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Hair styler

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shaneystar2 | 20:23 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Beauty
1241 Answers
I'm looking for a new hair styler . My old Nicky Clarke has given up .
Well ,let's say it went ..bang ,and I jumped abut a lot :)
What I want is a hot brush type thing ..not a straightener ..just one of those ones that give your hair a bit of bounce . Like a blow dry brush but electric .
Any recommendations......thank you .


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I would add that he is actually taking me to the Tesco Superstore at Dereham, not our local one. Dereham is a mere 15 miles away across country.
ooo Lottie, have you got your passport? Its grey here and I have got a stiff neck. No point trying to get moving till the neck settles as it will just set rock hard then i cant turn my head, therefore cant drive.
Ha ha Woofy, passport indeed. Only needed if you leave Norfolk, essential!!
I know what you mean about your neck. I seem to have a permanent stiff neck these days on waking and it gives me a headache too.

By the way, I forgot we have a Lidls which I use weekly along with Morrisons and seem to spend more there on each visit. I find their quality good and their prices good too generally, and the German household cleaners, etc. are great. Also get their face creams and body lotions. I have noticed that more older couples who are quite wealthy are using Lidls these days. The landed gentry have always been careful with their money!!
I like lidl as well but my nearest one is a bit of a drive away. Their virgin olive oil is superb and half the price of anywhere else and their ginger biscuits and digestives are excellent too. I do a stock up when i go.
I love their ginger cookies Woofy. The Deluxe ones. We buy them weekly - nice big chunks of ginger - yummy. Might try the digestives then, I love diestigves with cheese.
And I like digestives with cheese too!!
And I will try their virgin olive oil too. Is their a brand name on it?
Its the expensive (ha) one called Luccese in a tall narrow square bottle (I know squares aren't narrow but I know what i mean). My sis loves their California shelled walnuts too. She says they are excellent and about a third of what she normally pays. They are with the peanuts and cashews but in resealable pouches.
Thanks Woof. Will get some on Monday (our shopping expedition day). Lidls bakery is really good too. There huge cheese and pastry things are to die for - my Monday treat.
Good afternoon, have been so busy getting the house back to normal and loads of washing. It has been stinking hot again but today raining but still hot, hate that! Island slowing down now, girries about in dribs and drabs! No more driving for me am so happy. Now will catch up on all your posts.

PS Lottie I also love digestives and cheese!
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It's Ok. I'm still alive but not really kicking .I'm so stiff and achey .Yesterday was a pee po belly bum day for me .In other words couldn't be bothered ,crawl about day feeling sorry for myself and necking 600mg.!
I have however monitered the situation and got a grip now and also left the county today and went with my bro to Beccles farmers market .So I'm a happy bunny with me brussels tops and lots of other goodies .
I also bought a lovely bag .Only a cloth shopper but all lined and sewn by a lovely lady on a craft stall
The pic doesn't do it justice really .it's very pretty and silvery .
We are Lidls fans too .I love the fresh rolls from the instore bakery .And we've got lots of lovely Zwiebelmett now to spread on them .And of course they sell those bloomin' herrings in cream :)
Hope you are all fair to middling.Weather here is nothing to write home about ,damp and dismal .My bro said we are supposed to have a heatwave next week but I think he was having me on .
Hi Shaney

Hope you continue to feel bucked up!! Miserable aint it when you hurt everywhere and look absolutely fine. Sometimes I need a bit of sympathy but don't get it at home. Not that he doesn't understand, just not a person to show his feelings. He's a good bloke and does a lot for me, so I wouldn't swap him - just not touchy feely and I am!!

Of course there are the herrings in cream that are a must since you pointed me in that direction Shaney. They are too rich for me but Mr LL loves them - and then there are the tinned herrings, particularly nice in dill sauce and the jars of gherkins, and so on an so on. He was brought up on all that stuff, but I don't allow him the sausages these days (well only occasionally for a treat).

