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netibiza | 17:55 Wed 02nd Dec 2009 | Site Suggestions
500 Answers
Love it, that's much better, thank you Ed!


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d'oh - Robi, well obviously the mole needced darning!!!!
did you have a hole in ya mole? :o)
lovely vid shaney!
neti, can I ask where you found those images please? They'd make great cards with subversive messages added.
Question Author
Woofy if you mean the old fashioned ladies doing housework, it came up under lolcats housework - images, can't tell you more than that, sorry

Yay my swedish downloading site is up and running again!
There are loads Woofie

It's Ok I'm Neti's second in command at the The Ladies Detective Agency :)

It's been a lovely day here and we had a stroll along the seafront this afternoon and Mr S bought me an icecream .We know how to push the boat out :)
This is the first day I've gone without without those wretched support socks .Oh the freedom and my leg didn't swell up .So on that note I shall go bed before it does !
I hope you've all had a good day .Nite all xx
Okay Woofy here's your challenge:) do something subversive with this one I found it here

Shaney's "vintage housewife" is a superb search string, RETRO HOUSEWIFE or HAPPY HOUSEWIFE or FIFTIES HOUSEWIFE are really good too for this kind of image. Problem is lots of them are already captioned... (here's one of my old favourites but you'll be able to find (search string) DIGITAL COLLAGE SHEETS on Etsy where some have captions and others don't

Also, you can search directly on Flickr. The one Neti posted is in this set (click Detail for larger images, and note: There are gazillions of pages in this set so don't forget to click 'Next' There are lots of 'pools' on Flickr, often you will see a comment under an image saying something like "We would like to have this picture in our Happy Housewife Pool" and so on, and you'll be able to find lots by clicking on those links.

(cont.) You'll also find that there are women on Flickr who re-stage these ads with themselves as the heroine:)

I identify strongly with this one

and this one...

Copyright lecture, anyone? Cos finding the images is one thing...

Great news about your leg, Shaney!
Trying again:

(but the re-staged ones I can't find right now, will post some if I come across them again)
evening all... escaped ash clouds and strikes and so was unfortunately unable to subathe in the Med any longer than planned. Loved that BA video, shaney. Glad to hear people are getting over what's ailing them, but I don't like the sound of woofgang's implant one bit...
Question Author
Morning all, and welcome back jno!

Yes, you see woofy, I just put on piccy on here and my minions sort out the rest ( I have no idea how they find them all, I only google things) I am amazed at what they have found.

Well done shaney with the ole leg, does that mean you'll be ok with it now? I think that's lovely you and mr s having a stroll and an ice cream, I fancy doing that with Mr N, we haven't done that for ages.
thanks...plenty of material there

Kit, just a quickie, I kept it clean as its for general viewing.
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That's brilliant woofy, I want one <<< stamps foot in fit of peak >>>

Have to do yearly tax declaration tomorrow for all three of us (although hija (!) doesn't legally have to do anything fiscal until she is 25!)and although I sort it out every year, I still cannot remember what I'm supposed to take with me, franticly rustling through anything that looks remotely scary!!!

Still no news on the council taking our land, but that doesn't mean anything, just means that they are not telling us!

Have seen some of those lovely sandals with straps all round the ankles, like gladiator ones but all round the ankles for 32€, (in Peacocks £12!) so am sneaking out with the credit card tomorrow and getting 'em! have had to change hairstyle now as too long.

Where's our jude, she's being very quiet.

Morning robi!!!!
morning tout...welcome home jno!

why did I think of you neti when I saw this?

I am this today...
...oldest son's visa has come through...hey ho, as one door closes another one slams...every cloud has another one above it...
Question Author
Oh Robi, what can I say, seems so final, but it's not.

You look like Dot Cotton in that piccy!!

Tell me when someone sees my new aviator!
Just for you Neti
.....mole darning sounds like a lost traditional rural past cord wangling
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thank you woofy, that is perfick, love it!!
Question Author

Keeping my eye on this one, if you know who I mean ^^........
Mr Letdown claims to be 16, I believe, but it's possible his parents are in their 90s.
Afternoons. (< My keyboard just made that up but it sounded good to me:)

Welcome home jno, good to see your angelic face again:)

Ha ha you sure you had the right biddy/hippie in mind when you made that hash housewife Woofy...? It's brilliant though, thank you! You should make badges (buttons, pins) and fridge magnets. Did you see a while back somebody was asking about oneliners in Phrases&Sayings cos they had just bought themselves a badgemaking machine? I got so inspired I almost bought one myself, I hadn't realised before how small and handy they were. Couldn't find one in Stockholm though and I would need to try it out first, it might be too hard for me (my back) to work it so I don't dare send for one. I found a good link though, I'll have a look for it if you're interested.

Oh Robi... I won't presume to say I understand what it must feel like, but believe me I do sympathize. On a similar note, my eldest sister's son has been talking about emigrating (for good) to Thailand and although he's been talking about it for years and not done it yet, nor has he put it on the shelf.

Yep Neti Pirate Bay is all they talk about on our radio... /After a hard refresh (ctrl+F5) I see your fab self, she's one of the happy housewives isn't she? / While you're at it doing everybody's tax declarations Neti, could you do Blossom's as well http://www.telegraph....o-womans-pet-pig.html

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