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words to a lullaby

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woofgang | 18:11 Fri 25th Mar 2005 | Arts & Literature
665 Answers

Does anybody know the rest of this lullaby?

"Do You want the stars to play with?

or the moon to run away with?

They'll be yours if you don't cry"

All google has come up with is an album by a canadian indie band!!




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'scuse me Lottie, you're ONLY wearing a tshirt?...I hope it's a bloomin' long one :o)
Oh ha, ha!!

No actually it's a crop top - God forbid!!! What a sight that would be - not nice.

Actually, I have a pair of joggers on too and some underwear!!!
Hi folks
Lovely day here today .Very warm .Have poodled in the garden and sat there in the sun .Lovely on the bones and it's a lovely breezy dry out there too for the washing ..
Thanks for the mail Neti .Lovely pictures .
Nothing else doing at Shaney towers really .Schnitzels ,new pots and salad for dinner .

Sad about your ladies Robinia and only young really .
spring has sprung
the grass is rise
I wonder where the birdies is
A little birdie flying by
dropped some whitewash in my eye!
I know what I meant to say ....I like Dan Snow but I watched that Filthy Cities programme last night and it was stomach churning .I think I'll give the other two a miss !
It was gross and yukky .
hahahahaha, I love your avatar neti!

oh and I said the grass is riz to someone a while ago..We've got one man & his mighty mower coming on Friday (hopefully) so it'll look nice 'n tidy.
(we being my nice neighbour & moi, not the royal we)
Yes I've pottered in & oot of the garden, washing dried in no time, cherry blossom's coming out, a tad early I think, & I'm sitting here with the big window open for the first time in about 6 months or more.

It's very bright in here, must be the reflection coming off shaney's teeth & her high radiance complexion ...:o)
oh, I forgot about Filthy cities, I was going to watch that, I'm fascinated by how crippy life used to be. When I'm watching historical dramas I'm always thinking, 'crikey, they must have been a pongy lot' :o)
My posting at 16.36 was on the wrong thread - just in case you think I have totally lot the plot.
Will have to look out for filthy cities.
It was absolutely gross .Medieval Londoners must have been up to their necks in filth and sh&te. They butchered this pig as they would have done it back then . I had to look away at times it was so awful . Next week it's Paris during the revolution ,severed heads and what have you .I may watch ....not sure yet :)

Radiant complexion Robina ..hahaa... my radiance is slowly going south .It's good stuff though and smells nicer than the Carins which reminds of some sort of medicinal cream .

And the remarks about turnips are getting a tad wearing . If I was Lofty I'd have lost patience by now :)
Hi All. You have email Neti. I think you and Lottie must have caught the dy's from somewhere else because I have always been dy free. Honestly.
I've had a good day I walked almost as far as Sainsburys then got the bus the rest of the way. When I got home (after pie and mash) I cut the grass and tidied up the garden a bit. Looks ok now.
Just had a lovely conversation on the phone with the most attractive sounding man with a brilliant Irish accent. I don't have any wish to see what he looks like as I don't want to be disappointed. I'll just imagine!! :~)
I don't fancy that programme Shaney it sounds disgusting. One of the best inventions ~ flushing toilets.
I'm watching footie tonight which probably wont surprise any of you.
My sister who had all the problems with the leaking pipes is almost straight again now. The decorators have almost finished decorating both her bedrooms (on the insurance) and then she has decided to have new carpets as well (not on the insurance)! It's been a long time. It all started on about the 14th Dec.
Hope you have all had a good day. I think tomorrow has promised to be good as well.
See yer later 'gater(s)
email again jude! Glad we got that sorted, I was puzzled (I do not get confused) as to why you didn't receive mine!!!! :-)

Don't think I want to watch Filthy Cities now. We get enough of the pig killings here where they slit the throats and let it all drip into bowls. When that happens (it is illegal here now but that doesn't stop them) I walk past with my eyes closed and the shrieking noise is awful!
Well I might not bother catching up on line if there are animal slaughterings shaney...and severed body parts I can manage without too, in fact I'd prefer life to be all Darling Buds....mmm, with some people it's all repeats ;o)

Now then ower Jude-dy, what have I told you about ringing those 0898 numbers in the back of the Wicked Woman's weekly <whispers> can you let me have the Irish fella's number please? :o)

Well if you thought the WI was all about knitting socks & making chutney think again...there's a branch in Leics who are teaching how to weave your own wicker coffin.
morning all, it's starting to sound as if I am in the wrong place weather wise. Just had a call from Sydney sis, who has good news at last. She annoyed some UK immigration officer last year and had terrible trouble being hauled off and interviewed every time she tried to re-enetr the country. This year she applied for another six-month visa, with a list of paperwork as long as your arm, and was flatly rejected. So in the end she decied she didn't actually need a visa, an entry stamp would be fine, she she just got on a plane and landed at Heathrow... and they let her in without trouble. So now she is Stortford sis again, and she says the weather's lovely. It is cooler and occasional drizzle here, but a warm and sunny weekend coming up touch wood. We will soon be back, because of royal wedding requirements, but this long break has been very pleasant.
I have been called worse things than a turnip Shaney, It all washes over me!!

Hi jno. It's been fabulous weather today, people out and about in shorts and T shirts making the most of it.

It will be good to have you back. We expect invites to the wedding you know, or will mentioning your good name at the door of Westminster Abbey assure us of a seat. I am so curious as to what part your honorary family member will be playing!!!
Night night by the way

Good morning fair biddies, what a lovely bunch we are.

I expect a invitation to the Royal wedding but can't get a ryanair flight <<< tut >>> poor Wills and Kate will have to suffer my absence! It is also the ame day as my nephew's engagement party!

Have to activate my pensioners bus pass (it's like a credit card) very important looking, as I have to go to Ibiza to get a certificate from the Consell explaining why Mr N can't get his car MOT'ed til July 7th (should be this month) as the MOT revision centre is chock a block, and we need prove to show the traffic police so as not to get fined! I ask you!!!
Shaney, I was chatting to Mr N (that is a miracle in itself) about Silk and mentioned our barristers clerk friends and he said, a while ago the barristers were fighting to get rid of the clerks cos they took too much of their earnings, as I mentioned the some of the clerks were millionaires through it all! I am not sure of the outcome.
Morning Biddyfriends. Looks like it might be another good day here. Washing out and I'm off for a walk at 10.30ish when Pop-Master is finished on 2. It's a quiz about music from the 60s to the present day. I don't do well on that either Shaney!
Robi the Irish 'man of the moment' was trying to sell me a month's goes on the Irish Lottery. He's going to send me a form to fill in. I wonder what questions he'll ask ;~)
I have another job to do now as the window cleaners have just been. I might do it today or maybe tomoz depending on my mood which is quite lazy at the mo.
Neti there is some concern that bus passes may be taken off us but nothing has been officially said so it may be just scare-mongering. I hope so.

I hope you all have a good day one way and another. Laters 'gaters

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