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I see England, I see France

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DaSwede | 19:05 Thu 23rd Mar 2006 | Arts & Literature
517 Answers

Last week I saw an old episode of Moonlighting. the name of the episode was I see England, I see France, I see Maddie's netherworld. It immediately struck me as probably being a paraphrase, so I searched for that phrase barring the netherworld-part, and got tons of hits. I gather it's a 'teasing rhyme' (if that be the term) and that the last part of it would normally be I see (name)'s underpants. But even that sounds like a paraphrase to me, as if the origin was oh I don't know - a Churchill speech or something... "I see England, I see France, united in ..." etcetera. (Just fantasizing.)

Does anyone know anything about the origin - or if the rhyme is the origin.

Thanks in advance and for now, more personal thanks sometime next week.



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Here Vinny knock yourself out god he's energetic isn't he My computer seems half crashed 'cos it stops every five seconds on YouTube - whyyyyy??????

Been downtown for several hours and all I've got to show for it is a couple of washing bags. Talked to a lady with a Siberian Husky on the subway and she said they are half wolf half cat -"dog" wasn't mentioned.

Thanks Neti and jno, I'll save your explanations. This confuddlement began for me in London 1989 and it's never stopped since. Now all I have to do is to fit this kind of crisp into the system - I suppose they would be American cookies, then.

Paul Nicholls, nope, don't know that one, Robinia so you're just gonna have to keep looking or I'll forever link you and Maggie and Jude to that Corrie trioVinny posted that - again - I hardly caught a word of. Why can't you lot speak proper like??
(((*_*))) Its coz there frum up north kip....they dont speak proper like wat shaney and me do...You went out fer several hours and come back with a washing bag...!! bloomin eck..your not related to robinia be any chance..hehe..! mind you....they reckon most northerners come from scandinavia
and the way they speak in derby,they just as well...hahaha. lovely group kip...YO (:o)
OI...ey found a fella..coz we dont see much of you these days....sorry..didnt know you woz gettin a not bloomin sy-kic...tut(:O)
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Ha ha ha Vinny I love that final leg kick just before the lid closes!

Yes you really are too naughty Jude not telling us what's going on Think of Robinia with her sudoku and me with my washing bag - how bleak! We could use the diversion - SPILL IT!


(*_*) Good Morning..

.._) \
` .. ...\ ...o
anybody fer footy...? erm....still in bloomin!
yo (:O)

not I'm not, cheeky booger...I'll have you know it's still dark
when I bound out of bed

♫♫....<we're walking in the air>....♫♫

good evening pick poppers...have you stocked up with soup & sudokus for the weekend? gonna be a cold blast around the back passages...

don't worry about Jude, she'll be ditching the Derbyshire & learning how to speak American

from the master
Morning all - hope we get some of that cold blast that you are expecting. Sitting here in the sunshine, thinking of you all. <<No NO Robinia stop dragging Ibiza towards Antarctica again - brrrrrrQ>>
<<<bangs on lid>>>

c'mon Sweedie what time do you call this?

did you realise that it's Mothering Sunday in four weeks!? and Good Fri is March 23rd? at this rate we'll need a grotto by September...assuming there's anyone left in here?
Well down ere good fridays on the 21st ...hehe..!
um at this rate were be ere till easter,so im putting me sign up
Wake me up when the spring comes
night Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz(:O)
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Oh lord have mercy now he's tap-dancing ... - can any of you figure out how Vinny can be so darn peppy in the morning and in the evening both? Can't be the broccoli, I've tried that. And what with Robinia knocking on my lid - can't a vampire get any rest around here??

Oh Georgie B what will we do for fun when you're gone - I laughed so hard at that clip I think my neighbours must be worrying about my mental health by now. seen this? You can help him when he gets stuck. Or not.

Mothering Sunday, Robinia... today would have been my mother's birthday - and your mother's would have been tomorrow, if memory serves? It's so weird, all my life I've had trouble remembering if mom's birthday is the 30th or the 31th - this won't help!

Tell us what your son brought with him from Sweden, jno - any new varieties of alarm clocks? (Oh sure, be my guest, insert joke here if you've nothing better to do with your lives.)

Things we did not know about Charlie
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(Sprouts. Not broccoli. I've still tried both.)
Vinny installs clocking in yo fer kip tut..! hehe..!(:O)
bloomin traffics busy tonight....((toot))) (((toot)))

__ __ _____ ___
_/ L\__ _| L\__ | L\_ _/ L\__
'-o---o-' '-o---o-' '-O---O-' '=o----o-' '- (:O) Vin is that a stretch limo with surfboards on the roof...can a yokel not leave home without one...? :o)

bloomin heck Kit what a memory!
or the notes?
yes, it is tomorrow...I'll waft the cobwebs down in her honour (she was a cleanfreak)
I see England, I see France
I see Vinny.....
Question Author
kip installs clocking for vinny

No it's not the notes Robinia - I did take notes in the beginning to remember who lived where, couldn't separate one of you loonies from the other, still can't, he he... but that's okay... one size fits all

They say it's "safe for all ages" - does that necessarily mean that it's safe for neti...?
erm...i sniff a plot to blow me up yo
thats pants robinia hehe..! (:O)
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Ha ha Vinny that wee moosie reminded me of when someone I worked with told me that her husband would sometimes... er, in bed, you see... take off his glasses and put them... erm... on his... that is to say... he'd place them as if his merrymaker were his nose you see and ha ha ha I must admit I found it very difficult to keep a straight face the next time I met him, after that piece of information.

Tomorrow Robinia will organize a search party for all the missing biddies, won't you Robinia. Robinia...?

hello world, just been out practising with my soopahdoopah new camera with a zoom lens so strong you can see the hair in the man in the moon's nostrils. Anyway, it works well round here so it'll work well in the Caribbean.

Kit, jno jnr bought nothing but business cards back from Stockholm, but he said he saw a lot of impressive design and quite a few exhibitors he's trying to lure to West London (that noted haven of chic). Since then he's been to another one 10 times the size in Paris and next week goes to a rather smaller one in Birmingham. I think there's another biggie in Frankfurt coming up too. He never actually seems to see any of these places, just airport-hotel-salle d'expo-hotel-airport, it seems, which is a shame.

Why is there an ad on the right of this page on my screen>>>>> saying 'Boys Wearing Tampons'?
tut...I was just taking my handbag to bed....
when I find it...

missing biddies...yes...erm......
the brothers are keeping an eye out

I think they all went to the thermodynamics lecture, Robinia... /aird/pics/12499_home_movies_2020.jpg

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