I think that the Ed has sufficiently answered everyone's questions in this one post Allotment10 , so there shouldn't really be any need to trawl through every post ( which let's face it , is all tantamount to the same thing anyway) to reiterate the same point. I can't see why so many posts on the same subject were required anyway and was there any need for the final comment of the last post in this thread ?
http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/AB-Suggestions/ Question394149.html
This is what is giving AB a bad name and making people turn off - not how the sports section , or any section for that matter , looks. Nobody liked the way the sub sections looked at first and there were dozens of posts berating that idea but no-one seems to mind now. I don't like a lot of the changes on here but I accept that as it's a free website , I have no claims over how it should look , nor try to impose any demands upon the Ed or tech team by stamping my feet or resorting to insults. It's the way it has always been and will continue to be , long after we move on to pastures new. There's a colossal difference between making your opinion known and being downright offensive when you don't get your own way.