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Is This Any Good?

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crisgal | 08:49 Wed 28th May 2014 | Arts & Literature
79 Answers
I have written something that my husband says is quite good and may help others in a similar situation. It's only just over 300 words (a page) and just 3 minutes when read. He says I should send it someone. But who? Does anyone know how I add a sound recording here? I would be grateful if you let me know if it's any good.

Ed's Edit: I've embedded this for Crisgirl. It's a bit grown up, so proceed with caution if you're of a sensitive disposition.



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I hope so. I have felt desperately sad. As if mourning a loss. Im sure the anger is approaching...
We'll get there. We're stronger now xxx
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Thank you gness that's very kind. I'm still not sure how to go about it really, but I think I'll try.
It may be worth sending it to Radio 4- Woman's Hour. This topic does feature from time to time.
I think Jake's suggestion of Rape Crisis would be a good start......somewhere like Woman's Hour when they have a special on rape....even chatting with your local radio.
I'm sure my local radio station would jump at it....they did and excellent feature on rape and abuse a while ago which I took part in but not under my name...not that brave yet...x
I have a friend who organises of all things a Heavy Metal Festival in aid of Rape Crisis and he reads poetry at points during this. I personally think this would go down very well. I'd consider submitting it to a few things if I were you.
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Kvalidir your friend sounds amazing. Where is the festival?
That's very good crisgal. I do think that would be very helpful for others, a lot of us have boxes like that for many different reasons.

I also agree with others, you do have a good reading voice.

Just checked his facebook for a link for you crisgal and this links to some poetry evenings he's also running. His name is Nico and he's super lovely so add him and have a chat.

This link is for is festival:-
Sorry he's from Bridlington.
Question Author
thank you ed.
Unfortunately, it needs to be at least 2000 words and also, because I've submitted it online, they wouldn't accept it.
I assume it will be the same rules for many others.
I appreciate your help. Could you help me with one more thing? How do I send a private message to you? Is it possible? Thanks x
That's very moving crisgal - well written and well read too.


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thank you
"I assume it will be the same rules for many others."

It's not, check out Duotrope for their flash fiction mags.

"I appreciate your help. Could you help me with one more thing? How do I send a private message to you? Is it possible? Thanks x"

Me? Email: [email protected] or use the contact us form.
Additionally - you may want to consider making an extended version for submission to the R4 thing.

The Womans Hour suggestion might be a good one. Maybe send an enquiry, including the soundcloud link, using this form:
Must be good, Cris.....been in my head since I heard it....xx
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gness - x
An elegant piece written and read from your heart, very moving and of tremendous help to many.

((HUG)) x
Question Author
Thank you for listening and the lovely hug. X
Please report back if it gets placed anywhere.

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