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more than a detail

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DaSwede | 02:26 Thu 28th Feb 2008 | Arts & Literature
505 Answers
What's the conventional term used to say "I've cropped the image of this painting, but only slightly"?

Here's an example:

1) The Mona Lisa

2) The Mona Lisa (detail)

3) ...but how do I describe this kind of cut?

I can think of ways to say it, but my question is What would be the conventional term used in the art world. How would they phrase it in a catalogue from an exhibition.



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I know, Neti, I saw a woman the other day who looked very much like that and I was wondering if she had been inspired by Wildenstein. Charlotte Perelli has had her look for as long as I can remember so if it's surgery she started early. But she's kinda easygoing and friendly, as far as anyone can tell just from interviews.

Ha ha Shaney, I'd rather paint the town, if I had the energy... I googled Wogan and I do recognize his mug but I don't know from where; guess he's been around for a great many shows.
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G'night Britons and expatriates.
I didn't mean to watch that, I was at a BBQ but it got chilly so everyone retreated indoors and switched on the telly. I was distressed that the Chiki Chiki didn't do better. They all look like 70s disco acts but at least the Spaniards knew it and were taking the mickey out of it.
oh look, it's persisting down with rain. Fortunately I shall be working the entire holiday weekend so it won't worry me...
good morning biddyworld...oh, if I'd known you were having a eurobash I'd have come along
knew I wouldn't get much wear out of it...I had it on in the corner only because I knew Sweedie would be asking questions & with or without political voting I think one of the best songs won.
haha, could have been worse shaney it could have been footy....<ducks> did I hear right, have we got to endure some Euro matches & we aren't even in it??!! <bangs head>

not raining here (yet) but the wind's horrendous
ha! one bbq less today I see

you're starting to worry me Kit, wobbling about on a ladder & was there any wiring involved in that procedure?

where's our resident door slammer?....

Happy Sunday Everyone Sorry I've not been around for a few days been in and out like a fiddler's elbow. Lunching out, seeing friends, you know, the usual routine but more so. Ate out twice last Wednesday, went to Miller Dale in the Peak and then for Lunch at the George in Alstonfield with guess who then in the evening to Morley Hayes with my friend from Durham who was down to see her sister who lives in Horsley. Tbag took me to the Peak getting a bit regular now but he's away this weekend so I have to time catch up with things.
Going to me Tai Chi friend's for Sunday dinner today so all I've done this morning is read the paper 10 minutes ironing, not my favourite occupation, and a bit of Dysoning.
Talking about the Euro-Vision Song contest, well what is there to say I think it's an awful waste of time and never watch it and the Irish bloke is so boring,I can't even remember his name!!! Oh yes it's just come to me Ferry Wagon.
Well I'm off now, hope you are all happy and enjoying life. See yer later 'gater(s) :o) xx
Persisting down here also - have just been for a paella - lovely it was. Yes I voted for Russia, he was lovely. I surprised myself by thinking that the Turkish singer was strangely tasty - now I can understand why old women lose their homes and run off with 15yr old Turkish boys. I would never do that, had enough of the Spanish waiters in my time!! Am off for the obligatory siesta!!
What a night ey....flashing lights .... young ladys dressed up in funny costumes..dancing...loud music....No not that euro was me daughters delayed birthday party....Ive just been checking over the pics and watching the camcorder...well somebodys gotta do it...hehe..!
I had to put up with this lot..yo my daughters the one in the middle cant miss her...she wont be needing a trip to sillicone valley...thank gord..! (:O) the one I liked didnt win then..croatia... bloomin henry..the ruskies won.....what a load of old tripe misses...
I hear there gonna call it "The Eastern european song contest" next year....(:O)
<scarecrow falls in the door>....

....bloomin heck, can this weather get any worse? what a horrible day...anybody seen a flea? there was one on Charlie's back & now I think it must be in here somewhere....

Blimey Vin how did you escape that lot alive... don't they mind you loitering around?
Not much of a bash tho' men!! What's with all this girly stuff these days, it was unheard of in my day? No testosterone, no party, haha. Maybe they've got it right, I dunno....I didn't put it about, unlike some, (ahem!) but we always had fellas around, just mates.....


It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world....

They have to robinia...its my booze there drinking..!!
a stretched limo picked them up at 11,it was booked for 7 of them and 10 jumped in hehe..!after the 1 hour drive they went on to the nightclub....its been a lovely afternoon ere,but it looks rubbish the next couple of days.
Im going to buy meself some new underpants...Mecca there called...more ballroom...hahahaha..!work that bu66er out kipper...(:O)
later dudes...
erm...did you mean netti robinia>>>>>>whoosh>>>>
thanks for your comments shaney (:O)
a stretch limo in the West Country, my my, must have stuck out of Woolycombe at both ends's another thing that's changed - we packed ourselves like sardines in the back of a robin reliant estate :o)
He had hellava of a trouble getting up them hills yo jno...hehe..!(:O)
Bu66er,she's done it again (:O)
Question Author
Dawgs. Been such a summery day here. But not locally in London, I gather. "Persisting down" et cetera, you know the tune. Did y'all realize that winnie-the-poh is in fact a roman � clef ? ;-)

" and out like a fiddler's elbow", you know you do have something decidedly Irish about you, Jude. Did I mention I want your life? Is it in your genes or is it the Tai Chi that gives you all that energy I wonder. I only feel energized very briefly whilst doing the wiring (No wiring, Robinia, just a plug, stop worrying and bring me that damp cloth instead, this old socket is incredibly dusty inside.) And did I mention I wouldn't mind your life either, Neti. The siesta bit I can manage, heck I can even do it sitting up.

Aww, your daughter's looking very stylish, Vinny, and you can tell by her regal posture she's a dancer. / Ballroom? Not a problem, I've got my trusty dick-tionary to rely on, don't I. (That one was horrible but then so was yours...)

Off to Facebook now to congratulate my youngest brother-in-law on his birthday, he likes football so I'll post him some rooftop soccer

yep, that's me, Kit, although minus the pink ribbon
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Yes but basic semiotics teach us that pink ribbon denotes pink slippers, jno. / You have got a new camera again, haven't you - fess up. I said so the other day but you didn't take the bait so now I'm asking you bluntly! (The Prague photos were really nice, that's why I was asking.)
oh... no, same old camera (ie the one I've had since about Christmas) - this one: ndex.html
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Ah yes, you have shown us that one. Really good pictures at any rate. slow motion
heck, I've had to go via the diversion, round the island three times & the wrong way up a one-way corridor to get in here....and now I've forgotten what I was going to say...

mmm, lots of anti blur techno on that jno, but my whole life's a blur....if I took pics that came out clearly I wouldn't recognise anything.

oh no, Kit's at it again
trying to save a few crows are we?

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