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Please get rid of ChatterBank

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bibblebub | 21:20 Wed 29th Sep 2010 | Site Suggestions
105 Answers
for a trial period of a few months (to begin with).

The consequences of the tribal associations and enmities that originate in CB affect the rest of the site because of the troll postings. Getting rid of CB might result in the loss of some regular contributors to other sites but you could gain more new users who are put off by the abusive/profane/stupid nonsense that appears on this site far too often. Once CB is gone the current system of reporting chatting would suffice.

Make this a proper Q&A site, reduce the social networking aspect.


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okay chrissa, let me know when you're venturing in.. and I'll send Dot to hold your hand x
Chrissa I'm quite nice too, in fact there are a few old dodders who are nice on here, Oi speak for yourself I hear you say ttfn.
As if
Why not just add another section for `children only` and leave CB for topics of adult interest?
Go on brave :-), it's you that is evil trying to take it away from us..!! Bad man...bad bad man.
sort of like a place for people to regress to their childhood you mean? I;m drawing up the members list as we speak.
adult interest??
please don't post a link to that last post sara, my nerves are 'fragile' tonight.
I hardly ever visit CB, usually only when I'm extremely bored or I notice an interesting subject in the latest post list. But what is the harm in banter and if they want biffs and tiffs? If you don't like it, stay away.

Next thing you know someone will suggest that the Jokes section should be scrapped because it is not true Q & A... and THEN there will be trouble!!!!!
I'm nice sometimes :-)
craft, how are you tonight ?
yes craft, but Wednesday isn't your day.
I would use CB more if I could understand what was going on! Most of the posters on here are too quick witted for me, and everyone seems to know who is who in real life!
Hi Anne.............sara is correct Wednesday does tend to be my angry day..........but not as much as Friday and Saturday...
pips you think I know this bunch of nutters!!
Pips....we were all strangers once. Some of us exchange emails...some have met's all good fun. Join in :-)
If it went, trolls and natter would go to the busiest catergories and then you would be asking for a seperate catergory to get rid of them
pips i dont know any aber "in real life "
put my twopenneth in, far as im concerned CB is like a big family we all have our rant and raves but we couldnt be with out it, some really nice helpful people on here too i'd miss it, anyway nuff from me im off to bed up at 4.45am (good morning all)lol, have a good night all!!
If your looking to get rid of a category try News first ... just full of nutters!

Oh and Quizzes & Puzzles while your at it ... they just talk in secret code ...

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