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more than a detail

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DaSwede | 02:26 Thu 28th Feb 2008 | Arts & Literature
505 Answers
What's the conventional term used to say "I've cropped the image of this painting, but only slightly"?

Here's an example:

1) The Mona Lisa

2) The Mona Lisa (detail)

3) ...but how do I describe this kind of cut?

I can think of ways to say it, but my question is What would be the conventional term used in the art world. How would they phrase it in a catalogue from an exhibition.



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oh yes, definitely summer here, temperature already busting through the 15 mark. Shaney, I stayed at the hotel once... sort of... arrived at about 2am from London, had to wake up at 8am, gobble breakfast then shoot out to catch an onward flight to Cochin. So I didn't exactly have time to wallow and I didn't get breakfast in bed. It all looks very nice, but I barely saw it through my half-closed eyes.
morning all, another lovely day down here in the south. I go to London to visit my Mum tomorrow so should be doing extra cleaning and tidying but I'm not lol

the dragonflies and damsels have started to hover over my minscule pond so summer is deffo where did I put that bottle of pimms....

I tried the vino/soda treatment for sore eyes btw, it worked a I can see two of everything
Question Author

Old ceiling light down, new ceiling lamp up - well done, Kit! I'm ashamed to say I've never done that before but proud to say I've done it now. I thought there was some kind of mystery involved in hanging a lamp but guess what, there isn't. Other than keeping your balance on the ladder, which is sort of an issue for me - I could fall off a threshold. Stand back, I may yet learn how to use a drill!

Have a nice time with your Mum, Woofy - her hip okay? (It was the hip wasn't it?) / He he he, "two of everything", Woofy, the question is: How many dogs are you seeing today? I had a good laugh after reading about that third one you told us about yesterday. Myself I once caught a Rottweiler who was on the run. He was on his hurried way into the grocery store that I too was coming into, dragging his leash behind him and fixing his stare in the distant (where his master would be) and he wouldn't listen to me one bit so I grabbed the leash and took him outside, which he, oddly, accepted. Sound brave don't I, I'm not, but this guy was so obviously forlorn he all but whimpered. Thinking back I suspect he was just a youth.

-How many mothers does it take to change a lightbulb?
-Change it, how can I change it. I will just sit here in the dark and listen to the radio. Have fun, dear. Never mind me.


- how many biddies does it take to cut a privet hedge?
- I dunno but if you all come round we'll find out shall we?

well done Kit, it's very satisfying doing stuff for yourself but it wears a bit bl00dy thin sometimes too...anyway, there's a man coming to look me over shortly so could you all please think cheap thoughts?....
make that inexpensive thoughts, I'll take care of the cheap part...

dragonflies already woofy? we don't usually see them until late are you sure you're not seeing distorted blue bottles? :o)

Well it only takes one Biddy to mow and snip round here and I feel as if as if I have been gone over with a steamroller and the ruddy sun has gone in now .I think we should apply for a travelling gardener .. Vinny could do it.,We can club together for a van .
Ooh I say Jno I am most envious .I thought Dan looked rather dashing in his PJ's .Have you been watching that programme about Russia with David Bumblebee ? It's quite good .
Of course I still have my lips Neti
kissy kissy
well, shaney of course you still have your lips, what I meant was, are they still luscious or thin and drawstringed now.

BTW Can you tell me how to do German potato Salad, the type they eat with Bratwurse - I love it.
very flat, Norfolk, and prone to floods of botox s/2007/01/pete_burns.jpg
I've got my Bumblebees in a muddle ..that should have been Jonathan not David ....
No lips are basically the same neti's my eyebrows that seem to disappearing at a rate of knots ..thank goodness for Rimmel .
Potato salad ..let me see ..I make it the same as Mum in law pots ..waxy ones,boiled, let to cold,then you peel the skins off.Slice them up with a finely chopped onion and mix together . Good dollop of mayo ( I make my own ) and salt and black pepper and a splash of Surol vinegar ( we get this from Germany ) but I suppose you could use any herby vinegar . Mix it all together .Then I bung it in a bowl and lay halved hard boiled eggs and tomatoes on the top .We then stuff this down our gullets accompanied by schnitzel or Stramme Jungs and plenty of L�wensenf (mustard)
Thank you shaney I shall make a note of it! It's delicious!

oops, Vinny'll get the blame for that, :o)

morning mi dears...blowing ya wig off out there it is, silly weather. It's heading in the Devon direction - mmmm, better be careful what I peg out & it's beans on toast for tea...

thanks for the collective thoughts yesterday you must have concentrated really hard
actually it's a very fair quote but I'm not clapping my hands 'til I've seen the job finished


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Dawgs. New ceiling lamp down again.

Well actually not the whole lamp, just the... the... the thing. The thing that covers the thing. Know what I mean? No? You don't know what I mean? <goodness these people are thick>

the thing that covers the thing

It's because the screws are much softer nowadays (don't blame me, it's your language), they're plastic and the screwdriver destroys them before they're properly tightened. I'll see if I can't get myself a decent screw on Monday without paying for it ;-) (Like I said, it's your language!)

The enlightenment lamp isn't mine btw but I might have bought it had I seen it. Probably creates a nice effect when the lamp is lit.

Is this guy famous in the UK? He's got to be, this is fantastic Unless they're all actors, but I don't think so...?

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Just watched it again. The island must have been "planted" in their minds beforehand don't you think and then he searches for the subject who seems to have "bought it"...? But it's still very good.
kitI don't know about these days but that "thing"used to be called a ceiling rose.
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Ceiling rose, there's one word I would have never guessed - thanks Neti! I reached for my dictionary to make a note of it next to the Swedish entry - only to realize I don't know what it's called in Swedish either...

Good luck for tonight, Britain - your song is... um... erm... better than last year's. And ours is worse.... Let me make up for that by playing to you one of the finest voices ever to come out of Sweden, Anita Lindblom. I'm slightly too young to remember the full story but the internet says she was often in trouble (tax authorities, romances, nervous breakdowns) and got tired of the press hounding her. She moved to France and stopped singing. I don't know if it's possible for you lot to look past the Swenglish pronunciation ( can h e v v him...) or if that spoils it for you....? ...but to my ears her voice is just marvellous

Well, up to now I like Albania and Finland!
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France was funny! Spain was... "funny"... sorry Neti - but you're not really rooting for them are you? (You can still do the dance!)

So what did your respective commentators (Wogan and the one from Spanish teve) have to say about our Ms Perelli? (We have our own commentators, no Wogan here.)
Are you actually watching that load of old rubbish ?
Jesus wept's the most boring drivel ever to be seen on the small screen .I would rather pull my fingernails out with red hot pliers .Waffler Wogan ( you haven't missed anything Kit ) unless his wig has fallen off :))
I've voted for Russia. Sorry but the swedish girl looked like a younger version of the Bride of Willeinstein
The spanish commentator gets on my nerves, he babbles on over the English and I find it very hard to listen to.

Yeah Kit Spain wasn't so good after all they've changed it a lot.

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