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Hair styler

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shaneystar2 | 20:23 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Beauty
1241 Answers
I'm looking for a new hair styler . My old Nicky Clarke has given up .
Well ,let's say it went ..bang ,and I jumped abut a lot :)
What I want is a hot brush type thing ..not a straightener ..just one of those ones that give your hair a bit of bounce . Like a blow dry brush but electric .
Any recommendations......thank you .


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Oh I like your witch better jno, that is much more me, oh except I am to be a vampire (or vampira - feminine). Maybe I should have bought a grey wig, but then hey where's the difference?

Oh jude LV how naice! I bought some Arm & Hammer toothpaste in Harrods once, but have never found it , must have left it somewhere.

Pa-in-law always bought food in Fortum and Mason's at Christmas, tasted the same to me as Tesco!
Can you believe it, hija has managed to open a bank account with just her passport in England and I am not allowed to, have to have a overseas residents account, so am marching into NatWest in Nov and produce my passport and ask for one!
neti, you went all the way to Harrods for A&H tuffpaste? You can buy it in ye olde groat shoppe ya know!

So that's where my bank went's bit of a trek to draw out fiver since they gave the local one a make under
The oldest tree in Paris is a robinia...did you see me?

I feel like the oldest stick in Derby at the moment, I think I've got a virus, others have had this terrible aches and pains thing....not much fun when you've already got more than enough.
a vampiarella... well do rememebr to wipe the blood off your chin


Robinia, I have seen the Paris Robinia. It is held up by sticks. I think it got its name there from Monsieur Robin.
I bet it still looks more youthful than I do today jno.... :)
Thinking about it jno, it was probably you who told us about it...all they seemed to teach in geography at school was the rainfall and rock formations in godforsaken countries no one would want to visit.
Oight Oight all. I'm Happy with today's house/gardenwork. Not finished garden but got a lot of cutting back done and it doesn't look too bad now.
Have a good weekend all of you.
See yer later 'gater(s)
I'm sure it's one of the ones on the map here, Robinia

In fact I think that's it in the photo, being propped up on all sides.
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I hope Neti got plenty of sweeties while she was out trick or treating and wasn't flashing her bazooms at passers by for a fruit gum :)

Turned very,very cold here and we just had a sharp shower of hailstones .
We lit the first fire of the winter months tonight .

I think you'll like those books Woofy .I've enjoyed the ones I've read .
Hope you feel better tomorrow Robinia .
Oight Oight chums ,sleep toight .
Oight, oight xx
oof have been out with friends to see a seventies tribute band. It was good but noisy. Dogs were very good and we have just shared a chicken sandwich and some marshmallow wafers. They are asleep and I am winding down with some telly. Oight oight all.
this was the band

channeling some pain free rest and a better day for Robi
Jackie was a 70s magazine? I was reading that back in the mid-60s.
Morning all...bright 'n sunny (no snow or sleet here!) but sooooo cold, that wind cuts right through. It was 1C earlier with a real feel of Siberia.

Oh that poor old tree, I could do with props...for me, not my robinia. Any time now there's going to be a thud as all the leaves on local trees drop off en masse after this cold snap.

Jackie was my first grown up mag in the 60s too, it followed Bunty and Judy which had followed Playhour I really looked forward to comic day, simple pleasures and all that.

Thanks for the good vibes, I'm in less pain but I've still got that horrible weak flu-ish feeling.
I know, the timeline was a bit out of whack, they were actually aiming at one generation younger than me. It was quite strange really...they were saying "when you were a teenager, do you remember this?" and for my mate and I it was after we were married....a bit like the question posted on here the other day asking if Cilla had ever done Surprise Surprise....
Robi I am glad to hear that you are feeling better. I think there are virussy things around at the mo.
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Looks good though Woofy .Hope you enjoyed yourself .
I remember reading Jackie in the sixties .The Cathy and Claire problem page ...ha ha . I don't buy many magazines these days only WW sometimes or occasionally a glossy .I bought a knitting mag recently and it was nearly a fiver !
Cold here and we've had a mixed bag of sleet ,hail and sun .
Hope all Biddies are Ok .Glad you feel a bit better Robinia .

Where's our Neti this morning after the Halloween antics ?
I have the devil in me today.....been playing with an atheist....hope I don't catch it. Its cold and bright here. Was planning to load the dogs in the car and go somewhere but my stomach has decreed a day spent near the loo and happily the dogs want to kip after such a late night.
Bad news, my bro-in-law died today at midday in hospital where he was being treated for pnuemonia, they found that he also had mrsa, sister is so shocked she can't take it in. I also have to go to a funeral today at 6pm of our friend's 33 yr old daughter who had cancer and she chose to give birth rather than kill her baby when pregnant, oh what a world!

I'll be back whenever, love you all
Oh Neti I am so sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and also with your friend and her family.....such great love to show for a baby.
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Oh how terribly sad for you Neti .
Sincere condolences to you and your sister xxx

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