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netibiza | 14:32 Thu 04th Jan 2007 | Site Suggestions
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Where has the Biddybank gone?


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Well. we've managed that then Robinia now pray tell, how do you defile someone's piccy on here - I mean they are not in my saved photos so how can I ruin their faces he he! or jno's slippers??
morning fogeys....

puts sommink in Vinny's tea, we'll have no boinging in here

hahaha lol neti well done - think you need a bit of lipsyl tho'.

tut!.... you drag youself outa bed in the middle of the night & into yer cold crimplene just to put the bins out ......& they don't come til 9 o'clock. Daren't put them out the night before - can't be having me Men in Overalls monthly strewn all around the street.
erm, such a shame you didn't save our pics isn't it neti.......?
if you start now, you may have found them by the time we've moved home......we'll send you a postcard.
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Oh good Vinny I've already put Tuscany Villa on my desktop - hope it's warmer there!
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I've just popped into the villa - very nice, have reserved my sun bed there, so hands off!!!!!
Hello there I'm back for a tick. Thankyou all for your kind words about my Dad. He is still in hospital having tests but a lot more comfortable than when he went in.
When I have more time I'm going to have a go at that painting lark that Neti has just mastered. I might even manage to get a photo of myself on from years ago LOL. See you later and thanks again.
Glad to hear your dads comfortable jude...
oi..! I can see you netti....tut tut..
tut (:O)
a'noon .....trundles in with tea trolley....
custard tarts?....battenburg? (bogof at co-op, deep joy)

hi Jude glad your dad's feeling brighter. Take him in some custards, he'll be back on his feet in no time.

I've installed an Italian stallion to keep my sunlounger the time we get there he's gonna be sooo pleased to see me....erm, except the pic I sent him is a wee bit out of there time for surgery?

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Oh Vinny that has made me laugh - I've still got a long way to go on that painting lark, don't tell me that you upload every damned piccy that you use, the computer must be full up by now!
funny you should say that neti cos I've been thinking....
what does imageshack do with all of our piccies? are they all stored away somewhere in ring binders? I expect yours has doodles all over it that says I ♥ Baz, shaney's will be covered in William Morris wallpaper & mine is white canvas with buckles all down the spine...and wouldn't they be called ImageWarehouse by now?

and whooooose pics are in a binder like this?

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Don't bother judeI've just tried to do it again and I can't. I've lost my colouring tools and can't for the life of me remember how to upload a piccy, mine doesn't work as Robinia said, so I bash and crash around the site, but it's hopeless:
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Damn and blast - have just burned Mr N's sprouts, whilst he was in the bath and I was beggaring about on Paint - and to make it worse I used the same spatula to stir his mash pots, the one I'd scraped the burned saucepan with, so now his tatties are streaky brown - still you can't beat tefal for hiding the evidence can you???
Blimey robinia....That Eye-talion stallions running around in the nuddy now..tut..!!!!
stud muffin (:O)
Hello possums!

Nice to literally see you, Neti! I�ll be happy to point Snakeman in your direction, but do you really have room for him? Oh, I see you�re getting things organized!

Glad your Dad�s feeling a little better, Jude. To answer your question, yes I believe that some of Vinny�s links have been unclickable confuse-the-biddies-look-alike-links, but as I operate from public computers there�s a lot of things I can�t open anyway � so don�t take my word for anything�

Toy boys, Italian stallions, scandalous memoirs � I must say these biddy threads make for shocking reading as of lately. Seems to me you need to take your Italian ancestry more seriously, Robinia. Here, take this crash course at once!

And so, having taken the crash course, Robinia became a paragon of virtue and it was generally considered safe to let her aunties have a promotion copy each of her forthcoming memoirs. Oh no, Robinia, you didn't!
�and pray where are my knitting needles, Shaney�? I�m grateful you helped me unpack, but don�t you think it�s rather odd that they are the only thing missing�? Quite a coincidence, huh.
It's closing time at the ole internet cafe. Bye now...
netibiza - come to the front of the class at once!
re lost colour box....
at the top of the page in paint - click view - click colour box (it should come back)
to open a pic in paint .....
either - click file - then open - your pics should open up & you double click the one you want
or - go to your pics - double click one - right click on it - Edit (it will open in paint)

now order a take-away

hi Kit oooh sorry i just missed you. Yep, I'll bet if truth was told we'd make some of that lot in B&S look like Mary Poppins. tut! these young uns think they invented it.
erm, did we forget to warn you about shaney's little klepto problem....started when she was, you know... <mouths it silently>... on the change.....

I'll practice being a paragon of virtue until you return... <hard to type with fingers crossed>

I still prefer it served this way
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Dear Robinia I am bunking off painting class for the rest of the day - too tired after scraping sprouts off the walls - tomorrow is another day (hmm where have I heard that before!!) and I will conquer this paint nonsense by hook or by crook. But thanks for your help.

Kit if I had known you'd be popping in, I would have put on my make-up!!!
mmm, neti gets late mark....

morning all - I'm not with it today (bad night) but I can't stop laughing - I'm a daft biddy sometimes

jno's link

I need another cuppa......

hahaha Mornin ...
yep,we could tell a few stories....blimey,I remember when I use to get 3 in a bed ...every night....!
dont play Darts as much as I did hehe..!..what do they say...many a true word is spoken in Jest.....okay..Are shuddup really is like spring round here this mornin...even at 6:30 it was quite mild....And the air outside smells of Apple's...stiiiiiiirange init...(:O)

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