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I see England, I see France

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DaSwede | 19:05 Thu 23rd Mar 2006 | Arts & Literature
517 Answers

Last week I saw an old episode of Moonlighting. the name of the episode was I see England, I see France, I see Maddie's netherworld. It immediately struck me as probably being a paraphrase, so I searched for that phrase barring the netherworld-part, and got tons of hits. I gather it's a 'teasing rhyme' (if that be the term) and that the last part of it would normally be I see (name)'s underpants. But even that sounds like a paraphrase to me, as if the origin was oh I don't know - a Churchill speech or something... "I see England, I see France, united in ..." etcetera. (Just fantasizing.)

Does anyone know anything about the origin - or if the rhyme is the origin.

Thanks in advance and for now, more personal thanks sometime next week.



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just as well, we'll all be needing dynamic thermals from tomorrow....I've got an ad for jump starting your lovelife...

cue the jokes....
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nochmal, vinny, nochmal!

(Seen your post jno, will respond tomorrow.)

(*_*) Mornin WAKEY WAKEY...!!
bloomin windy out there ,i can tell you.
later dudes...whooooooosh (:O)
I'se here - am not missing, but there's a good few absentees!!
Getting like England here, phoned for a doctor's appointment, can't get one til Monday (it's lucky I'm not ill!) Then apparently my doctor (the 3rd in a year) has scarpered and we now have yet another, who'll not understand a word of my patois!

Lovely day here, still waiting for the cold blast!!
Bimey netti, youve frightened off 3 docs....!!!
it must be the buzzooms..hehe..!
things they get up to round ere yo
im off to work again bye fer now...(:O)
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Murneeng, pussooms, ve're-a joost veeeting fur yuoor sturm tu bloo in, thees effternuun. Bork bork bork!

...and here's another one of your mates, Vinny? (He came up as a suggestion after Wayne had ridden off into the horizon.)

jno the next time your son comes to Stockholm tell him to stay at hotel rival. I've mentioned it before and when neti and mr n were here I even forced a brochure upon them, ha ha - I just like that place so much and if I ever find myself with actual money in my pockets I'd even like to stay there for a few days. The bistro has a stretching balcony where you can sit nursing a drink on a summer's night, and if you stay at the hotel you get to choose your favourite kind of pillow from the... er... pillowtheque? This is their logo, really a piece of art in itself.

See y'all (????????) late-ish. (Neti is your shoulder getting better.)
Yes thanks kit I can go days without pain and then wallop, it hurts again (usually after lugging 5 litres of water up the hill : No please don't mention Jack and Jill- thank you!). Going to see the surgeon again on Tues.

jno whatever you do do not stay at the Rica Kungsgaten hotel, they kicked us out - even though we went on to stay at a 5* castle, I was still very annoyed!! (btw, it wasn't our fault, we didn't streak through the lobby, twas overbooking)

Lots of absent members! (No Vinny, don't!!)
stumbles in.... (((BANG)))
oops, sorry, it was the wind again...

by heck, anyone seen my wheelie bin? actually Kit it could be reaching you as I's the one with barbed wire round the lid - apparently some people creep round in the night & dump their old slippers in other people's bins....
so you like the rifle range eh neti? so do I...
right,, actually not now, I'm not going back out in that again

knew I should have worn me hairnet
Yes, I love shooting and am rather good at it.
(*_*) Mornin,
bloomin eck,weve had everything fall out the sky today bar a kitchen sink..!!
its a bit quiet so turn up yer putta...(:O) yo

oh no

it cant be true

a bloomin kitchen sinks just landed on me roof....eeek.! (:O)
kicked out, tut tut, put that one on the biddy union blacklist. I think we stayed in the one with the ice bar downstairs.
I have just come back from the doctors in this awful weather --I don't have double pneumonia but I may well soon have .It's been awful here ..hail,.rain and blowing a gale . I have antibiotics and stuff to shove up my nose, down my throat and in my ear. .
I am so full of cattarh it's running out of my eyes .
Will exchange cold damp Norfolk for anywhere that has a constant warm (verging on hot ) temperature with no rain .wind, or fluctuating weather conditions .
All offers to
Plus he has copped me for blood tests and a bone scan ...Deeeeeeep Joy !!

I do hope you are all well ....I'm not .
I shall have words with you about the Norfolk accent later Kit .
where's me catapult?

to wooly & beyond > > > > > > >
oh no shaney hope the meds do the trick & you feel better soon...sorry I can't do anything about the weather but I've filled Vin's hottie for you
oh dear, shaney time to send your sinuses to Arizona
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Just seen an in-depth documentary about Jo Rowling, how terribly nice she seems, I really liked her.

So have you all been to the biddy playground yet, possums...? It was in the tabloids even here.

About that hottie, Robinina, Vinny probably doesn't condone flaying so any sheep in his bed would have to be alive. I tried my best to find an amusing piccy to illustrate this but I must have some kind of filter on my puta.... which one of you installed that?!

Poor Shaney, hope you feel better soon. Here's some awesome music just for you although seeing as more or less all of us seem to have issues with teeth (I know I do) I think we'd better just listen to the music and stare at neti's beaming sun instead...
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I wrote "Robinina" again... do you know any "Nina", Robinia??
so what do you think, Kit... plastic surgery for JKR? Or just good makeup and a bit of a facelift? Rowling,_JK
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Yes there does seem to be something dodgy going on there, jno, what a shame. I have no moral objection to plastic surgery, I just think it looks weird, especially eyelid jobs often do. Hope she likes it, though.

Assuming your new camera is a digital one, jno, don't forget to bring a lyre bird for the old-fashioned sound of a shutter - he imitates one

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