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Please get rid of ChatterBank

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bibblebub | 21:20 Wed 29th Sep 2010 | Site Suggestions
105 Answers
for a trial period of a few months (to begin with).

The consequences of the tribal associations and enmities that originate in CB affect the rest of the site because of the troll postings. Getting rid of CB might result in the loss of some regular contributors to other sites but you could gain more new users who are put off by the abusive/profane/stupid nonsense that appears on this site far too often. Once CB is gone the current system of reporting chatting would suffice.

Make this a proper Q&A site, reduce the social networking aspect.


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and weather, really no point apart from holding lost quiz posts
The only one I know in the flesh is Jackthehat.
OK, thanks for responses, I'll try to get to know more of you - what happened to bigmamma and cab?
on the same subject. what happened to warpig?
I don't know any of those people!
I imagine warpig is too busy bringing up warpiglet but I could be wrong
Bigmamma always used to be on first thing in the morning, she was actually really slim, lol
As has been pointed out already Bibblebub the same users would migrate to Body & Soul.

CB makes a lot of noise for its size and doesn't actually make us any money (contrary to popular opinion!) - so why keep it you ask? It gives everyone a place they can just "hang out" between flexing the grey matter, it is a place for a chat, a natter and a conversation of no consequence.

We do try and make sure chat is not prevalent across the whole site and we ask Chatterbankers to remember the site is bigger than just one category.

So no, we wont be removing CB any time soon!

All the best,

Spare Ed
-- answer removed --
You don't like those either? lol
I don't like them either... But mainly because I can never think of anything funny.
lol ^^^ -I dont get them either :)
Same as....makes me feel a bit inadequate :-(
And they're boring when they go to 200 answers anyway, people are just showing off how clever they are so even if we all suddenly got inspired and wrote genius answers, no one would notice as they're a big bunch of know all show offs.... I'm not bitter or anything.
Well said fellow Chatterbankers, Ed & co!

Anyway bibblebub - I won a chocolate cake for coming up with the name 'Chatterbank', but BOO ate it all, lol. ;o}
I remember AB before it had CB but it didn't meant there was no idle chit chat. It all just appeared in other catagories and in proper questions which became really frustrating. It's better having a CB because if you ask a serious question then your thread doesn't (usually) get taken over with what you consider nonsense. I don't often go in CB but I definitely think it should stay.
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Thank you Spare Ed for your reply.

And hurray, 76 replies (this makes 77) is the most I've ever had to a question; posting something about the CBers themselves always gets them going.
Well I'm not going to answer and make it 78 just to boost your ego...

Oh damm it!
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now 79 and climbing
What is everyone having for lunch?

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Please get rid of ChatterBank

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