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Hair styler

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shaneystar2 | 20:23 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Beauty
1241 Answers
I'm looking for a new hair styler . My old Nicky Clarke has given up .
Well ,let's say it went ..bang ,and I jumped abut a lot :)
What I want is a hot brush type thing ..not a straightener ..just one of those ones that give your hair a bit of bounce . Like a blow dry brush but electric .
Any recommendations......thank you .


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Well it's stopped raining but it's probably still too wet for the gardener. Just washed my barnet, & it'll probably turn to fluff, but I have no intention of drying the grass off with the hairdryer for him.
Take it steady Jude (haha, 'steady') that's a packed week you've got. If you don't get in here beforehand have a fabulous time in Paree...ooh la la and all that.

awww, Teddy Times, I want that, I love teddies. I hate seeing abandoned ones in charity shops... I know, I'm soft.
I loved the mini world video too, I was brother would have have been in his element, he was obsessed with the railways.

Just remembered, last night I dreamt of a girl I went to school with ...she was a day away from giving birth, at 58/59!! Crikey, I'll keep a look out for her on the news.
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Hello all
Dull dreary day here and I think I've looked at every cardi on the world wide web but still can't find what I want .
Love the railway video Jno .I have seen it before as my men are railways mad
You can come round here Neti if you want to play trains ,we've got a Märklin model railway layout in the sun room .
Hope you are all Ok ..Have a nice time Jude ..bring us back some Soir de Pareee :)
lol shaney, I've looked at every quilted/padded jacket and coat. They're either to thick, too thin, too short, too long, too cheap, too expensive....
I'm a pickystik. :o)
hello all..still ordering a cessation of aches and pains for them as needs it. Retail therapy today. Went to town with sis, bought a load of food, chose new spare room bed in Ikea, which I will order when the rubbish mountain is gone from the garage, bought a new coat and a shirt, came home and bought yet another coat and a shirt and a sweater and a dressing gown online cos they hadn't got my sizes in M and S.
my new coat....yes i know its a man's design. No I don't care. No you don't get the bloke with it
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It's very nice Woofy and will keep you warm for woofles walking.The chap is nice too :)
Actually you've dragged me away from cardis with your link and I've found a very nice parka ,99 quid though ,I'm ever so tempted and my hand is straying towards my purse to fish out my card as I type :)
Who needs a cardi anyway ,I can always slip me dressing gown on if I'm cold !
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I Like this

I'm dithering ,but thats nothing new .
woofy, when I clicked on your link, the page it opened up said in the tab at the top "Rich Padded Pig".
are you sure you don't get the bloke woofy? If they ever do bogof I'll go halves with you. It looks ideal for dog walks...I was shopping with my sister recently and dragged her to look at a lovely parka coat...she pointed out it was a man's. Not a lot of difference sometimes. In fact I think men's clothes are better made than women's.
That's lovely shaney, I'm sure I've seen someone go past my house in a morning wearing that...shall I be waiting with a fishing rod to nab it?
jno, that's me all over....except the rich bit after today lol.

Oight oight all...sleep sweetly and wake without pain.
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Lo Robinia ..i'm just picturing you hanging out of the bedroom window with a fishing rod .
Oight Oight folks ,sleep toight .
Good morning. I like that jacket woofy, it's what I wear, still don't get the bloke though :0(

Cleaning house today as sisters are arriving tomorrow. Hija came home at 1am this morning, she'd been to two closing parties Space and DC10 and her works dinner (all in the same clothes ha ha). Have a very itchy forehead with some strange looking patches on them and now one is bleeding, of course I am panicking thinking it is skin cancer, but I'll wait til sisters have gone!
Morning's hard to wake up on these dark mornings. It looks glorious now but it's only a measly 6C :(
Don't worry about your head neti, it's probably where you keep slapping it with vim on your hands.
No success with the coat yet shaney, I'll have to lay a net trap...hopefully she'll be suspended from the lamp post by tea time.

Suppose I'd better give myself and the old trolley a squirt of wd40 and face the natives. Woe betide anyone who coughs in my ear'ole.
No success with the coat yet shaney, I'll have to lay a net trap...hopefully she'll be suspended from th,e lamp post by tea time.

Err hope I am not the net trap, don't like being suspended, not even for shaney!
stop giving me ideas neti...
not sure the neti trap is the way to go
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haha..have you managed to fish it off her yet Robinia :)
I've raked through that many internet shops the last day or so ,if I was in a real shop I'd have had a store detective following me around .
.But I've been very virtuous and kept my purse in my pocket .If I went anywhere to wear these clothes I would buy them but I don't so will make do . "Slaps own face " :)
Not a bad day here bright and sunny but a bit chilly .
Hope you are all Ok .
Hi there,
Have to share because I am feeling awful. Reversed out of Morrisons carpark disabled place this morning. Last space on a corner so had to turn as I reversed. Checked my mirrors and only going a a snail pace. Heard a small click as I drove forward again, checked my mirrors again and a lady sitting in the middle of the road next to her trolley behind me. I had clipped her trolley which had in turn pushed her down. Where she and her husband had come from I just don't know, but they must have walked behind me as I was reversing - but I was using my mirrors. I am devasted - she has fallen on her hip and probably bruised but managing to walk OK and was more concerned about her glasses. But now I am sure she is going to drop dead. I really, really don't know who was to blame. I have her phone number and said I would phone later to check she is OK, but now I daren't.

What happens in a case like this. I am now convinced I am a dangerous driver.

End of story. I feel really tearful.
haha, lol jno...

No luck today shaney, I think she reads this thread and crawls by on her hands and'er mind, I've had a sudden urge to buy a eurolotto so I'll send you a lorry load of coats if I win. You sound like me, I found a quilted coat in Zara, £60, and a furry cardi/jacket in River Island that I love (and sis would too) but at 50 smackers it's a no no. It's a good thing I don't like going into town. :)

It's been a glorious day but once the shopping was done I didn't feel up to much else.
oh dear Lottie, how old is she? I'd feel awful too but it was an accident, she must have seen you were reversing surely? Maybe they were chatting and not looking around them. I'd give her a ring to see how she's doing but I'm sure she'll be ok, you didn't mow her down at speed.

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