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Eyebrow threading

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shaneystar2 | 16:18 Wed 24th Oct 2012 | Beauty
1904 Answers
Have any of you ladies had this done ?
I was in town this morning and there was a stand in the shopping centre and they were doing eyebrow threading for a fiver .I dithered :)
Does it hurt ? My eyebrows are nowhere near as thick and dark as they used to be these days but I was wondering if it might make them "look" neater and thicker.


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woo...noticed I've just clocked up the 1000th answer in the salon. better shout up NETI! I'm on the previous page, talking about something you love!
11:57 Tue 27th Aug 2013
Morning all...ahhh, this is more like it, still a bit fresh but bright sunshine, blue sky and no wind. I was going to do indoor stuff but there's no way I'm missing any of this. Hope you all have the same.

Lovely anemenememones shaney, yours are double ones I see... I've got the single pink and single white ones, they've been a bit slow but they're coming along now. I seem to be evicting wildlife every day, especially moths and they're not easy to catch in a glass. The silly one I had yesterday turned round and flew back in.
Right, gotta get moving, I need some bird food. I thought I had some emergency reserves in the shed but I obviously had an emergency and didn't notice 'cos the maximum security mouseproof store is bare.....unless those pesky meece have found a way.....?
Good morn all. Bro arrived last night and almost straight to bed. Got up this morning and cut all the wood for me. Now he's gone to work for a friend in Derbyshire. Have to get the grass cut now.
Hope you all have a good day. It's glorious here. Later gaters.
Good morning all. Got my new phone its like a galaxy note, huge screen, love it. Just been to dentist ouch she was getting rid of plaque on front two top teeth- jees painful. Thought they were gonna fall out.
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Morning all
Hope you're all ok on this lovely sunny morning .I thought we were going to have a real downpour last night but it blew over.
I must do a bit of indoor stuff today .I'll wave at you through the window Robinia :)
good morning all. A nice day here, cool and bright. Dogs had a lovely run this morning and I am sat here in state in a clean tidy house which is amazing. Tree man has been, very helpful and sensible and the rough quote was much less than I had hoped it could be, including doing the council paperwork. This afternoon I am going on a walking treasure hunt followed by a cream tea. Happy days.
Shughy thinks I am Wonder Woman because I evicted two dangerous giant crane flies last night.
I can't stand having OH here all day and everyday - I like my space! On the good side he has an appointment with Traumatologico next Tues, I wish they snip his knee and get it over and done with! At this rate I'll snip his neck! grr! Anyway he is earning his keep by cooking dinner tonight, I gave him a hint!

Hot here still, am sweating summat orful! Thank heavens gthe chemist gave me a special cream for under the boobies, they haven't played up for ages and I only used the cream 2x. Went to storeroom to find some clothes for England and a suitcase, well impossible. Mr N's workstuff is everywhere, I had to climb over drills and hoovers tile cutters, gave up in the end, so he is helping sometime this week. I did find my suitcase but it is packed with bedding!!
Damn water is dripping through the taps, they must be working on it somewhere as I can't have a shower or anything. I drove 2 streets away to check our meter but no one is messing with it for a change.

Hope you are all well and happy, I left some whiskas cat food out overnight, in covered bowl and it has stank, stunk, stinked or stonked the house out, revolting.
Hi Neti remember when we were in the Victoria area well I was there last Friday and couldn't find the pub we lunched in but I could the coffee shop. We had to get the tour bus at the Victoria Coach station. A great day with Champagne tea in Harrods! Loverly.
I'm just going to have a TTD pie from Sainsburys and veg for my lunch then out in the garden again.
Oven chips...giant chocolate buttons...cream donuts....a succesful shop :)
I did buy 2 'nanas just to prove I recognise fruit.

Who shoved these clouds across?....tut
Oh jude, I would have remembered the pub and those gorgeous portuguese waiters!

Shove some clouds my way if you please.
Oh gosh we are getting so many young British tourists dying over here this year, two in one day two last week and several in the weeks before, they get drunk or drugged and then think they can do anything. They drown, they climb over balconies and fall down, I feel so sad for them, they just think they are invincible.
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It's lovely here .Very warm .I rotated outside from inside ( that can wait ) and did a bit of snipping .
Whatever will you do when Mr N. retires and is at home permanetly Neti ?
That's all you hear on the news ,doom and gloom .I saw this morning that they want to cut 600 jobs at our local hospital .It'll turn into a treat yourself place before long .They'll issue you with a needle and tell you where to stick it :)
I hope you find some treasure Woofy !
Oh shaney - he is 10 yrs younger and he likes working, but he normally plays golf every day which keeps us both happy, it's just his knee is so painful at the moment.

When I do something that displeases (!) him, I mutter "well it makes you happy having something to moan about" and he then behaves. That shout I had at him a few weeks back worked miracles. He was really surprised and shocked! cos I have mellowed greatly with the passing years.
Harumph! I wrote a post from new super duper new phone and it hasn't arrived. See if this one does
Hi again. Grass has had Weed & Feed put on it. All the wood is out of the way. Woofy I have one small root left of that plant so if it dies grow again I'll keep it cut back all the time. Have a massive pile of ironing now to do. Maybe later when I'm watching telly.
At least giving on your own has it's. Advantages but it can be a bit lonely at times.
See ya later 'gaters.
Dies=does. !!
I'm useless posting from my phone. Hope you've. Understood.
I would have loved to work in an NHS where I could have told some of my patients (very few) where to stick it!! Jude you made phonesense!! I feel I ought to know where jno is but have no brains tonight.
Neti, isn't that what suitcases are for? Robi, I hope you are feeling better.
I have had a stinking day. Tree man was very nice and sensible and quoted me about half what I was expecting including doing all the council paperwork for the protected trees.
Then I spent the afternoon wandering around a local village with a gang of giggly ladies all about my age. They are the work colleagues and their friends of my friend down the road with the sons. We ended up at the community hall for an amazing cream tea, all the cream and jam scones and cream meringues that you could eat and loads more giggling.

we didn't win but weren't last....last year my friend's team came in last!!
3rd attempt.

I called the water board after a day with hardly any water, they sent out some workmen who couldn't locate my house. Meanwhile Mr N took it upon himself to check the water meter cupboard in the next street where ours is kept, and some b had turned it off! so I had to phone the waterboard and cancel the poor workmen who were circulating the village looking for my house, then I did one load of washing. OH should have/could have checked all this sooner!!!! BUT he made a delicious dinner so he is forgiven!!
Hija has bought herself a real samsung galaxy phone!

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