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Hair styler

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shaneystar2 | 20:23 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Beauty
1241 Answers
I'm looking for a new hair styler . My old Nicky Clarke has given up .
Well ,let's say it went ..bang ,and I jumped abut a lot :)
What I want is a hot brush type thing ..not a straightener ..just one of those ones that give your hair a bit of bounce . Like a blow dry brush but electric .
Any recommendations......thank you .


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Thanks Robi. She was probably about 70 Robi, but not a little old lady at all. I think you might be right and that they walked about behind my car as I reversed because they weren't there when I checked. But I still feel awful. I will phone later. The small click I heard was actually when I finished reversing before I moved off forward, so I would have been at a virtual standstill. She may have even walked into me. I just don't know. It was the trolley and the car that met, not the lady, thank god!!

I am totally at loss about the answer removed and your answer to
Shaney and Neti traps, etc. Can you email me - I am probably being very dense.

I was feeling a great deal better until that happened.
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Oh Lofty don't beat yourself up over it .
Surely she must have seen you .
You have to have eyes in the back of your head in these sort of places .
I can't drive but have often been in these sort of carparks with someone who does and quite honestly some people just trundle blithely along and don't look or watch for cars reversing out of spaces .
Thanks Shaney xx
The answer removed was just spam by someone who had also posted elsewhere on this site.
The net trap is just a joke. I think I've seen a woman pass my house wearing a coat that shaney likes...I'm going to nab it for her :)

I agree with shaney, I've been with my sister and people just amble about car parks without bothering to look. I hope the lady is ok and I'm guessing it was her own fault...hope they don't go away and decide differently but is it possible there are cameras around?
Cameras, Ooooh, hadn't thought of that. Although I am not sure what would happen even if it was proved to be my fault. I might end up in jail!!
Oh Lottie I'm sure you haven't done anything dreadful. I would ring her just to let her know you care how she is. Please don't worry. You said you had been going very slowly and only touched the trolly.

I'm a bit tired now. Was up at 6 and it took me 1¼ hours to get to the hospital on the bus which normally takes me about ¾. Then I did a bit of walking round town and some shopping in Sainsburys small shop in Westfield.
I was pleased to get home and wont be late to bed tonight.

Does anybody have any idea what the recommended daily sugar intake should be? I've tried googling but can't make head nor tail of the advice. I just would like a gr. recommendation.
I'm supposed to just be on a low sugar / low fat diet and the dietician isn't at our Drs. anymore and I was just wondering.

I'm signing off now so I hope you all have a good night. Oight Oight!!
See yer later 'gater(s)
I've just read my post and it sounds like I've done nothing much to get so tired but I have honestly. 1 hours intensive therapy etc. to start with......:)
supermarket carparks are a nightmare to get round in, Lottie, so little room for manoeuvre and so hard to see round corners. It doesn't make you a dangerous driver. (You just wait till you start going the wrong way around the M25.) I've had a couple of bumps there, but fortunately only with other cars, not people.

I'd give her a call just to make sure she's ok, but as the insurance companies say, don't admit liability, in case she's the litigious type, just sympathise.
Oh Lottie, don't worry, I know reversing is an absolute nightmare, sometimes I just close my eyes and hope for the best, and you think you are a bad driver!! She'll be OK and yes she should have been on the lookout, we always have blind spots when driving. I know you feel dreadfully guilty I would too, but come on, she got up and walked away! Gosh hope you didn't smash her eggs or crumble her meringues!
Lottie I think the worst places for driving in are supermarket car parks and I am willing to bet that she walked into your car. People are so thinking about the shopping that they don't look around. Even a tiny bump from a slow moving car would have done more than knock her over. I know you feel terrible but if you do contact her, be very careful what you say.

this reckons about no more than about 50g a day for an adult woman, ie 10% of the daily calorie intake, but its only to cover "processed" foods and sweetened drinks so cakes, biscuits desserts, sweet drinks and sugar in tea and coffee. The logical problem with this is that you could never take sugar in drinks, drink only water, never eat sweet baked goods or desserts, pig out on grapes and other very naturally sweet fruit and still way exceed what is advised as healthy, but the WHO don't seem to be worried by that!

