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Hair styler

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shaneystar2 | 20:23 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Beauty
1241 Answers
I'm looking for a new hair styler . My old Nicky Clarke has given up .
Well ,let's say it went ..bang ,and I jumped abut a lot :)
What I want is a hot brush type thing ..not a straightener ..just one of those ones that give your hair a bit of bounce . Like a blow dry brush but electric .
Any recommendations......thank you .


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<waves to Jude>

I have decided I am going to watch a TV programme tonight, something I rarely do as it is so plebby, when one could be listening to Mongolian nose-flutes instead. But Alistair Sooke on the devil sounds itneresting.
I have just watched Terry Pratchett interviewed at the Hay Festival.....brilliant man. Anyway oight oight all.
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Oh I've watched lots of plebs telly today as feel rough .Don't all start running to the florists and chocolate shop though it's only a rheumy attack but they make me feel rotten.I'm dosed up on many mgs , buscopan and the odd Chelsea bun with jam .
Still quite chilly here but it's been fairly bright .Nothing doing here otherwise ,done b all all day .I've had an email from my MP wanting my views on wind farms and the doctors surgery want Mr S to go and talk to medical students about his "experience "but he refused .
Yes the Q's do seem harder Jude .The knockout rounds start next week .It's quite a way to the final yet I think .
Hope you are all Ok though .Oight Oight .
Good morning all. Sunny here and I'm off to the hospital. Laters 'gaters
Good morning biddies,

Poor shaney, excuse my ignorance but what is a rheumy attack, is it rheumatism? Anyway I hope you feel better today, you are one of the ones who plod on regardless, maybe you need a rest.

Have decided to fly to England a week earlier so can get to the funeral, seems seillyt to get there 3 days later.

Off to sort out lots of things (ie my stupid new kettle which tastes of plastic, the leccy and water bills which have not changfed the new addy!
Morning all...kept losing my internet connection yesterday, grrrr.
Cold but sunny, just waitin for the laundry fairy to finish mangling...I suppose I'll have to peg out myself, she cant reach the line, tut.

Good luck at the hospital Jude.
Sorry you're struggling again shaney, it's bloomin draining, hope you feel bette soon. (neti, yes, rheumy = rheumatoid arthritis).
It took some effort to get myself to the shops yesterday (went early, it's half term) but I had no choice and felt a bit better after a moan and a laugh with the natives. I daren't say I'm feeling better for fear I'll be shot down again.

woofy I've settled into the time change really well. I had been getting up about half an hour later, probably due to the dark, so now I'm actually awake nice and early. I find I cope better now with the dark evenings if there's extra light in the morning. Soon it'll be dark all day though :(.

I never worry about watching too much tele
good morning all, I have sore throat and a sore sinus...most inconvenient. Its properly cold here today but nice and bright. Shughy wants to curl up in the warm with the heating on and Rab wants the door open so he can bounce in and out....I voted with shughy but feel a bit mean......
oh dear, now you woofy...we're wobbling like weebles at the moment. Keep warm, don't feel mean, our pets (and kids) were sent to make us feel guilty.

I've got a new coat...sorry, not the leopard one (not yet...maybe if it's ever reduced...) I actually opted for dark grey version of the burgundy padded one I showed you, I decided it would go better with the accessories I already have. It's lovely, practical, good fit & looks better than the pic and I love the (detachable) fur collar :)
oh... and somehow this little tote bag arrived ;)
Goes lovely with my bargain ginger/russett scarf to wear with the beige wooly coat I bought last winter and (only wore once)

now, what can I buy today...?
ha! there's always something to burst your bubble...just had a text telling me to make an appt for a dental check up. :(
morning Robi, thanks for the good thoughts. Colds aren't life threatening but they do make you feel like poo. I've had some paracetamol and two cups of hot coffee and am feeling a bit nearer real life.
That's a nice bag....
oh woe is me, my back and hip are starting to twinge, now I've join you lot! its cos its got cold and damp very quickly. Dont usually put a cover on the bed until Nov 22 but it's been on a week already.

Meat and pot pie tonight, will think of you when eating it Robi!

Get well soon woofy, I always keep the double front doors open until nightfall as I hate being enclosed, Rab had better come and live here, he'd be in his element, chasing cats and night monsters!!
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Hello Weebles and Wobblies
What are we all like eh ?
Yes Neti I am a bit of plodder .I don't like giving in but sometimes you have to when you feel as if someone is poking you with red hot needles and all joints on fire .It's eased off ,it usually does but Accu say extreme arthritis index for the next few days.Deep joy .
Mustn't grumble though when you see what they're having to put up with in America .
Not a bad day here actually ,bright and sunny but cold .
Ooh I love the bag Robinia ....
Take care all ,keep warm xx
oh lawdy shaney, it says extreme for Derby too...mind you I don't need them to tell me, I usually know before they do.
Yes, it's rough in America, poor people. Must be awful if you're ill and have to cope with things like that.

Ordering some good health for us all.
I think the whole world's on tinter today, my computer's very slow.
oight oight all.
the Ed said it might be the hurricane slowing AB down as its servers are in New Jersey.

Speaking of which, I went to Primark today and bought a ...

Only £10 and real acrylic! It has speckles on a dark background and now I've put it on of course it looks as if I'm dripping dandruff all over it. Bother.
Bad night. cant sleep.
Good morning from a grey and wet Ibiza :0)

I woke up an hour ago made a cuppa in the bright sunlight, now its all grey, and I do not mind.

Hope you are all feeling better.

Jno I once bought a sweater which was beige with little black splodges on it randomly, and everytime I wear it, people ask if it is raining! d'0h!!
Morning all...dismal & cold here

Oh woofy, I had a bad night too sigh... I was desperately flicking round the tv channels to try and find something to occupy my mind and I was wishing I had a laptop so I could haunt the AB corridors. I really don't know what to do with myself at the moment.

Bought a what jno?! A fur coat?....I ordered a navy cardi 'flecked' cardi last autumn but when it arrived it looked like a plain navy cardi that had been thrown in the washer with an old blanket... it went back sharpish.
We truly are fashion victims.
I bought a new jersey

see what I did there?

The council men are out in the streets pruning the trees like mad. A week earlier would have kept even more leaves from falling all over the place, but better late than never; it should mean a lot less drive-sweeping.
Good morning all, the last time I can remember looking at the clock was 3 am and then I had bad dreams. Still the night is over and I am still standing. The dogs are out rioting in the windy garden, we'll go out later.

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