Lovely bag!! x
there's a Lidl not far from us - too far to walk and not enough room to park, unfortunately. A little Sainsbury's, a middle-size Sainsbury's a bit further away and a massive Sainsbury's about two miles away with lots of parking, only you have to get your receipt validated if you don't want to pay for it, which is a lot of faff.

A little Tesco about a mile away but not much parking (the idea with these little shops is you walk to them - they're a lot like the grocers they drove out of business 20 years ago, aren't they), a big T about 2 miles away and an even bigger one 3 miles away. Asda about 4 miles, too far to be worth going to. Morrisons about the same and I go there sometimes for the petrol vouchers.

Plus a couple of decent sized Waitroses about 2 miles away (opposite directions) which I must go to again for some more Heston lasagna.

No Aldis anywhere that I know of. There are probably Auchans and Mammouths and Monoprix nearer than Aldi.

Apart from that we are well supermarketed up.
I would point out that it was him not being touchy feely and being reserved that attracted me to him in the first place, and you can't change people!!
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Lol..Mr S is just the same Lofty .Very reserved and stoical .
I wish we had a Waitrose Jno .I used to shop there a lot when we lived in London .All our big supermarkets are out of town apart from Morrisons which is just down on the quay ,five minutes walk away.
I can get to Lidl , Asda and Aldi by bus though ,but you have to plan ahead like a route march .Sainsburys is a good walk too from the bus station .I order on line and let them bring it .The servants refuse to travel by bus :))
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Oooh yes the jars of gherkins in Lidl are great . I buy the sliced ones and then I buy the fleischwurst and make meat salad myself because they charge over a quid for a very small tub now .It used to be 99p for a big tub ,now you get half the amount .Their Black Forest ham is nice too .
Oh there you is shaney, that's a pretty bag. I thought about making those, I was looking at them somewhere recently and they were asking silly money. Tapestry, tweedy and fabric bags are supposed to be a big thing this winter...according to my glossy mag.

No lidldidi near to me, it's years since I went to one...or an aldi or morrisons. In the dim and distant past I had one of those rare male friends who quite liked supermarket shopping....I think we went to everyone in Derbyshire :)

It's a lovely day here and I was going to go in the garden but I'm achey too ....might just sit in the sunny room and eat the big cheesecake I've just bought from the co-op.
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Oooh naughty Robinia .....give me that cheesecake NOW :)
The bag was only 2.50 to buy and she gives half to cancer research so I paid a bit more than that .
She had loads of lovely things ....all made on her sewing machine ! She was telling me she buys lots of stuff from charity shops like curtains etc ,washes them and makes new stuff from them .
She obviously doesn't hack bits off and makes proper seams :)
Mr LL = Mr N, not touchy feely or very sympathetic, mutters a few consoling words then shuts up, I could brain him, but If I go for a cuddle, then he will for a minute!!!

Just cleaned out inside fridge/freezer, have to tackle outside one another day.

Made meatballs and spagheti wityh his permission today.

Hija gave me a lovely grey long cardi with a scarf neck and also a mascara "MOM" for my birthday, I was bit put out with the mom bit obviously for old women then she showed me I was holding it upside down and it says "WOW".

Have found the spanish equivalent to a sticky finger bun so am chomping my way through a packet of 5 of them, they are longer and th9inner but delicious!

poor shaney, I only sometimes ache occasionally in one hip or one bum cheek or one knee (not counting the teeth) and blieve me that is hard enough so you must be suffering. I wish you all could come over here and have a really good relaxing time, we could perform at the closing of the hotels as "The all dancing all croaking Biddies" The blister on my heel is still very sore and it hurts to wear shoes, luckily I can get away with flipflops at the moment.
It was half price just can't not buy one can you? :)
Good thing I'm not on a diet, there are 260 calories in one slice!

There you go, plenty of sewing ideas'll have picky & mr s in dashing curtain-hosen in no time :)

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