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netibiza | 17:55 Wed 02nd Dec 2009 | Site Suggestions
500 Answers
Love it, that's much better, thank you Ed!


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my mother seemed to cope perfectly well when I emigrated; perhaps the knowledge that she would never have to babysit cheered her up.

Harrumph, one of my friends has also just got back from holiday too, and she saw Johnny Depp in St Mark's Square. All I saw was the occasional bit of ancient Greek pottery.
Johnny Depp in St Mark's Square...? Now we know where Jude is!

Here you go Woofy (if you're interested). As you can see, some of them make fridge magnets as well
Afternoon housewifes..(:O)
just for you.
I run out of ink..hope you like it.
Aww Vinny, you've almost made me cry now...!
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Beautiful our Vin!!!
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Sily me, have just danced to "Dance yourself dizzy" by Liquid Gold, and I'm shattered, knees are killing me, what went wrong, could have danced all night once!!
Vinny that's so beautiful...thank you
Neti I have cleared my cache and refreshed the page but can only see you as fairy Godmother.
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No woofy, I am a beautiful 1950's housewife!
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am on lappy and my fairy godmother aviator was on, so I cleared recent history and lo and behold now I am the glamorous housewife. have changed......
Robi...keep your chin up...
He he he Vinny I see that SPIDER 08 has your number (or is that an American expression? meaning you've figured somebody out)

*thwacks Neti for being too glamorous*
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Ouch, swedie, but it's not real life, <<<< limps off into corner,rubbing sore ear, and swearing at Pirate Bay!>>>>
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What's Vinny been up to now!!
"It's not real life" - this I know Neti, I'd be Pasta Lady if it were ha ha.

Neti It's one of the comments on the drawing for the biddies; she says he could be the new Alfie;-)
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The old film with Michael Caine? Or the new(ish) one with Jude Law
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Still don't get it, Vin's name is right there on the drawing page, so he's not hiding anything!
Aaaw That's lovely of you Vinny .I like the seagull :)
Like the new aviator Neti ,very retro housewife .I think I may change mine but I can't seem to find any retro pictures of Slack Alice .
Welcome back Jno ,I hope you had a nice time in spite of having to come back sooner than expected .At least you've come back to some warmer weather and It's been a lovely day here . I've been round at my bros all afternoon sitting in the garden putting the world to rights with my sis in law and cronies over coffee and cake .
Second day sans socks but leg now swollen up a bit so it looks as if I shall have to wear them at least indoors,but I'm boogered if I'm wearing them to go out in the warm weather. I can't waltz about in trousers and closed shoes all summer .

Hang on in there Robinia xxx
Evening Shaney. Evening Shaney's leg:'(

Neti she (affectionately jokingly) called Vinny a player. I think she referred to his own caption of the drawing plus the fact that lotsa ladies like him on the drawing site as well.

Could somebody tell me what Mick Jagger has done, he was on the news just as I zapped back from another channel but I only caught a few seconds...?

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