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netibiza | 14:32 Thu 04th Jan 2007 | Site Suggestions
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Where has the Biddybank gone?


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it's ok neti - she's left some pamphlets for us....

oooh, I used to have sommink that looked like that but I put it in the help the aged's charity bag....
How ridiculous ....perhaps you know who has been at work with his multiple identities .
I did see it and then my computer went haywire again ...I don't know what's the matter with it goes on and off ..then it's slow ....then the screen goes blank .Grr. Picky thinks it needs cleaning up ..well I did slosh a wet cloth round ..but that doesn't seem to have done the trick.
Perhaps if I clean off the bits of chs it may help .
<<< Bang, Bang, Bang >>>

ooph, wish I hadn't done that, my aching head...

c'mon, wakey wakey, where is everyone?.... tut! the sun is shining & the bloomin' grass is riz

white rabiits & all that .....
erm, well maybe not Vinny

Hi Robinia and all.Hope you are well. I now have a Virus and am off work again. Expecting my decorator this afternoon to paint my bathroom. Dad still in hospital. He is responding to treatment with regards to his prostate problem but he has pneumonia in his left lung and fluid on his right and is on an anti-biotic drip and in a locked ward because there is an infection in the ward and we are not allowed to take fruit or flowers but we can visit but I don't think I will because I dont want to aggrevate his condition with my virus. What a 'to do'. I expect things will work out eventually. Sorry to go on will be back soon I hope.
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Good morning all

Poor jude hope you get well soon and also your poor Dad. xx

I also have a debilitating virus - it's called a daughter!! Have just sent her money for the rent and food (well half of it was hers) but oh dear where and when does it end??
Evening possums.

/Thwacks Vinny proactively with a vintage issue of Damernas V�rld and no there are no centerfolds, it's for ladies./

Persistent Swedish naked girls in the kitchen indeed, yeah that sounds plausible - in your dreams. Must be the leftovers from your son's birthday party (which by the way I was looking forward to read about, but that was when we were zapped - hope it went well.) I'll take your word for the Tivalls though and buy'em if we hav'em here.

I caught a glimpse of that bikamper seconds before I was automatically logged off the other night, Robinina, and I couldn't stop laughing. One fine evening while you're watching David Attenborough or some such fellow on television you'll see him, Attenborough, bending down and whispering beside this strange caterpillar thing, unknown to zoology until now. (And then you'll know your son is safe - inside.)

Who's 'Picky', Shaney? Son, husband - as in 'picky eater'? Another question: Why does my knitting look like these? I do like my coffee black...

So sorry about your Dad, Jude, it's agony to see those we love go through such a hard time, and not being able to visit him makes it even tougher. Hope you have the energy to visit this thread and that you will do so even when you're feeling downhearted.

Did I dream this or did it really happen...
Good evening hairnets
I am sorry you are not feeling well Jude ..hope you will soon be OK ...hope your Dad will soon be on the mend I know how you feel .... I have had the same thing with Mr.S.
Not nice for them .Mens troubles can be just as bad a womens .Take care pet .

Hej ! God kv�ll Kit ..your knitting looks like that because I have your knitting needles!! Hahaha !
Picky is my son ...who is the pickiest eater you have ever come across ! I have two of these peculiar people who will eat anything and one who is the biggest pain in the neck when it comes to food. Unfortunately the Picky still lives at home and is a veggie ! So ..we pick at this and turn our nose up at that and 'twas ever thus that's his nickname !!
I have had an awful day ...we had the drain blocked at the side of the house and all the gunge was coming back up into the kitchen sink ...we have managed to clear it now after about ten bags of washing soda and numerous kettles of hot water.I think a large drink and some chs is called for .....where's that wretched butler ?
Yuck, poor Shaney, I feel for you! The butler is on his his way with some delicious Morbier for you. Morning milk and evening milk - sounds like a fairy tale. / I found my knitting needles! Would have been too bad if they were lost, I had just recently organized them according to size very neatly in plastic pockets in a ring binder. (But I only ever use one size, the one that I need for the 'pulse heaters.')

Where are you, jno, you didn't go and do a Munchhausen on that comet, did you - you were only supposed to watch it, you know.

My eldest sister had her dog neutered. He sends his best regards to Charlie and Shaney and trusts the same ill fortune has not befallen any of them.


