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ummmm | 00:47 Mon 28th Feb 2011 | Site Suggestions
115 Answers
Ed, do you think it might be a good idea to remind users to treat all new comers with respect?

Newbies are treated with suspicion and if it wasn't for the fact that Prendy was in the same room as me he would have been banned/suspended or treated like a troll.

He jumped in feet first because of me...and because of what I told him about the site. He should be left alone to find out the site etiquette for himself before other users call him 'creepy' or presume he's a troll....

This site needs new users, quite badly in my opinion, he's 19...he's a good boy. Let new users find their feet fgs...


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There's several of them ummmm... And they overlap too... Again, it's been like that for bloody yonks as well! I'm sure prendy will find his clique :c) I don't know why people take such exception to what is a clearly obvious concept. There are cliques on AB within all the topics. It's generally just shared interests/sense of humour/just damn old users wittering on with other old users or rowing with them... But yeah, there's cliques, there is in all walks of life so don't see why the internet would be any different.
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tinkey whats ya facey name
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Nazzy - errrrr....don't know. Years...too many years :-)) x

China - I've been living in denial (Naz is the leader....but don't tell anyone)
Wotcha Bez... Yeah, they never left! We'll all part of our own little cliques really, some just don't like admitting it.... If you take clique to mean groups of people you get on with more or share something in common with... I think it's been used as an insult a bit too much when it's quite normal really.
Ummmy, if we were FB friends, I'd poke you so hard right now ... ----->
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Haha - Naz...I'd probably enjoy it...poking with such little effort is the way forward :-))
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I think the word is used to wind people up but I don't think it should, it's no biggie to my mind.
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I will take that on board China....

It was 4get and Red that told me off years ago about treating newbies with suspicion...I tried to take that on board.

It would be nice if we were all a bit more welcoming. Then once welcomed, we can fight..!
Welcoming?! Jeeze woman, can I just stick to quietly making my own mind up? I mean, I don't say hello to every muppet that walks past me on the street so why do I have to be nice on here? Talk about asking the earth... ;oP
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Bez ... how was Basildon btw?
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Oi...cos I told you to!!! have the right stance though China. Ignore until you've made your mind up....

I know, depending on the Q, that's sometimes it's hard to hold back....but it's my nephew...and I don't like
I've been couped up in-doors for nearly 2 weeks now... I'll talk to anyone who glances in my direction for a nano second lol
I find it hard not to be flippant or sarcastic sometimes... But I think it's part of my subtle charm.
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