Another busy day today and we got soaking wet. Sis and I had lunch in Costas and i probably ate my whole week's fat and sugar allowance in one lunch. I am also doing some stuff to help out friends of DH who have been left with a tricky situation involving their website so if I don't pop on for a day or two its only because I am out gallivanting or getting my head round old emails and computer files.

Oight oight all.

Jude if rehab isn't hard work, you aren't doing it right!!
You are a lovely lot!! Oight, oight xxxxx
Morning all. off t colelct sisters from airport. Have a good day.

Lottie, if I were you I wouldn't make contact with the woman. Could be miscontrued.

love to yu all xx
Morning all. Thanks Woofy for the Sugar link. I gave up sugary puddings 3 years ago when I was diagnosed IGT and I feel ok so i think I'll just stiick to that. I still don't know what the symptoms of diabetes are anyway.
Also that for your support about the therapy - it does tire me out so i must be doing somat right. I'm doing a lot more with the arem than I was thanks to whoever is looking after me.
Have a lovely time with your sisters Neti. And Lottie I hope you are feeling better after your little blip. Please don't worry.
I'm off for a walk down to town to where I catch the Hospital bus for more Therapy. ne to One this time. Then That's it until I come back from my trip.
Just tomorrow for my hair appointment and then I'm off.
See yer later 'gater(s)
Morning's cold and dreary...I've got to go and collect a prescription that the pharmacy have taken a week to sort out, 'Wassitfor?' grrrrrr....I've a sore blurry eye...had a crip night's add insult to injury when I did sleep I dreamt about David Cameron....aggghhh!!....noooo...never in a million years..... bangs head ....

apart from all that everything's bloomin' wonderful.
David Cameron!!!! Oh No Robi. I can't think of anyone worse - I absolutely loathe the man.

Thank you for your support yesterday. I woke up in the night thinking about it again and just couldn't sleep, but as Neti and Mr LL both suggest I am not contacting the lady concerned. Found out when I got home that my car had been damaged in another carpark yesterday!!!! Am cautious about going anywhere again.

Jude I hope you have a wonderful time in Gay Paris - I think we all ought to tag along as chaperones to make sure you behave yourself!!! nod nod, wink, wink.

Robi, I have noticed that when I am really under the weather with aches, pains etc. my eyes are sore, blurred and puffy and my IBS and cataarh/cold type symptoms all come at the same time.

At the moment I am feeling loads better. I am taking Baclofen muscle relaxant just at night and it seems to be helping loads, far better than any pain killers. I seem to be sleeping a lot better too. Just wondered if it would help you??

Mr LL is definitely going self employed as a consultant but working mainly for just one company who are going to supply him with a car, telephone line, computer, etc. and has got a really good package. He definitely needs to work his brain - retirement hasn't suited him at all. He will be working from home for the most part.

See you later, I am going to pot up a few shrubs that Mrs LL junior has grown from cuttings.
Yes, thinking about it Lottie you're probably right to let it go without getting in touch with the woman.
I'm fed up of this sinussy thing, I know having the heating on makes it worse but I can't stand being cold either. I've ordered some Actimist eye spray (£10 on amazon) I know it's not cheap but I can carry it in my bag, it'll last for 6 months and it's easy to use, even over make-up.

And now I'm reeeeaaally annoyed, I knew this would happen after I'd finally kicked it...

ps the only thing that could have been worse about the DC dream was if his wife had been there too, lol.
or it could have been Hague

My sisters and me, the ill one is in the middle.
Oh dear my legs look all blue and veiny and I assure you they are not, dreadful! So hot here again, had to get the shorts out. I had a crip night's sleep for some reason, then overseplt this am, rushed to airport, only to find my car had been left empty of unleaded petrol, so had to fill it up, but even so I got there on time and even had to wait for them to come through! We had a coffee and breakfast on a pavement cafe then a walk along the beach, then a beer and then back to my house to collect their luggage and then back to hostal to check in. Very basic but lovely and old fashioned. I them crawled home, am shattered no idea why. Will see them tomorrow after I have been to have a tooth filled!

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