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naomi24 | 23:59 Tue 03rd Nov 2009 | News
17 Answers
I've just been watching the news on the continuing search for little Madeleine. It reported that the psychologist working on the case is convinced the abductor will strike again, but how can he know that when there are no positive clues to her disappearance? Additionally, why are the authorities so sure she is still alive? Have I missed something? Your thoughts?


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Heard Gerry on TV today saying that whenever they go out the twins say..."What if someone phones about Madeleine and we are not there to answer"

Bearing in mind the twins were two years old at the time, call me cynical but, would four year olds actually say that?
Yes they would Elvis....their home is full of memories of their sister and they are learning about phones. Its a dreadful tragedy and someone somewhere knows the answers.

If it happened to me I would spend my last breath on the same path.
So you`d explain to them at that young age the goings on about their missing sister?
Elvis....children on 2 know when family are missing and now at 4 would have experienced the extraordinary goings on at their home, notwithstanding their parents grief etc. Detailed explanations to tots would frighten them but this horror would not be easily hidden from them.
Sorry, I disagree, if they were my kids I wouldn`t tell them what is going on, not at that age anyway
My 4y g'son knows his g'dad is dead (I never told him). He sees his baby photo with his g'dad & asks where he is?
And no doubt you tell him he`s died and gone to heaven, like I say to my son who was 3 when his grandad died

I just find the whole Gerry and Kate thing uncomfortable, don`t get me wrong, I really hope Maddie is found safe and well but there`s just something about Gerry that I don`t like, and I`m not alone in thinking that, something about him is bugging me

Night tambo
There but for the grace of god, Elvis.........none are immune from a kidnapper.
or a babysitter, provided by the holiday company, lets not go there eh?
There you have it - I suspect them to make an example for their services not being used by ALL those parents (they had a rota to check the kids) and its got out of control.
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Speculation is never going to solve this, but my initial thoughts were that she'd been taken off by yacht and dumped in the sea. It just seems so odd that with apparently so little evidence, the authorities are convinced she's still alive. It's certainly a mystery - in more ways than one.
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The Madeleine video according to todays news has had 100.000 hits, Surely with all this publicity and reward someone would come forward. I am not sure Madeleine was abducted, I think she got up looking for her parents and wandered off, never to be seen again! I hope I am wrong as it would be briiliant if she was found!!
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I've also considered that possibility, Mary. It's exactly what a four year old would do.

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