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netibiza | 17:55 Wed 02nd Dec 2009 | Site Suggestions
500 Answers
Love it, that's much better, thank you Ed!


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I rather like Lewis, it's sort of normal, but I won't get to see it until tomorrow or Tuesday!
Hi all, what a winger I am ;-)
No there is no pain, its just all getting a bit boring...
I had chicken, jerseys and English asparagus planned for dinner and all i have had today is a yoghurt, before I realised what has happened, and two glasses of complan drunk through a straw since. I am not precisely hungry....but I do want to eat!!!
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I think I've eaten enough for you today woofy, if it's any consolation.!
thanks but actually its not :-)
Is there anything I can chew...?

(All right, I'll get me coat.)
Lewis was good .Laurence Foxes younger brother was in it this time .It's not on next week though because of some bloomin ' talent show .Just as it's getting exciting with Lewis and the pathologist .Will they... won't they .
Sorry you're still having trouble with that tooth Woofie .You're very brave .I couldn't put myself through all that .
Well it turned out a so so day here .Kept threatening to rain but didn't .
We had jerseys ,schnitzel and salad ( no cheese) and I'm now going to bed to scribble over my crossword book .
Nite all xx
Ha ha Kit...Shaney actually I am not brave, its just that this doesn't actually worry me..which is pretty amazing cos i did when I was a teenager.
Well I was going to bed but there's a thread in motoring which has turned into a right old slanging match :) It's better than the tele on here at times .
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Morning all - just read the motoring thread, enthralling!
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Morning cheesefreeks...
Ok, which one of you is Smithy?! Very weird dream I had last night, I'll tell you about it if it ever happens.
Trying to be a busybiddy here at Robi towers (screaming joints permitting) in anticipation of the heatwave we're going to have by the end of the week ...hmmm?

I've scanned through the motoring thread very quickly...hasn't it all been done before?..and it's obviously someone familiar with the site 'cos as far as I noticed they haven't questioned the swear filter & newbies usually do.

I loved Lewis last night, the best one in this series so far...and I picked out the murderer, it just had to be him, the Monarch of the Glen, haha. Then I watched some of the 80s stuff on beeb 2...will we be reliving all that now with the return of the conservatives? I do hope so, it's all a bit boring in the music world, more make up & men in frocks, that's what we need. :o)

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morning peeps.
I read that to..I reckons ITS your friend nobby robi.!:O)bootifull day ere.Thats on the south coast of devon kip,I lives on the north coast,there's you drinking luscombes and me drinking Kopparberg ...tis a small world.Im glad you gave grapphitezepplin 5 hearts...he's a bit good int he...(she only gives me 4 if im lucky) later(:O)
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What was the Lewis one called as I need to know to download it.

I see gherkin everywhere ! :-)
Lewis - Your Sudden Death Question..

not seen any gherkins yet neti...
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<< touches side of nose with finger>> aha - but will we know, I am suspicious of everyone - can you prove that you are Robi!!!

Am washing and handwashing my way through 5 suitcases of hija's clothes from Barça, Her washing at the best of times needs improvment!!
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I use the word hija cos it's so much quicker than typing daughter, hope it's Ok? and tough if it's not!!!

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