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Hair styler

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shaneystar2 | 20:23 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Beauty
1241 Answers
I'm looking for a new hair styler . My old Nicky Clarke has given up .
Well ,let's say it went ..bang ,and I jumped abut a lot :)
What I want is a hot brush type thing ..not a straightener ..just one of those ones that give your hair a bit of bounce . Like a blow dry brush but electric .
Any recommendations......thank you .


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Morning all
And it's a chilly one .Yes I did eventually go to bed and sleep .It must have been the coffee as I had very little to drink really ,only a glass of beer and a couple of sloshes . I never drink coffee last thing usually .
Not to worry though .I made good use of the time and did some internet shopping . Amazon must love me in the middle of the night :)
Our clocks went back but I keep my watch on normal time for a little while just to surprise myself that it's not as late as I thought it was .
Hope you are all Ok .Hope you soon feel better Robinia ,take it easy .
I know jno, sounds dead posh don't it? The thing is that I am not at my best early in the morning and before I started to leave coat, gloves etcet in the car, I have been known to get to the dogwalk car park, leap out of the car and find that I have no coat, hat or january........

I am a big fan of small hours shopping, I find some of my best stuff then. I have a prime subscription on Amazon which saves me a fortune in p and p and you get next day delivery. I'm a kindle addict books on demand in thre middle of the night....magic!

for Neti.
Fear no more the heat o' the sun;
Nor the furious winter's rages,
Thou thy worldly task hast done,
Home art gone, and ta'en thy wages;

No exorciser harm thee!
Nor no witchcraft charm thee!
Ghost unlaid forbear thee!
Nothing ill come near thee!
Quiet consummation have;
And renowned be thy grave.
Good morning All. I'm sorry you're not feeling well Robi. Get well soon. It is a bit of a depressing day outside today too and that isn't much help making you feel better, I feel like a tv lazy day today too. The party next door sounded great. There were children there laughing and playing games and dancing to some good music. Then at about 10.30 they left and the adults party began which I didn't mind either really because it sounded really happy but it did go on until about 4 so today is going to be a sleepy day for me.
I've got woolly tights on today for the first time since I can't remember when and the heating is right up and I'll be watching footie later.
I'm pleased Hija has found a job Neti and hope she finds somewhere soon to live.
Hope everybody else is ok and battling on like we do. I sometimes wonder where my rockin and rollin days went. Never mind - good memories!!
Laters 'gater(s)
I have been buying birth certificates in the middle of the night... not quite the same as a nice car coat (let alone a nice car).

In the course of my researches I have found that my sister in law was chosen by the coffee shop chain she works for as Personality of the Year, so that's nice. Much better than "Most Improved", which might suggest she used to be rubbish.
Good afternoon, Mr LL's birthday and we went out for a meal last night - which included squid kebabs to dip in satay sauce. The meal was good, but I felt really uncomfortable on a hard chair and my back is now killing me.

Robi, I agree all you can do is rest or sleep when you need to. It really does no good trying to keep going. I hope you feel much better soon. I can't remember actually feeling well - I seem to lurch from day to day. The only place I don't hurt is in bed (that's my excuse)!!

Take care of yourselves, all of you.

tut, all these people munchng tentacles and then feeling peculiar. It is the revenge of the Squid God.

Sqid says take 600mg Ibuprofen.
ha ha jno, I have also been squid munching again today (squid, lobster claws, mussels, prawns, chicken and clams ) all mixed in with noodles a la fideua, (basically a paella with noodles, so edible and morish!)

Thansk woofy, that is rather nice.

Am back in my bed, having consumed above meal, and a few dime sweets, alond with a bottle of Blanc pescador wine. Will have to be more normal from now on.
why neti?
Question Author
A normal Neti ? Never on yer Nellie :)
Yes, winter is here (well almost) just need peace and quiet and cosy nights and English tv. Of course, I may change my mind again!
Just called in to say goodnight all. Off for a chat on Skype. Going to see a friend I haven't seen for ages tomorrow then Tuesday it's back to the Wrist Class again. Intit dark!!
See yer later 'gater(s)
Hi jude, bye jude xx
morning all, back to wet and mild here.
Morning, sunny but slightly chiilly here. Have lived a lifetime in an hour already! Had to take care to garage for new battery, pay on C/card says Mr N, ahah, credit card not accepted so after 3 phone calls he comes back with his creditcard, still not accpeted, d'oh so he pays 150€ in cash. They had found a load of chomped up algroba (carob) beans in the engine, Rats said the mechanic, rats? with all these damned cats about? Anyway they hadn't chewed through anything important. Then big fuss to find code for radio, but there I did have it stored in car. Then back home we have realised that our quarterly cheque hasn't arrived from the bank (due in Sept) which usually pays all the taxes and council thingies. So hunt down the number for the fund manager , he's not there, left a message. Cat peed on bed, so all that's been washed. Took out mince for tonight's chilli con carne, dried all yesterday's washing.

And then a dinner invite for Wednesday night, so will be off out again!

Off to meet friends for coffee, catch you lovely ladies later >>>>>>
I found yesterday to be one of the longest days I have ever known!!
never mind the rats in the car, it's the credit cards not being accepted that would worry me. Waitrose won't accept barter these days, y' know.
tut, looks like they've all been silenced. It must be that political correctness.
been busy...did housework then went out shopping for birthday gifts for my anyone else having trouble adjusting to the clock change this year?
Back home after a lovely lunch with my friend in her village pub. Cottage pie with lovely green veggies. Then Apple fritters with toffee sauce and vanilla ice cream. I even went on the bus (not driving yet) and so we had a glass of wine as well. Lovely. Think I'll go on the bus next time too!!
When I got home I tried to start my car to take it round the houses just to see how i would get on and it wouldn't start. Steady is coming on Wednesday with his battery charger to get it going for me!!
Off out again tomorrow to Wrist Class then another 'ladies wot lunch' day with my Tai Chi friends. Can't be bad. I might walk there4 then I can have aother glass of wine, can't I!!
Going to watch S.onT.D. tonight and Only Connect. Then bed for me as I'm up at 6 tomorrow. Shaney I think it's getting towards the final, isn't it.
The questions are definitely getting harder. What so you reckon?
I hope you're getting through things ok Neti.
Oight Oight everybiddy. See yer later 'gater(s)
Please excuse typeos. I'm rubbish when I'm getting tired! Well any time really!! :)

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