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words to a lullaby

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woofgang | 18:11 Fri 25th Mar 2005 | Arts & Literature
665 Answers

Does anybody know the rest of this lullaby?

"Do You want the stars to play with?

or the moon to run away with?

They'll be yours if you don't cry"

All google has come up with is an album by a canadian indie band!!




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That's it - sulking. Neti is still ignoring me!! :o(

Glad all went OK at the Dentist Shaney

I here there is a big feast in Ibiza tonight. Barbecued Neti Steaks!!

I at too much lunch. Steak and Kidney pie with loads of veg and roast potatatoes!! Yummy, but eating at lunch time does me in.
<ouch!>...want some apple sauce for ya cracklin' neti? ...<ducks>...

Don't look at me pidge, blame that mrs s


pie+mash+veg +sea of gravy for my dinner shortly too....
Afternoon each. Just got back from town after going to Tai chi and lunch with my friends as usual. Had a brilliant turkey and everything carvery at a local countryside venue. Also had a latte with a pile of cream on top. Bought a memory stick and little case for it from town as I think my lap top may bite the dust in a bit. If I try to adjust the view by moving the screen it goes all white. I think the connection must be faulty. Too much opening and closing I suspect. So I'm going to download my files on to the stick.

Hope your mouth gets better soon Woofy and pleased your dental work went ok Shaney. And anybiddy else with problems, get well soon.

I bet that dinner will go down well Robi. You can't beat pie and mash, I think I'll have that tomorrow here.

Have a good evening all of you with.With plenty of relaxation. I have no idea what to watch, if anything, on telly. Did you watch SonTD last night Shaney. I thought Oxford were brilliant and on the ball. There knowledge was fantastic. I was sorry York didn't do better but the best team definitely won.

See yer later 'gater(s)
Forgot to say, Neti, you say the kindest things, thankyou. x
jude, i wish I was more like the rest of you. I usually speak my mind although would never purposely hurt anyone.

Yuk, pie and mash, how common!!

We have cold lamb, peas and carrots (from yesterday) and gratin dauphinous, followed by meringue, whipped cream, strawbs, and (me) a dousing of liquid caramel (diet moi??)

Who remembers the days when we used to play with whipped cream instead of serving it???
LOTTIE - SORRY , YOU ARE ALWAYS ON MY MIND, so I forget that you do not know it!
Robi I also forgot to tell you I scored £1000 on the millionaire quiz thingy. I bet shaney got a lot further than that. :~)
Neti I have lots of faults but basically I love people and if they want to be friends with me then that's great. There's nothng wrong with speaking your mind. I'm just a person who doesn't like confrontation but if I feel I have to say something I just sort it out in my head first about how I'm going to do it, but it takes a lot for me to go ahead which I suppose can be frustration for some people and ok with others.
I think everyone on here is lovely and friendly and caring and we wouldn't have kept going for so long if we didn't care and have respect for each other.
Right that's my moment of reflection. I'm off again now. Byeee !
Neti. You are forgiven!! I think you may have broken your toe, see my posting from yesterday or the day before!!

Hi Jude!! You are a little sweetie xxxx

Night night xxx
I huess so lottie, but dr robi says, and I agree that it's best strapped to the other toes. Just hope I can drive to the airport tomorrow to collect hija and to buy (2nd hand unused ipod from web site).

I have a bath first and then Mr N gets in, I think he was worried about the oil and garlic although I had wiped it off before cooking the dinner. I remember the days when we used to get in the same bath and the same time, ahhh memories.

jude when I say I speak my mind, I do think first (usually) and try to phrase it in a nice manner even though I may be screaming underneath! I am a people person and love them mainly, Mr N on the other hand does not like many people!
jude, did you get the email I sent re: Polar Bears, never sure if you receive them.
oh dear, neti, better get that toe completely strapped up


Glad to hear you made it through the dentist, shaney. These days the extraction from the bank account hurts worse than the extractgion from the gum, I find.

Got suddenly chilly here and I'm wearing two fleeces (it's just dawn, I'll soon be able to shed one as it's warming up fast).
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Hello all robi how's the leg doing. You should have asked the help the aged, they probably had some spares in the van. DH did alright at the clinic. His bloods are still improving which is gob smacking the staff. He saw a nurse today who said " your bloods are xxx which means we'll want to think about starting dialysis" and he said "why, that's 60 points better than six weeks ago?" anyway she flicked back through his notes and said "you are right...okay forget that!" I think they don't know what to make of him. He did talk about ALL his problems so I still do have some control lol and he's got something to help his digestion and appetite.
Oh that's fantastic woofy, well done mr w. With shaneys choppers that's good news in the biddy thread today for a change, maybe the tide's turning in our favour....or maybe the ceiling cats are listening.
It's both of my legs giving me gip but a tad better today, maybe 'cos I've not felt quite so cold...tomorrow we could all be doing a jno & peeling off a layer of fleece.

"Dr Robi said"...did I? I don't remember saying that,,,actually I think it would be much better in a sling.....<ducks>

....but I hope it gets better pdq :)
Oh lawdy, lottie'll never forgive me. It was she who advised strapping it to next toe.
Just cruising by ( Ting !....) to wish you all a Goodnight .
Very pleased to here Mr Woofy got on OK today .
Hope your toe soon eases off Neti . Try rubbing it with some whipped cream :))
Night night all ,sleep tight .

Ooh yes I did watch UC Jude .Very brainy lot .My Sotd was 19 .
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Good morning all, I am awake on about 6 hours sleep (4 and 2 ) because DH was late in last night and I had to get up early for the furnitue delivery which has just arrived and is lovely...might need to nap later though. It's a beautiful morning here.
Morning all, well done Mr W, kep it up!

Is a gorgeous day but some silly b has lit a bonfire so is polluting the day! They are banned from May but I just hate it when you can't open the windows cos the smoke smell lingers in the house. It's ok in the evenings but not now. Can't hang out washing!
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I hate that Neti....whichever way the wind blows we always seem to get a houseful of smoke.
Good morning Biddyfriends. Lovely morning here and the birds are singing away.
Good news Mr. W. keep up the good work.
Neti I can't remember an email about a polar bear but I'll get back to you and have a look in the file. I save emails for quite a long time so it will be in there if I have.
Robi I get achey legs and this may sound daft, but it's usually when I've not had a good walk. Strange but true.
Shaney I didn't even bother to count the SoTD on Monday. Way beyond my intelligence.
Neti My neighbour has a pile of rubbish, wood, and cardboard etc. by a big burner bin in the back garden and it has been like that since she moved in.(She has had a fire just the once.) I'm considering telling her that she can recycle cardboard and wood in the brown bin. That should get rid of most of it.

Have a good day everyone... Laters 'gater(s)x

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