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Hair styler

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shaneystar2 | 20:23 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Beauty
1241 Answers
I'm looking for a new hair styler . My old Nicky Clarke has given up .
Well ,let's say it went ..bang ,and I jumped abut a lot :)
What I want is a hot brush type thing ..not a straightener ..just one of those ones that give your hair a bit of bounce . Like a blow dry brush but electric .
Any recommendations......thank you .


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Good morning and some painfree day thoughts for all who need them. My minor issue is that I am still getting side effects from the flu jab...came over funny at next doors lunch party to celebrate their recent marriage and had to leave early, I felt a right wally. I am usually a tough bird who takes vacs in her stride so this is bad for my self esteem.
Good morning woofy, good morning biddies.

I never have the flu jab, I get the flu about once every 3 yrs and then it gets onto my chest (as if there's room) and I usually end up with bronchitis, but I'll risk it. In the old days we could buy anti-biotics and would take them immediately and get bettter, now of course we have to trail to the medico who at first won't give the anti-bis and then when one is dying at his feet he prescribes them!
My avatar is of the bus stop cat Missy she is just like Mousey was when younger, and has no home, but a lovely German woman feeds her twice a day, and now a young family are wanting to take her in (the cat not the German woman), cos the bus stop bar is closing this week and it will start to get cold.
Morning all...not a good night again, hope all your aches and pains are minimal. Enter here at your peril, rust is catching.
Side effects put me off having a flu jab woofy, I even had a bad do after a tetanus so the doc didn't give me the follow up.

oooh, it's very chilly but sunny and bright. Tarquin & partner will be happy with the weather, they're running the Kielder marathon, (crazy), it's beautiful scenery but best for sitting and gazing at. :) Hopefully I'll get to potter when it's dried up a bit, it's mowing day tomorrow so I won't need to bend down and pick up any mess I make on the grass...gotta make him earn his pay.

That's a sweet kitty neti...not as 'you' as the Miss Clacton tho :) I should find another one, we're long past the harvest moon now. Jupiter's very bright now, I'm fascinated by the planets...I wonder which one I came from?
Afternoon. Slept until 10.00am!!

I always have a flu jab and have never had any side effects. However, that pneumonia jab this year started off this current long bout of feeling awful and I didn't attend the flu jab session on Saturday just in case. Will discuss it with my doc when I eventually dare to make my appointment. Have been having flu jabs for years because of my lung problem, and really would like to have one this year.

Was very misty this morning, but is now a glorious day. Am going to watch the Grand Prix if I can keep awake for long enough.

Take care you all xxx
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Hello all
Quite nice here ,bright and sunny .
Hope any poorlies feel better .I've not had a flu jab either .Mr S had a letter saying he could have one but knowing him he won't go .
But I won't make a fuss because it's not the done thing according to Mr ."I'm in charge of B&S ".I'll bet if it was his wife who was dealing with wet clothing and bedding on a daily basis for weeks on end and he couldn't go anywhere for fear of an accident ,she would have been making a bloody fuss .I could go in there all guns blazing and tell him where to go but he's not worth chipping my nail varnish over .
Having got that off my chest,
I hope the little cat finds a home Neti .
Nothing much doing here otherwise, Downton tonight good x
lovely day here too, in fact the perfect day for going on a helicopter jaunt over London, so that is what I have been doing.
Mr N and I took the spare clothes and toiletries to the young German couple, and they were so sweet and so young, they were so grateful and I gave them a mobile phone. They have no parents. The woman who took them is marvellous she buys them oodles of food and takes them places. Then we went to Sta Gertrudis for a lovely lunch but it was noisey cos half of Spain was there, and kids were screaming with fun but had a nice meal and came home where I dozed. Hija has been told not to bother to go to work as it is empty and they are closing today anyway so she is off to Space closing. No more driving her to work, yay!
It's been glorious here & I've done a bit in't garden. It was lovely, so peaceful, birds singing, butterflies all over the michaelmas daisies.... and then somebody let the kids out :). They're not too bad really, I'll just have to get used to it.

Don't let 'em get to you shaney...I make that mistake every now and then and then I remember I don't live with them.

Lovely day for it jno...funnily enough I've had images of London in my head all day, you must have been sending cosmic mesages.
<<<That's what my squirrel's doing, he's putting in the orders for me.

Looks like my hotpot's done...not Betty's, just those helpful people at sainsburys.
Am off to scoff some bbq ribs that hija kindly brought home last night!
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don't panic! Shaney hasn't been composing porno poems again, it was spam.
"Shaney stop being rude,
You have put me off my food,
but if indeed it wasn't you,
what are we gonna do!"
Shaney, as my lovely Mil used to say, he's not worth the drippings of your nose.
It does get on my clack sometimes though and then I just back out and let them fester in their own nasty juices.
Good day today. My friend what lives down the road whose son is my (well DH's)godson, gave me a lunch at a local garden centre for my birthday. She invited my sster as well and we went today. The place has a lovely cafe and is a lavender farm in summer and a chilli pepper specialist in the autumn. The gardens were like heaven today, warm and full of colour, the food was really superb and we had a lovely giggly lunch.
I am knackered. Oight oight all, feel better tomorrow.
2nd attempt.

Good morning biddies, hope you all had a reasonable night's sleep, I sleep quite well, hija and cat permitting.

tinernet is very bad today, no signal!!
wow, how did you post here then, carrier pigeon?

Looking dull out there - so glad our flight was yesterday. Today is the day for my monthly attempt to get a magazine subscription sorted out. I am supposed to have online access to their archive; every time they say "It will be there in 72 hours" and every time they burger it up. Let's see what they say this time. I may be gone for a while.
Morning all...I have no connection either, this is my spambot speaking.
Dull, grey and raining...not at all what was forecast. I am incensed, it was supposed to wall to wall sunshine. tut, tut and thrice, bloody tut.

That sounds like my kind of day woofy, it was lovely weather...

I've got a pile of Happy Hairnet monthly if you want those jno...
not at all my stylee, Robinia, I need something more creative
Good Morning All. I've now caught up with your posts. Hope you had goodtime Jno.
Lottie I really do hope you feel better soon. I really know what it feels like to be 'down'. I know I don't have the pains you have and I'm very lucky. Mine is more in the mind I think from the happenings of my youth which you all know about now and have helped me in the past.
Those youngsters sound very appreciative of your help Neti. You are very kind and caring. I hope they get sorted.
Hope you're enjoying yourself with your sister Woofy and the weather has been good for you.
Shaney we've not heard much about the sewing machine lately, you've not given up already have you.
Robi I so wanted to get my garden sorted last week and hopefully this but the weather isn't good today and I've to go to school. Tomorrow I'm at the hospital and then going too have a Manicure and Pedicure. Wednesday back to the hospital for some more therapy and Thursday having a hair etc.. so I'll just have to hope the weather clears up a bit for me to get something done.
I had a good weekend at watching Derby draw 0 - o Then went for a nice pub meal after.
All this sorting out this week is because on Friday I go down South then on Sunday I'm off to Paris for 4 nights and wont be home until the following weekend. I thought I would just let you know now because I have quite a bit to do Thursdya and Friday.
Anyway have a good day and hope the weather is better for you than it is hear.
See yer later 'gater(s)
jno thank you for the mini railway link, it was fascinating. I absolutely adore miniture railways and villages. When mum was on one of her leaving dad occasions, we lived in a big house and the owner had a miniture railway in his garden I loved it, obviously nothing on that scale, but would love my own one!

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