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Please get rid of ChatterBank

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bibblebub | 21:20 Wed 29th Sep 2010 | Site Suggestions
105 Answers
for a trial period of a few months (to begin with).

The consequences of the tribal associations and enmities that originate in CB affect the rest of the site because of the troll postings. Getting rid of CB might result in the loss of some regular contributors to other sites but you could gain more new users who are put off by the abusive/profane/stupid nonsense that appears on this site far too often. Once CB is gone the current system of reporting chatting would suffice.

Make this a proper Q&A site, reduce the social networking aspect.


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"I've posted on CB far less times than most of you do in a single day. "

And that's precisely why YOU wouldn't miss it and WE would. There are far more opinions to be taken into consideration here than just YOURS.
dont think it will ever happen, bibble,
I must admit that I tend to stay away from CB. Some of you lot scare me.
We're nice chrissa1....give it a bash.
I'm probably nicer than most but I don't bother as much as i did as it is abit tame to how it was and I do like to read a good debate
I'm nicer than Dot.
I think possibly you are, but i;m nicer than ummm, though not as nice as jno.
There is a miniscule number of posters who make the sorts of comments you mention.
The Editorial team deal with them as quickly as they can.
There is little that can presently be done to prevent 'anyone' posting 'anything' 'anywhere'.

I'm not sure why the majority of sane and sensible CBers should suffer for the actions of one or two.
i noticed you rarely post im cb, dotty when i was last on you posted quite frequently.
I tend to be busy anne, but the nice people (like sara me ummm and jno) keep CB together
Lol....anyway. I think Bibble has lost the argument...

(I think I'm nicer than Dot)
oh Dot, you've brought a little tear to my eye ;o)
It's close ummmm but I am slightly nicer more often, see, I've even made sara cry with emotion.
Well, I'm Really nice and you still scare me.
chrissa, you big girl's blouse ;o)
have to say dotty is always polite and helpful.
See What I Mean?? Mwahhhhh.
'Really nice'? no need to exaggerate, can't stand people who blow their own trumpet, it's bad manners tut just settle for nice and we'll monitor your progress
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CB is evil
that's what being nice is all about ann. : )

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Please get rid of ChatterBank

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