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ummmm | 00:47 Mon 28th Feb 2011 | Site Suggestions
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Ed, do you think it might be a good idea to remind users to treat all new comers with respect?

Newbies are treated with suspicion and if it wasn't for the fact that Prendy was in the same room as me he would have been banned/suspended or treated like a troll.

He jumped in feet first because of me...and because of what I told him about the site. He should be left alone to find out the site etiquette for himself before other users call him 'creepy' or presume he's a troll....

This site needs new users, quite badly in my opinion, he's 19...he's a good boy. Let new users find their feet fgs...


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Dris, ive seen you on occasions, infact many occasions, get errr shall we anoyed at other users. so it's a bit hypocritical of you to state that's hard enough, etc etc...

From what I remember last night, Prendy made two posts that I remember, the first one, which I took to be a joke offering to be all our agony uncle and the second one, which as I said WAS creepy was asking us to join him on FB (or was it email?) if we had problems which we'd like him to sort out for us.

It's all very well saying now in hindsite saying it's Ummmm's nephew and she sort of lined him for it, but at the time we didn't know that. I've apologised to Prendy And meant it) for calling him creepy, but I won't be told by anyone what I can and can't get offended/creeped out/ annoyed/whatever by what is posted here.
"... take the P a little bit to easily..."

You rang?
^ dammit, that makes no sense does it?

It did in my head!
Hey alba....hope you're well, sweetheart :0) xx

Hi Prendy,

Welcome to the site, matey and hope you enjoy yourself.......take no notice of those who doubt you....just probably being cautious as occasionally the site does have some 'banned pond life' trying to come back, but the Ed's on the case and zaps them before their fourth or fifth post now, so apologise if this has happened to you.......ummmm's a good 'un and one of my favourites ( but ssschhh dont tell her that...her heads big enough :0) )

Enjoy the site....may you stay long here and have a great time, and dont be shy to ask anything on any section.........maybe regarding your interests or hobbies. or perhaps just a niggling question you'd like to know.

Take care, Prendy :0)
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I must ad....missed the second post BOO...I would have told him off for that. From Naz's answer I just thought he'd gave his email out....

Naughty boy...naughty naughty boy Prendy..!!!! x
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After reading Boo's comment, i will check out your back posts.......creepies out methinks, but being a slight perv works for me :0)

( you need any advice, kiddo.....follow the bear ) lol
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*fingers in ears*
oh balls, not only now will i have Dris gunning for me, I've dropped Prendy in it and Pinki's got a gleam in his eye which if Prendy's got any sense will make him very very scared :p
B00, we (well, some of us) knew it was ummmmy's nephew from her 'I ♥ prendy' thread.

However, I'm sure a lot of people were scared to say anything to him last night purely because he was ummmy's nephew ... she can be really scary y'know. (plus, she's kinda 'respected' on here, being really old an' all).

Anyhow ... my post was the funniest in the whole thread ... so, game over.
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cheers uncle yogi :0)
Can't help feeling that Prendy was leading with his chin with those posts ummmm. Would have been surprised if he hadn't been got at.
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I can't find the post I was talking about, was it removed? I didn't make it up did I?

koode- think some think I'm a bully? I think it's more to do with the fact I've been here a while and im pretty gobby. I do try not offend most folk honest I do) unless I dislike them or they ask something or say something spectacularly stupid then im afraid the aforementioned gob goes into overdrive.
She's scarey...........
No worries, young man ( uncle....indeed!! )

3 questions only it seems, Boo

Going through some of his answers and comments made to/about him...........could be just a case of too much, too soon...... he'll settle in hopefully.

"...I think it's more to do with the fact I've been here a while and im pretty gobby. "

Heavens, who said that? I'll sort 'em out for ya.
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Oi Nazzy...did you call me old? Dare you to say that to my face...!!!! xx

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