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ummmm | 00:47 Mon 28th Feb 2011 | Site Suggestions
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Ed, do you think it might be a good idea to remind users to treat all new comers with respect?

Newbies are treated with suspicion and if it wasn't for the fact that Prendy was in the same room as me he would have been banned/suspended or treated like a troll.

He jumped in feet first because of me...and because of what I told him about the site. He should be left alone to find out the site etiquette for himself before other users call him 'creepy' or presume he's a troll....

This site needs new users, quite badly in my opinion, he's 19...he's a good boy. Let new users find their feet fgs...


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Yeah, you don't want to be saying hello to strangers there, lol
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Same thing, they just sound different, lol :-))
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Sorry prendy just seen u saying about facebook x
To be blunt ummmmm, if you didn't know him, you'd be one of the first to jump in and give him a hard time.
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Maybe a few years ago BOO - not now.
*cough* rollocks *cough*

awhh.. as an innocent(ish) bystander, he did come across as a bit over-familiar for a newbie. I thought he was "someone" returning but try to keep away from those kind of threads. it's only because he gave his FB details that I saw we had a mutual friend (you!).. and then I thought it might be your old man playing games ;o)
I am, I guess, still relatively new.
Been welcomed by most people on AB.
I like that sometimes I am not agreed with and love a good debate, dont see someone disagreeing as a lack of respect, we should voice our opinions and not follow the most "popular" answers. What I dont like is people beeing singled out and picked on, not suggesting anyone in present company does so, just a general comment. This is not a social network site as such, and accordingly we shouldnt only speak to our "mates" as old, young, whatever - everyone should have a voice on here and be listened to.
like sara, i assumed it was an old (banned) user returning. Especially with his questions/posts, they DID come across as weird and yes, i found them creepy. I'll make no apologies for that. I didn't stick around long enough to find out if he was kosher enough, as quite frankly i didn't care all that much and went to bed instead.

Nevertheless I will apologise if I did offend him, however if you'd done your job and forewarned him about me beforehand he should have expected my grumpy replies anyway ;-)
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Lol - he wasn't offended.

Like I said...probably my fault he came across as too familiar. Ed thought the same and suspended him briefly.
I'm glad that I am not a new member....I don't think I could handle it.

I agree completely with naz's first post.
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^^^ and creepy...
I'm still finding my feet here but was left aghast at how over familiar Prendy came across. I put it down to youthful exuberance but did feel it was a bit OTT.
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I gave a serious response earlier.
The last comment was a bit flippant :(
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It was the fact that he had inside like I fault.

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