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words to a lullaby

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woofgang | 18:11 Fri 25th Mar 2005 | Arts & Literature
665 Answers

Does anybody know the rest of this lullaby?

"Do You want the stars to play with?

or the moon to run away with?

They'll be yours if you don't cry"

All google has come up with is an album by a canadian indie band!!




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morning all shocking weather here...wet and windy.
Morning all. Lovely weather here. Foot is bruised diagonally from 3rd toe to ankle and little toe is puce! Revolting.

I would love clean ironed cotton sheets on every night. I always used to put clean ironed sheets on for birthday and xmas eve, but soon gave that up! Used to be clean hair, clean bod, clean pjs, clean bed and I loved it. (then I got married..............)
Good luck to Mr W for the kidney doc today, and you take care too woofy.

Same goes for Mr s, hope he is feeling more comfortable, and shaney, how are your ailments now, you must try to rest and relax a bit (easy to say I know)

Robi, are you still with us or have they carted you away?

Hello to jude (the quiet and kind one) and Dolly and jno the traveller,
Morning all, good luck for mr woofy today...

Ooh neti, that sounds painful, isn't arnica or comfrey ointment good for bruising? No, they didn't cart me off (or deliver anything), I think the mothballs & Flit held them back.
Very blustery & cloudy here, no rain yet but it looks like it will soon....I s'pose it's waiting for me to hobble down the road. Spent all of yesterday afternoon in a slough of despond & with hotpacks on my aching legs...came on here last night for a bit of distraction & couldn't get in! Did anyone else have probs with this site?
Morning all
Dull and dreary here. Hope all goes well for Mr Woofy today .

Neti ..Episode six is the last one .Martha gets silk .I won't tell you anymore as don't want to spoil it for you .It is the last one in the series .New series next year.

Yes Lottie Mr S has a tap thing . He refused to have a bag .They did give him a bag just before Christmas ( which was awful ) and I spent Christmas eve runnng about to the chemists to get taps to replace it with .

Right I'm psyching myself up to go and my teeth seen to .Hope your legs are easier today Robinia .
Take care all .
Neti, you may well have broken your toe. That's how mine got broken (on one of my broken toe occasions!!) by parting company with the rest of its fellow toes. But strapping it to the next toe is all that you can do.

You are a walking disaster area Neti!! (I can talk!!). Take care. And you didn't say hello to me this morning :o( I am mortified.

Good luck to Mr W today!

Oh dear Robi, I know just how awful it is to have the achey leg thing. Hope today is better for you.

Dull and windy here today and we had some rain last night, but not much. Warmer than yesterday though - I didn't realise that a Westerley wind could ever feel that cold.

Am off out to lunch early today. Taking Mrs LL junior for lunch at the Garden Centre as a treat.
Good luck shaney, you'll be fine..imagine the dentist is Clive Owen & see yourself walking out with a big smile
hang on to ya hat Lottie...I was frozen cold all day yesterday too
Missed your posting Shaney. It must have appeared whilst I was typing mine. Good luck at the Dentist. Thanks for explaining about the 'tap'. Much nicer than a bag I would think and more dignified for him. Don't forget our date. If you can make it this month it would be really good!! xx

Robi, I was just so cold yesterday that I forgot I was cold (sounds silly - but I suppose it's a bit like when people suffer from hypothermia) I made Mr LL light the woodburner when he got in and it was so good!!
jolly warm here, glasses are steaming up.

Yes Robi, have strapped toe to 4 others and padded it, but can hardly walk straight. Went out in boots cos was fed up with wearing trainers, but so painful. Still didn't stop me shopping!

Good luck shaney at dentist's!

What do you mean you won't tell me the rest, I've seen it, just confused about the two young ones, who got in? Neil Stuke is so evil looking and slimy - love him!
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Best wishes at the dentist Shaney. Neti, take both of your extremities to the doctor quick don't want to end up in a wheelchair unable to pick your nose do you?
I am waiting in today for a man to come and fix a couple of our doorlocks. The front door one has gone wobbly and the kitchen french windows are stuck shut.....happily under guarantee. The day is still grey and mizzog dog asleep on the settee.
Am off outside to sunbathe, am defuzzed (hate it) and oiled but unfortunately I used the oil with garlic in, phew that'll keep the neighbours away...................................
Ting !
But have to be careful with crusty bread :) He repaired them so no goo in gob thank goodness.

Sorry Neti .I ddn't realise you had seen it because she lost the baby which was sad and didn't want to tell you if you hadn't seen it .If that makes sense .
You don't get to see what happened to the pupils after the moot and it was sort of left up in the air .We won't find out until the next series .
Brilliant smile shaney, well worth it :-)

Ah thanks, I wasn't sure if I had missed something. Love the series.
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lol neti...a sprinkle of onion powder and a breadstick between your teeth and you will be irresistible
pooooh...what's that smell in 'ere? flies on you neti :o)

Lovely shaney, well done, I told you you'd be ok. :o)

no sunshine here...and I didn't go shopping either...can you fling your crusts over here please shaney? I don't have a problem with them, I dunk 'em in me soup :o)
Oh alright Robinia ..if you insist....

Runs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
That's how I eat my bread, except I eat the crust and the others eat the middle, love crusts.

I now have a large round red belly, talk about the Red Balloon, and I've decided to wear baby oil in future cos the smell even put me off!
Can I thwack Robi, just cos I feel like it? OK!

<<< thwack Robi>>> tries to run with shaney but red belly hinders process!
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you weren't all there and then you were...great news about the gob Shaney. I am on a crustless diet too atm till my hole has healed.....would KILL for something really crunchy

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