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Hair styler

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shaneystar2 | 20:23 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Beauty
1241 Answers
I'm looking for a new hair styler . My old Nicky Clarke has given up .
Well ,let's say it went ..bang ,and I jumped abut a lot :)
What I want is a hot brush type thing ..not a straightener ..just one of those ones that give your hair a bit of bounce . Like a blow dry brush but electric .
Any recommendations......thank you .


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Hello folks
Another drizzling damp day .It must have been raining here now for about a week,well it feels like that anyway.
We've got a culinary disaster too. I asked Mr S to get me a couple of those tinfoil roasting trays when he went for the papers this morning .He's come back with two enormous foil trays .I can't get them in the oven ! I said to him we're having a roast chicken not a hog roast !
Hope you are all Ok today .
G'day all.....oh, we're having a pyjama party are we? mmmm, looks like a riot...

I was starting to think getting showered and dressed had been a waste of time, it was a really thick fog this morning & it's only just brightened up.

Sorry you were feeling so bad last night shaney, hope your aches have eased today....I've felt like I've been clanking around in armour for weeks.

Hope all your dinners are pong-free but the chef's not looking too confident
Hello all. Me and the boys went shopping and then for hamburgers, I stocked up on olive oil and biscuits at lidl, also bought some very pretty houseplants, orchids with small flowers but velvety striped leaves. We had slow cooker braised steak for tea, very good. Tomorrow the car goes for service so a lounging round the house day for all. Good job as we have apeasouper forecast.
Oight oight all.
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I feel like the tin man too Robinia .I need a squirt of WD40.
Hope you've all had a good day and yoohoo Jude ,welcome home. Merci beacoup for the lovely picture .
Oight Oight ,sleep toight .
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Ooooh we were typing in sync Woofy:)
Oight Oight .. hope you and the woofles sleep tight x
morning all...up, showered, dressed, coffeed and waiting for nice car collection person
Good morning and welcome back jude.

I dont get drunk I get awesome and I was very awesome yesterday, ooh. My Spanish was perfect and I was jabbering away to all and sundry. Had lovely buffet lunch and loads of wine (euugh, the thought of it now!) Have to admit that I was very ill halfway through the night after I had eaten tst with gld syp, took myself and a bucket to hija's room and slept. Feel OK today but no doubt will be very delicate today!!!
Hello woofy you weren't there when I posted!
Morning each...dull and rainy here.
I think I'd better make my mind up about a padded coat, it looks like I'll be an ice pop next week.

I'm sure I had something vaguely interesting to report but I've lost it now....
I'll wear my badge with pride

well... nothing's happened.
hello all, been making christmas cards. My car is back and sparkling clean again, inside and out, free of charge. A bit later we will be going out for a drive.
Answered naughty neti on FB

but all cleaned and scrubbed and tidied now, so am off for a rest1!
ooh, thanks for the reminder to book ours in for an MOT, woofgang. Now that leaves, erm, blood test, go to chemist's, get dentist appointment, call Bupa, have lunch.
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Dull and dismal here .Hope you are all OK .
Have you come round yet Neti ?
Cake anyone ?
It's not technically perfect like Brendan's but will have to do :)
wow Shaney did you do that? Thats amazing.
We have been shopping to waitrose and I have bought some ready to roll gingerbread....the height of my cooking aspirations!!
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Lol Woofy .Yes made with my own fair hand .I was going well until the piping bag split and I had goo everywhere !
Anyway it was very nice with coffee this afto and Picky has taken the rest home with him .
p souper here, weather warning, fog horns, the lot. No early start for us tomorrow, I don't need to lose a dog in the fog or get lost myself. Did it once in daylight in the fog, never ever again.
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Same here ..can't see for looking and the fog horn is going .
Oight Oight .
Just a quick look in. Under fog all day!! Having a really bad time with my feet and really could hardly walk on them today - felt as if I had two broken ankles. Feeling better this evening after loads of painkillers.

See you tomorrow.

Luvs you all

Oight oight.
Spoilt myself with a late night, prosecco and a buffet dinner, a bento box from waitrose, dip and crackers and properly sleepy now and have clean sheets. Oight oight all
May your aches fly away in the night

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