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netibiza | 17:55 Wed 02nd Dec 2009 | Site Suggestions
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Love it, that's much better, thank you Ed!


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No sorry, don't like I the word hija..
...prove I'm robi? Well look who I've just found in me shed, remember him? I erm, borrowed him from Jude, he's rather tasty...
lol Robi, he's all spout and no trousers that one.
Final instalment of the dentist saga is that the stitches have not popped!!!
Apparently the problem is that the gum is healing faster than average so the stitches are starting to sag earlier than they normally would. I have just eaten a tub of cottage cheese and prawns to celebrate.
Going for a nap now, i didn't sleep much last night...foxes in the garden so the dogs were kicking up
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What is jude doing having him in her shed? All I've got is manky Manilow and Dirty George! Mmm, methinks will have to have a word with our jude!!!!!
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sorry woofy you weren't there a moment ago, glad you are feeling more chipper, am also off for siesta with bowl of quark and lidl strawbs which are the best!!!!!
no neti he's been in MY shed all winter..don't tell Jude, I don't think she's missed him...

glad you're on the mend woofy, but stop mending so fast...or have tighter stitches..
Cheese, love and understanding to ya, lolbiddies. ♪There will be cheese in the valley for me-e-e-e-e...♫ - I do believe this is Cheese In Our Time. Shouldn't have got me started, should you now. (How DID this cheese thing start, I missed the onset!)

It's been another beautiful day here, went out for a shortish walk trying to regain some strength after this long horrible winter and my bad-back-attacks. Thank god for cats and dogs, it's always a cat or a dog that makes me dare bend my back again after weeks of not being able to - I can't resist picking them up or "stooping to their level" ha ha.

Oh I do too give you 5 hearts every time, Vinny! Lately I've particularly liked the Devon Belle and Woolacombe beach (the wooden fingerpost) and Venice and theThames. I sometimes wonder what you could do with real live watercolours... but I won't encourage that cos if you did start using watercolours instead we wouldn't get to see your work anymore, would we:(

I had the weirdest dream too last night Robi but that's nothing compared to the surreal dreams I'll be having tonight after seeing what you borrowed from Jude ha ha ha that was funny. My dream was beautiful weird, about a prince bathing in Djurgårdsbrunnskanalen (where I once went in myself, when younger:) I must point out I don't usually dream about princes... there was something almost spiritual about this dream.

Hallelujah right back at Woofy
brilliant vid kit...I do love groups who look like real people and not clones or robots.....did you notice that one of them is called......wait for it......CHEEZE!!!!!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, no I didn't...!
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Did Lewis have Alan Davis in it cos that's the one I've got only there's no title?.
Try again,my screen keeps freezing .
Evening all .Hope you are all Ok.Been quite nice here today weatherwise ,not boiling hot though
.Have spent a delightful day with my aunt ."Can you come round and put up my summer curtains in the front room" .But then she finds me other little jobs that want doing ....I hate ironing :)
Anyway I'm cream crackered ( and cheesed) so it's Goodnight from me .Take care Toodlepip for now .
morning all....blessedly normal day her at woofgang towers.
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Morning all, am still in bed, so now idea what the weather is like. There is a strange roaring sound outside but am sure it's not thunder. just had a listen at the window and it's some sort of machine!

Robi, did "ladies of letters" finish, if so very strange!

My Swedish downloading site has been taken off the web cos Hollywood is kicking up, but have managed to get Lewis and I think it's the right one. It'll be back up and running soon. I don't feel too bad cos I usually only download tv progs and anyway it's not illegal here in Spain!

Better get up I suppose, my stomach is rumbling!
morning biddybels...Just rolling by, it's a beautiful morning & things to do...

Yes neti, gerrup! Aren't you an hour ahead of us? I lost interest in ladies of Letters, it got too silly...and this weeks Lewis did have the lovely Alan Davies in it...

It's time Vinny drew a pic of a bridge for me...I love Boulevard St. Michel ♥♥♥♥♥
Yes come on Neti make a move :)
I don't feel much like moving myself this morning .The sprit is willing but the flesh is weak .
But I must hoover round , I can't walk about in these wellies forever .
Supposed to be 21C ( real feel) here today .
Did Jno fly with BA ....
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Make a move? I've been up, and out and washing and walking! shatterred! ...and starving!
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Ha ha shaney that could be robi and I singing that!!!!
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Afternoon yokels.
lovely sunny day again.Im off to Londres fritag..7 million peeps live there..its a wonder they dont run out of beer..?..must go and catch some rays.....(now what did I do with me eye-protectors....)said in a jamaican accent....(:O).eres a bridge for robinia..█╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╦
Brilliant video shaney!
neti why is the vintage housewife putting stitches in a mole? :o)
haha, that looks like a bed for a stick with lots of shoeboxes underneath it Vinny...

It's been a lovely day, I'm shattered & I don't know what to have for my tea...I'll see what the butler's planning...



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