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netibiza | 14:32 Thu 04th Jan 2007 | Site Suggestions
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Where has the Biddybank gone?


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somebody drag the tin bath out & fill it with cold water...Vinny's getting far too frisky .....

I've got rosemary flowering in my front garden crazy......& I noticed a pile of hydrangea mopheads had blown in....I know they're shaney's cos they've got hairnets on...

Afternoon all ...
quickly hides knitting needles and assorted boxes of chocs under the chair Internet is up and down like Tower Bridge was off nearly all day yesterday until the evening and this morning it conked on me again for some thought I would dash in while there's still a bit left of my shilling in the meter!
Hope you are all OK .
Dull and dreary here ..I see we are going to get a Casino after all ....that's the last thing we need round here !!
_������♫...jACKPOT..♫ Anyone fer custard Tarts..(:O)
lol Vinny !! :o)
think you'd better send those winnings to mr shaney cos once mrs s gets loose in there it'll be all tst & no chs at slack towers....
oh no, looks like her back's gone
btw I asked my son this afternoon what veggie sausage tasted like & he said 'well, imagine a grilled sprout....'
Evening, possums.

So is your son a vegetarian, Robinia, or just a wise guy...? Either way I must admit he's right. Veggie sausages are a really weird remnant from the days when it was supposed that vegetarians probably wanted to eat meat after all, and if for some reason they couldn't, they should at least have the pleasure of believing that they almost were eating the real thing, by the looks of it.

Hey Vinny, this one got away.

I suppose it's floors rather than carpets you're cleaning, Vinny...?...but just in case you do clean ordinary rugs as well, here's a method that might lighten up your Thursdays.

Okay, I'm being logged off automatically in a few minutes, just wanted to say hi. Bye!
hi Kit - no he's not veggie, but not a 32oz steak man either....not too sure about the wise either - he told me today he's going to cycle from Land's End to John O'Groats ( 3 weeks & 1000miles) in a few months time....taking one of
oh do they lie awake at night wondering what they can do to freak their mothers out?

I see you bin teaching him to cook then Ribena..hehe..! hiya Kip...yep..most of them veggie sausages taste like dont ask..but I do love the Tivall one's...there made on a kibbutz in israel.I had students for 10 years staying with me,and the very first was a german girl henrici...and she refused to eat it until I proved it wasnt meat..haha..!
Personally I coudnt give two monkeys what they look long as they taste good...oh and we had a swedish girl..and every morning she would leave the bathroom and come into the Kitchen and say good morning ....completely in the nude....!! there was always a sausage waiting for her....erm...and fried eggs.!(:O)
<<<thwacks Vinny>>>

there's a fuchsia called devonshire dumpling......just thought that snippet might come in handy one day hehe...
Oh don't ask ...Picky is a vegetarian ..we have murders over food .I spend mega money on veggie sausages ,veggie kievs and burgers. And fiddle around making vegetarian bakes and what have you and mushroom fol de rols..Any farthings I have left over are spent on chs and chocs and definitely not in casinos !! I prefer shoplifting and knitting needle nicking !!!
lol shaney (hope ya hearhole is better btw)
my sis made me laugh t'other day - she said she couldn't get warm so I told her to chase hubby round with the woman's weekly & she said she'd get hotter with excitement if she went & stole a w's weekly....hahaha...
I work in zuperbug and I dont take anything...
fishnet stockings ....mars bars....comodoms...! guaranteed.. you cant buy cheaper...!(:O)
Years ago when I worked at Sainsburys we had this old boy who used to come in and nick stuff day he had this frozen chicken he'd half inched .Those days they had the brown paper carrier bags and by the time he got round the shop the bag had gone all soggy he legged it out of the shop the bag split and the chicken fell out and the store detective who was chasing him,skidded on the chicken and fell a over t !
You couldn't have made it up was like something out of Laurel and Hardy !
thats brill shaney..erm...they never found the sprouts then..hehe..!
bloomin heck netti...I just posted in that one in B&S(about how did they know where to put it first)And I only posted it in jostars.....hahahaha....well it was at the bloomin top before...Hic..!(:O)
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I think it's gone now Vinny.

Hope all the Biddies are well and happy today. Blooming miserable over here (and I love it!)
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Someone's been on here and reported my last posting about Ann Summers! Who would do such a thing!!
a'noon peeps....bit miserable here too & rather drarfty round me parts ....
Anne Summers? who's she when she's outa bed? was she our Wednesday speaker fron the W.I.?

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