion to hit yourself in the head with your car boot every Thursday.) / I love the view from your window.

Should have asked you this yonks ago, Robinia: You remember the fox playing on trampoline video I posted a while back...? You said you had quite a few visits by foxes, so I imagine you know a bit about their behaviour. What would your guess be regarding the trampoline fox, do you think she came back to play or do you suppose it was a one-off? I have a thing for foxes, but don't really know too much about them.

While I'm firing away questions, I would ask you Neti, if only I dared, who Baz is... (I asked before, but then we were zapped and I have no idea if you replied. Oh, maybe that thread is back? I'll look for it now!) Be back again later, have to teach Shaney my shopping list method!
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Hi Kit Baz is my impossible dream (Barry Manilow)
Hiya Kip.
Alpacas are related to the llama but quite friendly,I go to this local Farm/holiday cottage's to clean carpets with me zupa doopa carpet machine.I will try to get a close-up shot next time...I did offer them some grass..but I think they had plenty already..actually there's a farm opposite that keep llama' might try to get a piccy of them.zuperbug is my name for superdrug,a national company selling everything from mars bars to condoms...hehe..! they have a pharmacy in store.And I buff there floor up a few mornings a week.And I hate thursdays because its my busiest day .Did your move go okay Kip..(:O)
llamas have longer, curved ears; alpacas have shorter, straighter ones... so that's how you can tell them from reindeer, Kit. How's the house-moving?
Hi Kit - laughing at the song - "skiddeth bus and sloppeth us...." just about sums us up here - when we get a bit of snow everything comes to a grinding halt....I think real little old biddies see it as a personal challenge to get to the shops when they don't really have soon as there's a covering I see them going by with their ankle boots on the end of skinny little legs <looks down> dragging their shopping trolleys. One of them that I was chatting to last week admitted to already having 30 tins of soup stockpiled..... (shuttit Vinny)

re the foxes....oh yes I'd definitely say they love to play....I've looked out of the window in the middle of the night & seen them play fighting & chasing around our gardens & they'll take dogs toys that are left out....I'm sure I've told these things before but my next door neighbour found a muddy shoe in his garden one morning & next day they brought the other one....obviously left outside a door somewhere. Anyway I've left a note for them to find me some nice leather boots.
And another neighbour found a sausage poking up out of the soil in a planter....haha - gave her a bit of a turn!
I just wish they didn't leave such a dreadful smell!!
Shaney, what a shame that I don't master knitting terminology in English (cough cough nor in Swedish), maybe I'd dare to move on to bolder endeavours than mufflers and "pulse warmers" if I knew I could ask your advice. Mind you, I have at one time successfully knitted a sweater, it's just I don't know how I did that, it was a case of 'more luck than skill.' Must have been hypnotized. / Now, about those shopping lists... In younger days I used to find it more convenient to simply put the emptied grocery boxes, empty toilet rolls, empty bottles, and so on, in the hall, just inside the doorstep. Having to step over them I couldn't possibly miss reflecting on why they were there, plus, a visual memory was created. Then one night I saw a play on television where the main character applied the same method, and I couldn't stop laughing at the total absurdity of it all. After that, I could never do it again... so now, like you, I just write lists - and forget to bring them along.

Thanks Neti, that's what I suspected! Well, not the impossibility part of it, but the Manilow part! That thread isn't back, by the way.

Oh, I didn't realize you were a pro, Vinny, when I asked for a linoleum panacea. Them floors would have benefitted from a cleaning machine instead of my feeble attempts. In the end I decided to bring a cleaning lady in.The move went so-so, I told y'all about it last Thursday, but you're excused, having just hit yourself on the head at the time. ;-) In addition to the box stacking cosmic joke I described, my phone didn't work for several days. But it's okey now. / Hope your head isn't hurting anymore... / We heard about the Napoli on the news - that sucks.

(continued below)

Hi jno, did you hit yourself with a car boot too or is it just that no one's interested when I whine... Go back to Thursday for a very moving story! ;-)

Hope to see some of your photos on here, Jude!

Those were hilarious fox stories, Robinia. Sausage in a planter, makes you wonder what goes on in their little minds. I won't be able to shake that image ever.

Is it safe to come in ..I have my rolling pin handy .
Well I have been to see the original Biddy today !!
My dear old aunt was 90 so we have been round to see her and yes I did get a lecture about wearing warmer clothes and corsets. In between all that I stuffed Victoria sponge down me and a chocolate eclair.
I do wish you wouldn't peep round the curtains when I am on a soup buying mission Robinia .
Lol Kit ...I have enough clutter without cluttering the hallway with empties !!

Some days it's like hunt the thimble ...or shopping list !
Are you sure you know what George is up to in the wardrobe, Neti...? He may have the face of an angel, but... someone's being dirty in Spanish.

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