There's a lot of sheepdog in him, so he's always trying to drive everyone into the same space, keeping the group together. Usually that's a nuisance, but during the Christmas holidays he made himself quite useful, in my nephew's opinion, when he tried to drive two nice young girls (that were going in the other direction) towards my nephew...
As I was saying... you were only supposed to watch that comet, you know, jno.
Oooh Shaney has been neutered many a year now....he was a nightmare in the daytime before I had him done .! Howling at the moon and trying to escape every five minutes, refusing to eat and other unmentionable behaviour !

I'm beginning to wonder about our Jno...very quiet ........perhaps she has run off with a hunky South Sea Islander !
Actually, I've been dreading to tell y'all, but the truth is... Arf!

And on the subject of missing people, where's Dolly - I hope you're feeling better too.

Neti, question for you, is Spanish an easy language to learn? Not that I'm planning to, but I'm intrigued by the fact that some say it's a cinch and some say it isn't.

Good night all, see you soon.
Hi to everyone

First jude I do hope your father recovers quickly from the pneumonia and you get rid of your virus too ,Mr.D had radiation treatment for prostrate trouble seems to have recovered nicely. I'm afraid I've not really been the best this year God willing I'll last a bit longer (had multiple blood tests ,urine test etc also XRays ) .My Asthma has been really bad ,unable to breathe,on nebulisers ,Ventolin ,Seretide(steroid puffer) vaporiser and now I have a Negative Ion air purifier to take pollutants out of the air !! Oh the joys of getting old(er)! cont.........
Hi, Kit no w orries about the emails,should have realised you are pushed for time on the Computer. Hope you finally get settled in your new place and get a computer of your own ,good luck.
Shaney glad to hear your roof is ok and not blown away ,teach your son to cook and if he has to cook for himself won't be so fussy !!!LOL .Keep well .
Robinia and Vinny you two would make a good couple !!you're such a laugh a good tonic ,but then again IF you were a couple we wouldn;t have you both on here ,hope both keeping well and looking forward to Spring !! I'm looking forward to Autumn here -cooler . Bye for now Dolly xxx
Morning all Thank you all so much for your kind words. I feel quite a bit better now and will be going to see my Dad again soon. I'm keeping up to date with you all and will be back soon xx
a'noon tout le monde...good to see you all's an amazing day here! very mild & sunny - & I've seen a butterfly & a ladybird! I know it's very unseasonable but it's a tonic when you're feeling rough as it seems a few of us are (I had a day from hell yesterday)....have they been sticking pins in effigies again out there?
Here's to better times for us all <slurps tea>

Kit I enjoyed all your links, hahaha - slightly elastic? (the cheese) sounds like the criteria for my clothes these days. Charlie still has his he's very pleased to say, but my sister's cat is out to be 'done'....I told her she should have had him done at xmas, sprayed them with glitter & hung them on the tree....oooh I'm a cruel woman.

A couple Dolly?....splutter...Vinny's already deserted us for a couple of days, when he sees that he'll take permanent cover! I said before, it's all that snoring & f4arting....he'd never put up with it.

besides, looks like he's already been spotted

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Yes I agree with Dolly - Robi and Vinny are terrific and so funny, sometimes I'm just browsing and just reading their remarks has me in stitches. Well done you two!!!

Dolly you poor thing - not being able to breathe normally must be terrifying, take care.
erm, they're just the ramblings of a daft old twit....and mine aren't much better.... hehe...better leg it....>>>>

btw, did anyone watch Bonkers last night....well it was wasn't it? - much as I love Lisa Tarbuck I thought it was a load of hawk droppings, won't bother again. And is she turning into Peggy!

has Vinny blown his fuses again?
I told him that doorbell wasn't wired right
tut....buzzin' in here I see.....s'pose I'll have to find another party to crash....mumble ....grumble....
Hi Robinia, you can crash my party. Will you be wearing those new boots that you ordered from that fox just the other week...? How nice to have someone else doing your dirty work for you!

Actually I'm just checking my e-mail so I won't stay. Hope you've had a better day today. I'm not so perky myself, healthwise, but I find it difficult to talk about that, both in cyberspace and in 'real life', whatever 'real life' means... It's nothing fatal, but it does rob me of my energy. But these threads are a real energizer.

Hope you sleep well!

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