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more than a detail

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DaSwede | 02:26 Thu 28th Feb 2008 | Arts & Literature
505 Answers
What's the conventional term used to say "I've cropped the image of this painting, but only slightly"?

Here's an example:

1) The Mona Lisa

2) The Mona Lisa (detail)

3) ...but how do I describe this kind of cut?

I can think of ways to say it, but my question is What would be the conventional term used in the art world. How would they phrase it in a catalogue from an exhibition.



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Sorry 'bout that, Woofy - I promise to keep my eyes open for them in future.

Looking forward to Prague piccies, jno!

Suuuuure she did, Vinny, sure she did - we can all tell how eager she is

fat girl trying hard to run > ....... > > ...... >>> ............... >> .... > ....> ......... >

(Sorry Robinia, had to use you to make a point!)
Love those piccies Vinespecially the "girl on the Beach" I gave it a 10, but they are all very very good.

Stop it now, with the dirty pictures you two!
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Hi Neti, so have you been to El Bulli? (See question yesterday.)
Dear Kit, I am on an island and it would take at least a night's travel on a boat to get there, so don't think I'll be eating at El Bulli for quite a while yet!!
Question Author
I knooow you're on an island NetIBIZA but they've been around since the early sixties so I thought you might have been there at one time or another - seems well worth the journey I was reading about them in a Swedish magazine and it seemed fabulous so that's why I was asking.

Breaking news, the Polar Prize (the Nobel Prize of music as we like to call it...) goes to Renee Fleming and Pink Floyd

I million Swedish crows???? Nice one, Reuters!
There gonna let a million swedish crows loose....! We got enough shi$ehawks has it is thankyou....bloomin swedes...why cant they give money sure Pink Floyd need it...(:O)
Thanks netti for your gonna give you ten for cleaning up after the orgy..hehe..!
footies on in 40 mins...who's yer money on..I SAID... bloomin waste of there watching the chelsea flower show..("_")
phooey to the football, I am going to watch Whispering Dan's farewell to adventure tonight; he's going to Neuschwanstein.
KIT!!>/B> I have just read your article re El Bulli - have you seen the prices?? I know we have to be pretty wealthy to live here but that is taking the pee!! Mind you today I paid 2.50� for a coca cola so we are getting that way here!
Oh gosh - there I go again - shouting at you ! - sorry!!! <<backs meekly out of the room with head bowed!>>
okay, here's some photos...

That's Golden Lane,a little row of houses up against the castle wall. Kafka lived at 22 for a while with his sister.

That's just a few years old. It's called the Dancing Building or the Fred and Ginger Building.

sunset over the cathedral

As you can see from this, there is a new bylaw requiring everyone to wear sepia clothing in the streets on Thursdays, in order to make Prague even look more picturesque than it is already.
Question Author
Come again, Neti - i didn't quite hear you the foist time Nope I didn't look at the prices, I thought a lady wasn't supposed to...? (But I'm just daydreaming anyway so the prices don't matter one way or the other to me.)

Ha ha ha ha ha, jno, I didn't notice the "crows" - well spotted. I like that image, it's like a magician releasing thousands of white doves, only in this case it's the King of Sweden (who presents the prizes to the laureates) releasing one million black crows! I'll think of that in August. / Stunning pictures, the Dancing Building is like nothing I've seen. And the clarity! you've got a new camera again haven't you
hi de hi....

hey Sweedie! why so hasty to presume that I didn't [flash my boobs]?.....<am I really so predictable?>...anyway his disappointment was clear to see, or maybe there was a chill wind in Wooly, but let's face it, he had been warned often enough.

What's the equivalent of a million crows in pigeons? I must have at least that many & I'm wondering if it's enough for an ABBA boxed set? There must be one or two kicking around in Sweden, mine went west with the old computer....

Lovely pics jno but the dancing building fills me with horror I'm afraid, there's no way I'd go inside it. I'm a bit phobic about very tall or quirky buildings, especially ones standing on legs! It's ok if it's wider than it is must be knowing that tall thin things often topple over, haha.
Love the Golden Lane, I think that should be da Vinny's next masterpiece.

now then, I'm in a quandary..
garden or bakery?


Who said:
"Every year I meet up with an old flame - it's really funny and they all seem fatter and more horrible than I am! Love it!!" ?

TUT! you know who you are....

Yup, that's me - and it is so true, Ok so they may all be driving BMW's but the women they are dragging behind them are, urm, shall we say, a bit weathered!!!!
Question Author
I think I've told you before Robinia you can't publish my photo without permission!

I'm off to pick up a new lamp for the ceiling, the lightbulbs keep blowing in the old one.

- How many Marxists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
- None. The lightbulb contains the seeds of its own revolution.

- How many mice does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
- Two, of course.

- How many Zen masters does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
-Two. One to change the bulb and one not to change it.

- How many hippies does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
- Oh wow, is it like dark, man?

- How many hippies does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
-Two. One to screw in the light bulb and one to say: "Dude, look at all the colors."

- How many hippies does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
- None! The bulb doesnt have to change man, maybe its society that needs to change!

- How many folk singers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
-Two. One to change the bulb, and one to write a song about how good the old lightbulb was.

- How many psychiatrists does it take to change a lightbulb?
- None, the bulb will change itself when it is ready.

Rofl Robi, that must be the original Biddy
Eyes much better thank the Lord, that was getting a bit boring.
I nearly came home with a spare dog today, the boys met a lovely retriever when out in the forest...hellos were said and so on, I waved to the owner and her young daughter who was some distance away and we went on our respective ways. 20 minutes later the retriever turns back up again out of no where with no owner in sight! anyway I waited and finally, away in the distance is daughter trudging along disconsolately with lead. I leashed mine up and halloo'd frantically and when she got closer, she called her errant pup and off it ran.
Nice to know I haven't got the worst behaved dogs in the area!

I liked the crows image as well...very Hans Christian Anderson
Was this the leader of the flock?
Evening folks
Hope you are well .Been another lovely day .
Your pics are very good Vinny ..I don't know how you do it just with a mouse .You must have good hand to eye co-ordination .I can't even draw a straight line on it ! It's the same with that little pencil in paint always seems to me as if I am trying to write upside down !
Lovely photos Jno ..I have just caught up with Dan because last night we had to watch a load of overpaid prima donnas kicking a ball around ..anyway I was very pleased that Dan has at last been somewhere that I have been ....I wouldn't mind a couple of weeks in that hotel in Mumbai either .
I have an old flame who lives down the road from me ..he looks decidedly louche and has no hair ....I think I got a good bargain when I dumped him for Mr S !
This is Slack Alice at Shaneytowers saying over and out for now xx
And a very good day to all my biddy buddies! Howon earth do you all have time to "catch up" on all these threads, I can only nip in and out (ok, ok I know I'm on other topics sometimes)

shaney do you still have those gorgeous full lips - mine have always been a mean thin line!!

Well, I think the summer has begun here, very nice and warm but getting very humid now. Mr N has to get the pool filled for moi!!

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